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#1 Posted : 4/4/2012 2:18:27 AM
Just did my first successful extraction and me and my girlfriend tried dmt for the first time. I just wanted to thank everyone on the sight for their help. Seriously because there were things I needed to know that the tek didnt tell me and if it wasnt for this place I wouldnt of just had this wonderful experience. Im on probation and my p.o. shows up regularly after 8 so we just did a small amount, but tonight (he normally doesnt come after midnight) we're going to this huge cemetery on the south side to really get down. I just cant express how grateful I am for being introduced to this new hobby. Thanks everyone. I'll have something up about my first steps into hyperspace tomorrow.
"The spice must flow. The spice has given me accelerated evolution for 4000 years. It has enabled you to live 200. It gives the bene gesserit sisterhoods the metaphysical ability ability to see beyond. You want power. Our power to fold space is in the spice..." -Guild Navigator from dune
#2 Posted : 4/4/2012 11:02:16 AM
RahuTheSunEater wrote:
but tonight we're going to this huge cemetery on the south side to really get down

I strongly advise against that. Doesn't sound like a good idea at all.
The truth...lies within.
Senior Member
#3 Posted : 4/4/2012 1:19:36 PM
Just don't get caught. Set and setting are absolutely crucial when using DMT.

I find it rather ironic that in some places, particularly the east coast, people frequent grave yards due to the fact they don't know where else to go to get away, so to speak.
Electric Kool-Aid
#4 Posted : 4/4/2012 4:53:50 PM
Public places are not so good. Plus cemeteries are monitored.
Oh and respect the dead. Let them rest... Those are places of mourning and speaking to the ones who passes.

I personally would get freaked out to see zombie entities popping out of the ground trying to make you one of them!!!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#5 Posted : 4/4/2012 5:18:36 PM
rjb wrote:
RahuTheSunEater wrote:
but tonight we're going to this huge cemetery on the south side to really get down

I strongly advise against that. Doesn't sound like a good idea at all.

I agree. Smoking the spirit molecule in a graveyard sounds like you are inviting something rather macabre to happen. Please be careful!
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Sky Motion
#6 Posted : 4/4/2012 5:48:35 PM
Your pre-concieved and regular notions of what a graveyard is associated with does not add up to a pleasant journey I would assume, plus public areas are no good. Comfort of the home, in bed, dim lights, that's where the magic happens.
#7 Posted : 4/4/2012 9:37:05 PM
That cemetery is a almost a square mile. It served as a home for me and my girlfriend when we were homeless as well. And so you know I never disrespect the dead. We used to go to the cemetery as kids and my friends would kick tombstones over and I always hated them for it. Part of the cemetery sits on a hill that over looks the south side of the city which makes it one of the most beautiful places in the area. It is also worth mentioning that me and my girlfriend are practicing Luciferians. That cemetery has been a big part of my life for years ever since my father used to pick me up on the weekends and take me there and we would go and break into the abandoned care taker house and the abandoned cathedral. I was homeless for a while and most of my time was spent either in that cemetery or in abandoned buildings or under the bridge in armory square. Places like that have always been prettier to me then the woods or other nature settings. Nonetheless we've decided to wait for the next batch to try for a breakthrough after a proper recrystallization. Regardless thanks for the concern.
"The spice must flow. The spice has given me accelerated evolution for 4000 years. It has enabled you to live 200. It gives the bene gesserit sisterhoods the metaphysical ability ability to see beyond. You want power. Our power to fold space is in the spice..." -Guild Navigator from dune
#8 Posted : 4/4/2012 9:57:40 PM
Some people must be scared of the dark. What better place to visit the land of the dead then a graveyard? Could be super scary!
All Flows
#9 Posted : 4/4/2012 11:26:19 PM
Psychological damage can and does occur. Do take that into consideration. Do not toy with these things.

You said you tried DMT for the first time in a low dose. How low of a dose are we talking about? My recommendation is to try various dosages in a safe environment, see how you respond, and reconsider what you had in mind at a later time.

Be well.
The truth...lies within.
#10 Posted : 4/4/2012 11:44:22 PM
Purges wrote:
rjb wrote:
RahuTheSunEater wrote:
but tonight we're going to this huge cemetery on the south side to really get down

I strongly advise against that. Doesn't sound like a good idea at all.

I agree. Smoking the spirit molecule in a graveyard sounds like you are inviting something rather macabre to happen. Please be careful!

Yeah please don't do that Laughing

I suggest you first try it in your room and see if you can handle it(if you achieve breakthrough) by itself without a graveyard. Being outside can already impact it negatively, due to the possible "dislocation of reality", it's best to recover from the "shock" in your safe place, not on somebodys grave.

It's ridiculous how you haven't experienced breakthrough and you are already busy going to a graveyard = recipe for a disaster.

Shoudldn't you concentrate on trying DMT and see what it's like?

Nonetheless we've decided to wait for the next batch to try for a breakthrough after a proper recrystallization

Re-x doesn't change the effects by much unless there are of course impurities that shouldn't be there in the first place.
#11 Posted : 4/5/2012 1:53:35 AM
rjb wrote:
Psychological damage can and does occur. Do take that into consideration. Do not toy with these things.

