Shoot, it sounds like your Dad might ask you about it someday though. Especially when what's changed in you becomes apparent in the way he looks at you. My Mom thankfully almost immediately asked me about trying it when I told her about it which doesn't surprise me that much cause she has extremely bad rheumatoid arthritis and already eats cannabis to keep comfortable.
Her first experience was pretty nuts I guess. Floating rainbow snake that goes inside her and then she would get freaked out and it would come out and dance for her to let her know it's OK, then go back inside her. She said finally she just accepted it was there and that felt good. Pretty cool.
It's nice having everyone here sharing their experience. I'm pretty new to DMT and I read a warning in a post about taking on a healers role, which maybe would have happened because I do like to think of myself as someone who could heal her. It warned along the lines of being a family member and a spiritual healer are roles that should remain separate. Doesn't say anything about being a spiritually inclined family member though so I still shared the Spice

I know you didn't ask but if I were in your shoes I'd probably try to keep growing and hope my parents eventually see It's a good thing.