well you probably wont believe this but it actually works universecannon attached the following image(s): Gifs-4.gif (1,904kb) downloaded 187 time(s).
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
This is so very cool. I saw this a little while ago, tried it and was amazed it worked. On another note: When I used to do long distance rowing (30+km's) Our coach used to make us practice concentration by focusing on a lit candle while trying to blow it out with our minds - Basically impossible - but a good way to keep your mind focused. One day a small breeze must have blown the candle out while I was staring at it, I almost fell over when it blew out Sonorous fractal manifestastions, birthing golden vibrations, that echo through folds of space & time, ferry my soul closer to God
I tried it and it did not work Should it work with any candle ? or is this just another post 1. april joke We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
smokerx wrote:I tried it and it did not work Should it work with any candle ? or is this just another post 1. april joke It works, just tried it as well. Tried with couple different candles the bigger ones worked easier for has more smoke I guess. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
so cool, gonna try this one. "You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." — Terence McKenna
"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
It really works!!! You just need to find calm place (no wind there) and then light the smoke that appears after you blew out the candle. believe in nexus