and lets not forget ALD-52
Jorkest wrote:and lets not forget ALD-52 If only i could get my hands on THAT stuff...
The natural entheogens that have thousands of years of use didn't always. That shit had to start somewhere. Someone had to take a chance and experiment with those substances. Many are still taking chances.
the only (semi) synthetic SWIM is interested in is LSD.. Was his first psychedelic and the one he took most times in his life. Its a great tool ! not so much about 'morality' and conscience for SWIM as other natural entheogens are, but it is a lot about ideas, intellect, insights, body consciousness, etc.. Not to mention it is amazing to listen to music with, take and be half-social with some tripping buddies, explore nature, etc
plus, the acid chemists and upper levels of distribution are special ppl, not just any meth cooks and dealrs looking for profits or something like that.
as a psychologist, though, SWIM is open to the idea of MDMA use in psychotherapy, but not for himself. Used it a couple of times years ago but its just not his thing, feels too plastic and fake happiness
Quote:Both nitrous oxide and ketamine are quite forgiving in their therapeutic index. Indeed both are quite safe and have a long history of use and research poured into them. Amazing tools really. Tea fell into water Smoalk N,N DMT errrrday Quote:11:53:11 ‹Untm› Nexus chat and anti-gravity simulated racing is my coffee.
It's probably a matter of availability that turns us towards or away from naturals.
But I think like a chemist so,...
"A chemical is a chemical is a chemical is a chemical is a..." So whether it's synthetic or natural doesn't affect how I think of chemicals, only of how they are used. However, there is the certain appeal that based merely on the fact that some of these chemicals are inherently and naturally found in nature, it gives them more of a higher value in terms of long-standing entheogenic use.
Ultimately, I have no problem with synths. The forum's attitude/rules however is different.
Jorkest wrote:and lets not forget ALD-52 The stuff of legend This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.