the rue alks used in the picture are from a extraction i did several years ago.
I followed a tek using salt and ?.
I have no idea how many conversions I did.
I do know I seperated the harmine from harmaline. Not shure if my labeling was right anyway the alks where quite light colered towrads grey.
Right now I am working with a full spectrum from rue have been doing conversions and filtering and finally slow steps (drops) freebasing.
For some reason I cant get the same results.
In the pic where the crystals form every drop seemed to make crystals and they was very floaty. When basing now the drops of base disseprear till certain PH level is reached and fb just drop at the bottum of the glass. Still I am getting cleaner (and less) harmaloids
NamRa attached the following image(s):

(64kb) downloaded 169 time(s).