I am in the final stages of extraxting the full scale spectrum harmalas from rue using gibran2 tek.
370 gr of powdered rue was used.
boiled 3 times between 30 and 45 min.
For primary filtrating I used the kind of bags shown in the first pic.
They are really handy in many ways of filtration !!
I have 2, the 220 and the 75 micron sieve.
The line goes from
220 mc
185 mc
70 mc
35 mc
25 mc
Not cheap but it will last "for ever".
THen some cotton filtrating and the 2.5 liter where put in a 3 liter bottle.
Dissolved naoh was added and final PH was 12.6.
Second picture show the result of the first basifying stage.
Water was taken of as much as possible with sucktion and gravity doing its work through a flexible tube.
Oh yeah, I did all with destilled water.
So new water was added all was given a good shake end the solid where coming down again.
But this went very slow.
As you can see on the markings a made on the bottle the solids did not even come half way to the previous marking when I based the solution.
This felt strange. Why would there be less precipitate ?
PH was checked, 12,4, thats fine.
Is it because I shook it was and more of the unwanteds detatched from the precipitate ??
To be shure I saved the liquid from the first decanting, this showd some sediment after a few day and I will find out soon if these are harmalas or not.
I want to go to the cleaning part after the second basification.
I thin I must have decanted the water between 8 and 10 times and all the time taking reading with the ph meter to see how it goes down.
Quickly I decided to put the solids in relativily a lot of water hoping to get the PH down quicker.
When my destilled water was finished it still was about PH 9.3. I did about 7 stages.
I continued with tab water PH 7.9
On the final wash the PH was 8.5
Gibran did you actually messure your PH ?
I find it hard to believe you got your PH down between 6 and 7 using the little glass, little water in your tek.
Also three washes doessent seem enough.
I am quite shure I did not use to much lye.
After the sixth wash I decided to put the water harmala mix on my magnetic stirrer thinking this would help clearing out all the base faster.
Anyway I enjoyed using your tek.
The process is not completely finished but I already can show a picture of dried full spectrum rue harmalas.
more result will come soon.
NamRa attached the following image(s):

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