im not entirely sure why this has happened, but its happened a few times.
1 time i ended up with hard black acetates another time i ended up with an endlessly wet black resin (even in the dehydrator it didnt dry)
anyone know whats going on here?
it is not nearly as potent as waxy amber/orange mesc acetate but it is still active. A friend reported having amazing experiences with the black stuff i gave him, he did take 400 and 600 mgs. i took 400mgs and drank pretty heavily, but never really felt full effects, again the alcohol may have blinded me to it.
too much acid used during salting
Yess, too much acid. Washing this to get any real change in color would be inneficient at best, or just plain impossible. What I found to work well in such case is just re-A/B it (redissolve in a bit of warm water, filter water to remove inactive non-soluble solids, base, pull, re-salt).
Good luck!