I certainly will Mew. I will post as detailed a report as i can. This experiment will likely take a month or so to come to fruition because I will be moving later this month but this is most likely going to be my first trip once i move and i will certainly be posting the results, most likely to this thread.
I can't wait to hear about it! I hope you find the healing you are seeking. Nagdeo
I really think i will. I only have one previous experience with cactus tea, which i had no involvement in the brewing and it was one of the most reinvigorating experiences i have had.
i like preparing things as i sleep, letting steep with excess water in a crock pot. that way when you wake up you can perform a filtration and continue your extraction with fresh water (maybe with some acidification)
decanting is crucial to achieving a more potent product, let your brew sleep in the fridge, sometimes even for a couple days, often more precipitates out depending upon how reduced it is.
Another quick question, about how much does a foot of dried outer skin and flesh weigh? I know it depends on many factors but a ballpark would be appreciated.
when i filet my live achuma i end up with 10 g of flesh per foot, each foot is a little over a pound. roughly 3/8ths of the raw weight is the filets i dehydrate into the 10 g outter flesh powder
i also cut mine 5mm from the surface, if you cut deeper your filets will be heavier, unless you know how deep your prepared flesh was cut theres no way to guess how many feet you have.
another variable is the size of the cacti harvested, mine are all 1 foot specimens (top cuts usually) and thats how i end up with a standard 10 g, ive prepared base cuttings before and yielded 17g/ foot...
no matter how im going to use the cacti i remove the waxy skin, so it is not in my calculations what so ever. it is totally inert and will only serve to facilitate nausea
Mew you are a godsend, i really appreciate all your patience and help.
sir, you flatter me, im just a cactus eater ;p
So is cacti and mescaline your preferred entheogens? Purely out of curiosity since you have quite a knowledge of it and are quite active on these forums.
for full on breakthroughs i prefer achuma prepared by fileting the outter 5mm green flesh (no skin or spines) drying this flesh, then powdering it. making a resin by evaporating the tea made from the rest of the cactus not fileted (minus the waxy flesh). mix the powder with the resin to make marbles and eat those marbles at sundown after fasting all day + hydrating. 2 feet is the magic amount to go beyond, more than that and its unnecessarily powerful, less than that and i tend to not leave linear reality as cleanly or completely
i also like using changa/dmt while on cactus/mescaline for instant peaks, i find that if im not using an entheogenic dose i like to hit that level with dmt/changa
mescaline is great, better than any drug you could buy IMHO, however i do not prefer to use it for breakthroughs, rather for empathogenic/therapeutic/ recreational use. it has a different feel to it. if i decide to concentrate the entire cactus for breakthrouhgs id do an ethanol resin, id also feel comfortable dosing the resin like extracted mescaline, it to me has qualities of both unadulterated cactus and mescaline salt
i like combing lsa with cactus/mescaline it gives the experience more euphoria and visual texturing (much like adding psychotria to a caapi brew)
calea zacatechichi goes well with all entheogens and is amazing by itself, i take it almost nightly in conjunction with either melatonin or harmalas
i used to smoke weed during my cactus experiences, i was careful to only smoke after the peak diminished as to not get an avalanche of paranoia but i found i felt safer dosing higher without it, and had more profound experiences instead of trivial intensity
im not the biggest dmt user, infact i much prefer cactus than dmt, i dont entirely enjoy leaving myself while using dmt, for me its often riddled with trepidation. i find that blasting dmt on cactus though is a much smoother transition to hyperspace as youre already in the entheogenic mindset. ive willingly gone as far and farther with achuma than i have with accidental heroic dosing of mushrooms and aya, smoking dmt has never gotten me to the level that the oral entheogens have.