Hi, Recently, after much debate, I bioassayed some of my extraction from an A. Podalyriifolia. I found that it did not contain psycho active triptamines........I may have been wrong...
I have only recently purchased some very accurate scales and I have estimated that I bio'ed only 3-5 mg. (I heated 3-5mg on foil and sniffed the air, the next day I inhaled 3-5mg.) It seemed to have no effect. It seems (DMT)it is lighter in weight than I had imagined. I have since discarded my extraction (Doh !) But I have the 30ft plant in my back yard, so I will try again.
I have some results from another, as yet unidentified, Acacia from some bark that had dropped off as it looks like this plant sheds its bark. Any Ideas.
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(113kb) downloaded 130 time(s).
(72kb) downloaded 129 time(s).One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore