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..Lame day - wasted 500g extraction Options
#1 Posted : 4/18/2012 8:48:25 AM
So.. SWIM was doing a 500g MHRB A/B extraction using shaggy's tek. Apparently the 1 gal Carlo Rossi wine jug had taken some heat stress in previous extractions. After filling with the hot lye water and bark water, suddenly heard ...crack. rushed to the crockpot as the bottom of the glass jug cracked out and spilled a gallon of lye/bark water into the pot / everywhere..

Is there a better stronger pyrex container SWIM should be using? SWIM's advice to anyone using that technique to change out the wine jug every 2-3 extractions. The one in use had gone through several.. Anyways, super lame. Thought people should know..
Love everyone, Respect everyone, Live Happy! - TB
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 4/18/2012 8:53:17 AM
When working in glass, it's wise to do it over something like a sink, as yes this does tend to happen. Mason jars with aluminum foil work good, for larger extractions, just gotta be more careful!
#3 Posted : 4/18/2012 8:56:16 AM
Why are you 'filling the glass with hot lye and bark'? Always mix the lye gradually, adding little by little and stirring as you do it, so the heat never accumulates in one part of the glass. Also you can work with your container jug inside a big stainless steel (NOT aluminium!) pot or similar, so even if it breaks you can recover. And/or work in a bathtub or in the sink so that its also easier to clean if there are any spills or similar.

Thanks for sharing the warning any ways,
#4 Posted : 4/18/2012 9:19:40 AM
SWIM had let the MHRB stew cool for 30 min, did everything SWIM normally does. The tek says to add the hot lye water, then the hot, "but not boiling" bark water.. Never had problems before. SWIM just needs to be more careful, wait maybe 45 min - 1 hr before adding to jug next time. The good thing - SWIM was outside so hosed off the deck no problem.

SWIM still has a crockpot with bark water and glass shards, SWIM has more bark so doesn't want to hassle with filtering that. After hanging with the spice was able to laugh it off. Shit happens, as they say..
Love everyone, Respect everyone, Live Happy! - TB
#5 Posted : 4/18/2012 9:40:10 AM
This tek needs to be edited, that is bad instruction, do not add hot water to a cold container, it creates heat stress.. Thats why you add the lye gradually with the mimosa solution already inside the container, or wait for the whole thing to cool down before adding to the container.

Glad you are alright Smile
#6 Posted : 4/18/2012 9:56:50 AM
Ya, little bit of a bummer. That would be cool if the tek was edited. Lucky SWIM was outside. It seemed like a nightmare at first but SWIM was able to laugh it off. Stress doesn't help.

SWIM's just glad he's got some first time xtals starting to form from a previous small batch. SWIM's getting some bestine too because hears it grows better xtals. Never tried xtals before, SWIM's excited. should be ready soon!
Love everyone, Respect everyone, Live Happy! - TB
#7 Posted : 4/18/2012 10:08:34 AM
How poorly unfortunate..!

"I'm sorry for your loss." (Funeral style)

Tripburger wrote:
Lucky SWIM was outside. It seemed like a nightmare at first but SWIM was able to laugh it off. Stress doesn't help.

Good to hear. Always how I try and look at things, as well. There's absolutely no use in being upset over something that's already occurred; it can't be changed.

~ Xtramint
"If you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you."
#8 Posted : 4/18/2012 10:50:33 AM
"always look on the bright side of life" - (whistles)..
Love everyone, Respect everyone, Live Happy! - TB
#9 Posted : 4/18/2012 11:12:31 AM
Ouch sorry to hear about that. You definitely should use a container to hold your jug. I use a plastic wash basin.
Anything I say is completely false and should not be taken seriously.
#10 Posted : 4/18/2012 4:31:05 PM
the same thing happened to me... what an utter disaster is was. It got all over me too ... luckily i didn't have to go to the hospital lol because it was very hot/caustic

for doing big extracts i say get a 4L Erlenmeyer flask (pyrex). You never know when that stuff will happen. It's pretty hard to break pyrex glass from heat stress, but i'm sure it's still possible
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#11 Posted : 4/18/2012 6:37:56 PM
"Why are you 'filling the glass with hot lye and bark'? Always mix the lye gradually, adding little by little and stirring as you do it, so the heat never accumulates in one part of the glass."

Long live the unwoke.
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