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HELP! proper method for cacti powder Options
#1 Posted : 3/10/2012 7:21:46 PM
Hi to everybodySmile

experience with SP cacti powder

initial conditions:
50 gramms had San Pedro cacti powder, 2 grapefruits (0,7 kg), blendor, microwave oven and thermos, 1 mandarine.

meat of 2 grapefruits put in blendor, blended (hope its proper word) - so 0,5 l of fresh grapefruit juice
juice put in microwave oven and heated about 5min on 700W until hot (but drinkable)
juice put in blender again, 13 gramms powder added, blended, juice goes in thermos
thermos shaked ~5 times every hour during 10 hour period

on stomach (that was empty for 8 hours) - (100ml still warm juice + piece of mandarin) X5 times
ate smth later - but no improve in effects

if 100 mics LSD is known then the juice was about 60 mics <- thats the problemCrying or very sad

useful for all:
drinking the juice by that method was not disgustingStop

Please help me - how to make the stuff work Wut? (prefer some traditional methods without extractions cause live in not the best country) - now I am left with 37 gramms SP powder.
believe in nexus
#2 Posted : 3/12/2012 8:40:21 PM

Im not sure, it can depend on your cactus powder.. San pedro varies a lot in potency, so it could be you have bad cactus. Is it from reputable supplier or did someone get good effects from same cact? 50g of very good cactus could be good dosage but its possible you just need more, I think.

I dont know if mescaline will be very soluble in grapefruit juice. It should be acidic so on one hand I could imagine it is, but other things in juice (and cactus) may affect solubility so its hard to know in theory. You could try just using water with a bit of lemon. Simmer/boil it in water and filter, add more water and repeat 3x, put the water together and discard solids, reduce to manageable amount and drink. See if you have good experience.

#3 Posted : 3/13/2012 9:20:19 AM
Thank you for the answer!
Sorry for my mistake in post - 13 gramm was taken and now left with 37 gramm.
The vendor seems to be quite good - MHUK.

How long should one do each boil?
believe in nexus
#4 Posted : 3/13/2012 9:43:00 AM
I think 13g is just not enough, it would have to be some VERY potent cactus for that to give good effects. Just try ingesting twice as much cactus instead (or all you have left).. I think 15 mins each boil should be enough... just in case, after you filter, keep the cactus powder stored separately, and if you dont get good effects you can try extracting from it in the future or something.
#5 Posted : 3/25/2012 1:55:33 PM
Thank you endlessness, but how to filter it properly?
'cause 35 gr cacti powder + 1 liter of water = smth like kissel that is hard to filter
believe in nexus
#6 Posted : 3/28/2012 12:04:14 PM
If you're saying that 13g of the cactus is equivalent to 60ug of acid, then it sounds as though you have some moderate-strength cactus. Take the other 37g all at once!

You could try the freezing method - add some water + lemon juice until the get a gooey paste and stick in the freezer overnight. In theory this should burst the cell walls, increasing the availability of the alkaloids. Break into chunks and swallow, or melt and spoon it down Twisted Evil . Or try boiling after the freezing too. So many possibilities!

You could try potentiating with a SMALL number of datura seeds (fewer than 3 to be safe).

Have fun!
~ everything changes ~
#7 Posted : 3/28/2012 6:16:06 PM
Just say "NO" to datura!
Infinite I
#8 Posted : 3/28/2012 6:34:26 PM
Kobranek wrote:
Just say "NO" to datura!

2-3 seeds defo helps potentiation and with nausea, isn't like your tripping on datura.
#9 Posted : 3/28/2012 10:20:32 PM
I'm a big fan of the rehydrated dough ball method.

simply add drips of water to the powder until you form a slimy dough. it's less nasty to eat the dough than to drink the bitter alkaloid tea.
hard on the stomach, but super effective
The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..
#10 Posted : 3/29/2012 12:39:48 AM
Strong cactus is fully active at 10-15 grams per dose, but that is not especially common.

If 13g was a lower end dose then I'd expect 2-4X that amount to be more ideal, which is decent at 20-50G per dose or so.

1% by dry weight is decent, if you had 50g of that you would have one dose at 500mg.
I consider half a gram to be an ideal dose.
#11 Posted : 4/8/2012 9:41:06 PM
Thanks a lot nexians!!!

WIsh you posted little earlier, cause

I have already boiled 37g cacti with lemon and lime juice for about 1 hour in 1,5 liters water one time. At first I was little bit dissapointed cause I couldn't filter that gooey syrup. So layed it away in +20, forgot about it and after one week saw the separation! (think it occured earlier), but there also was mold.
So one could boil it in 2 liters water several times, and I think in 1-3 days it will separate and do the separation at +4 in tall bottle.

Still have question:
Now I have the muddy tea smelling sweet and moldy - is it OK just to boil it for to say 10 minutes and drink?

believe in nexus
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