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Astral Projection Options
#1 Posted : 4/6/2012 4:39:07 AM
Are there any other projectors on this site? I had an incredible experience last night that introduced me to my first guide! I'd love to pick the brains of anyone else that projects regularly, or those who have only done it once or twice. I'm primarily interested in those who project through meditation (without additional substances), but any dmt users that believe they have projected as a result I'd also be interested in!

Thanks in advance Smile

"I have no special talents, I'm only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein
#2 Posted : 4/6/2012 11:29:50 AM
The dozen or so OBE's I've had have been while in the mind-awake, body-asleep state, sober. I use a Wake-back-to-bed (WBTB) technique to induce Sleep Paralysis, then a self-induced adrenaline surge/fight or flight response to induce the vibrations. Works 80% of the time.

I've only projected into "physical" or "Real-time" reality.

Pick away.Smile
#3 Posted : 4/6/2012 1:20:59 PM
When I was a child I used to have spontaneous out of body experiences, although I had no idea what they were until long after I lost the ability to do it.

While psychedelics almost always put me in the out of body state (particularly magic mushrooms which I seem to have a more sensitive reaction to then most people I know), I find it's been exceptionally difficult to master the ability on my own.

When I used to do it as a child, it was almost an every night thing. I'd lay down, go to sleep, and would always have the same recurring dream, or at least that's what I thought it was at the time. I'd suddenly find myself in the kitchen of my house (which was right next to my bedroom fyi), and I'd try to get my mom's attention but she would act like she couldn't hear me. Then I'd go to the living room and try to get my dad to play with me, but he ignored me. Frustrated, I'd climb to the top of the spiral staircase in our house and shout at both of my parents that I could fly and that they should watch me. I'd then leap off the stairs, levitate about six inches from the top of my dad's head (his chair was underneath the staircase I mention), and after only a few seconds of this I could never maintain the levitation and I'd fall into my dad and the shock of that would always cause me to sit up in my bed, fully awake.

OP, if you haven't researched the works of Robert Monroe I highly suggest you look him up. His books on out of body travel have helped me wrap my mind around some of the things I've seen from my psychedelic undertakings, causing me to fully accept that the astral realm from esoteric literature and the psychedelic experience are related in a direct way.

*EDIT* Thought I should add this. Although I don't have much ability to achieve an OBE on my own, I do have quite a bit of experience with guides in the other world. If you follow anything I've posted around here, I have a recurring entity that presents itself to me as my spirit guide, or at least that's how I interpret him. Almost everything I journey he meets me in other world and carries me along, showing and teaching me things. If there is anything I can offer you as far as information about guides I have at least some familiarity with the phenomenon. I specifically wanted to add that because I rarely hear anyone around here talk much about guides from hyperspace and that's a recurring experience for me.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#4 Posted : 4/6/2012 2:52:53 PM
I haven't had a lot of experience with astral projection, but there was one time that will always stick with me.
The time I sat on the moon and stared down at the earth.
I wasn't exactly sober (some THC still in my system from the night before) but it was brought about by a state of heavy meditation on the idea of astral projection. I was sitting in the very same chair I am now and before I really knew what was happening, I found myself just sitting there on the moon, looking down at the earth in awe.

I felt so weightless yet capable of sitting down as if held in place by a 'normal' force of gravity... maybe 6 seconds into the experience I realized, there was no oxygen for me, I was unable to breathe. Unfortunately this scared me a bit and I was shot back down into my body with great speed, leaving me very shaken and dumbfounded back in my chair in my room.

I'd love to have more experiences like this, but I'm having trouble mastering the art of projection. Tips would be much appreciated. Smile
#5 Posted : 4/7/2012 5:17:03 AM
I'd love to have more experiences like this, but I'm having trouble mastering the art of projection. Tips would be much appreciated. Smile

youtube is a fantastic source for beginners. specifically the 'lucidology 101' series. you can also get on amazon and check out some books that teach beginners. that's where i started Smile

Thought I should add this. Although I don't have much ability to achieve an OBE on my own, I do have quite a bit of experience with guides in the other world.

I'm going to link you to a forum post I made on an AP site here:

Meeting my first guide!

If you have any answers to my questions of meeting my first guide, I'd love to hear them!

I've only projected into "physical" or "Real-time" reality.

for me sleep paralysis happens through meditation. Though the first few times i did it it was completely random, and back then I really didn't understand what was happening. You say it works 80%- how often do u try? if it worked 80% for me, i'd do it almost daily! for me i can achieve projection maybe 10% of the time. the hardest part is just reaching the vibration stage. once i'm there, i'm off. You should read my other post above too! I'm new to it, so any tips or pointers an experienced traveler can offer, I'm eager to hear!

"I have no special talents, I'm only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein
#6 Posted : 4/12/2012 11:59:21 AM
3toedsloth wrote:
You say it works 80%- how often do u try? if it worked 80% for me, i'd do it almost daily!

Well, it works about 80% of the time if I invest a lot of time and energy into it. It's hard to maintain interest if you have a lot of distractions and sources of energy drain.

for me i can achieve projection maybe 10% of the time. the hardest part is just reaching the vibration stage.

If you save up your mental and emotional energy, remove distractions, check your ego, focus your attention, and put in the work, I bet you could improve those statistics.

Look into lucid dream induction techniques to reach the sleep paralysis stage. From there reaching the vibrational stage is the easy part. Controlling/intensifying the vibrations, detaching, and navigating while out-of-body is the tricky part (but easily doable if you invest a little time and energy into practice).

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