I know alot about lsd and so does my girl after doing it so many times over the years with low and high does. Trying to clear up two questions as we cant work it out and i cant find any information anywhere, the vibrations in my girlfriends head are present from the trip starting and too the end of the trip, one will start in the middle of the head and then move out to the outside of the head there not permanently happening but they occur so many times during the trip she says it feels like a shuddering effect, any explantion to this as it interests me alot.
Also for me for the last year when i am on trips i think so intensly at such a rate it can get too much in the end at times and then i start to calculating everything in numbers and then start to think of everything in a coding language that ive never seen before and also i always see things in the future weither its happening in a minute or in months and alot of them have come true i once went to a alternative healer that did chakra realignment and they said i had the most powerful head chakra they have ever felt and recommended going to a psychic group so i could train my brain to read the future i dont know if this is 100% true but it seems likely if anyone has any answers id really appreciate it so we can understand what is happening,thanks.
dannygauge wrote:Also for me for the last year when i am on trips i think so intensly at such a rate it can get too much in the end at times and then i start to calculating everything in numbers and then start to think of everything in a coding language that ive never seen before and also i always see things in the future weither its happening in a minute or in months and alot of them have come true i once went to a alternative healer that did chakra realignment and they said i had the most powerful head chakra they have ever felt and recommended going to a psychic group so i could train my brain to read the future i dont know if this is 100% true but it seems likely if anyone has any answers id really appreciate it so we can understand what is happening,thanks. I don't know, but that's a long sentence.
Sorry i am very advanced with technology but im not the most literate person as of yet will get round to sorting that at some point!
It's a mystery, I wonder if anyone really knows, and would it really mean as much to us if we didn't have to wonder. Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
Toadfreak1 wrote:It's a mystery, I wonder if anyone really knows, and would it really mean as much to us if we didn't have to wonder. Yes it is a mystery i cant find any information have a few own theory's but nothing to back it up we both seem to have allot of things happen to us when together its out of this world some of the stuff has happened some of which we have worked out and some not, seem to be on such a tuned in level of consciousness and sub conscious that's its beyond my wild its dreams very spiritual to say the least.
I too, remember the future whilst under the influence of LSD. The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..