You said you tried DMT for the first time in a low dose. How low of a dose are we talking about? My recommendation is to try various dosages in a safe environment, see how you respond, and reconsider what you had in mind at a later time.

Be well.

I dont honestly know the mg. We hit it all night and had very vivid hallucinations sort of like lsd just different. Pulsating geometric kaleidoscopic patterning. Our first plan was to just go straight to the cemetery but I decided against it. After consideration which was in part a result of the urging of some people on this site we're going to attempt a breakthrough here first and then after I get a feel for it we will experiment with other settings.

I know a lot of you probably wont like this, but some of the stuff I was reading in the first steps in hyperspace section reminded me a lot of huffing gas. We used to huff gas a lot when we were 13-16 and I distinctly remember separate levels of intensity. The first level was like a light nitrous feeling. The second level was characterized by static light moving in, out, and around shadows along with heavy intoxication and the "wa-was". The third level was one where you are literally catapulted into an alternate reality. My first time witnessing this first hand I found myself sitting on top of a garbage pile that was on top of a very tall building surrounded by yellow skies. I was dressed in black shorts with a black shirt and hat. I was sitting down waiting to give somebody a note that I had in my hand. To my right there was a horizontal line that consisted of other people with notes that they were waiting to pass on to someone else, all about 100 feet away from each other and going on like that until they meant the horizon. Suddenly a black guy in a diaper started coming down the line throwing trash at everyone who was waiting with a note. I felt a sense of urgency that if I didnt get my note to the appropriate person that I would suffer the same fate. As the diaper clad black man approached I looked down at my note only to see it crumble before my eyes. When I looked up I was hit with a bag of trash and the black guy uttered an inaudible insult which to this day I still think he said, "you got dirted on". After this happened I experienced an extreme sense of loss and hopelessness. After wondering what I was going to do I jumped off the building and landed on a dumpster, got up, and as I began to walk away I came to. Out of the hundreds of times we huffed gas as teens we all had multiple experiences like the one I described above. In fact that was generally the desired result. They were all characterized by a dream like property in which you are unaware that you ever existed in any other place or that the moments leading up to youre transportation (i.e. huffing the gas) ever took place. You could be transported to some situation in which you were an active participant, you could be shown the make up of the universe and the reasoning behind it's polar extremes, or you could even look upon an alien terrain from above along with countless other scenarios. Like I said I have not experienced a breakthrough yet so at this point all it is is an observation. I know everyone here takes dmt very seriously and attaches an almost godlike quality to it. I definitely respect it although I am currently a neophyte. Im just wondering if what I described sounds at all like what I might experience in a breakthrough to anyone else here. And so you know I now have no intention of attempting my first breakthrough anywhere but here at home. However I do look forward to subsequent journeys happening elsewhere and once Im comfortable during ritual.
"The spice must flow. The spice has given me accelerated evolution for 4000 years. It has enabled you to live 200. It gives the bene gesserit sisterhoods the metaphysical ability ability to see beyond. You want power. Our power to fold space is in the spice..." -Guild Navigator from dune
#12 Posted : 4/5/2012 2:38:55 AM
maybe hobby isnt the best word
*Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower, proud-walking jingle in the midnight sun, Copper-dome bodhi drip a silver kimono like a crazy-quilt star gown, through a dream night wind*
#13 Posted : 4/5/2012 3:24:20 AM
Moondance wrote:
maybe hobby isnt the best word

I enjoy making it. Just making something so powerful in my kitchen and then testing it myself makes me feel like a gold miner or something. I would definitely consider the extraction process to be a new hobby of mine that I have no intention of stopping. The use of the substance may become something more but what is a way of life if not just a glorified hobby? Black ritual, meditation, etc could all be considered hobbies.
"The spice must flow. The spice has given me accelerated evolution for 4000 years. It has enabled you to live 200. It gives the bene gesserit sisterhoods the metaphysical ability ability to see beyond. You want power. Our power to fold space is in the spice..." -Guild Navigator from dune
#14 Posted : 4/5/2012 4:37:19 AM
Black ritual, meditation, etc could all be considered hobbies.

I get what you're trying to say, but i feel like calling it a 'hobby' cheapens it. Wouldn't practitioners of various faiths be somewhat put off by your calling their religious practices 'hobbies'?

Anyway, it's just semantics.

Glad you're getting so much joy from your experience. I haven't tried extraction myself, but it's definitely on my radar. Would you say it's as insanely difficult as some people claim? I imagine it's worth the effort regardless, I'd just be curious if by 'difficult' some people mean 'time consuming'.
"I have no special talents, I'm only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein
#15 Posted : 4/5/2012 1:39:24 PM
huffing gas , well it really is not on the same level as psychadelics ,

also good luck with lucifer worship Very happy ,
the valley of death awaits , don't be late Laughing

illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#16 Posted : 4/5/2012 2:56:19 PM
I would be interested to see what someone who holds 'alternative' beliefs gets out of DMT, and how their experiences may contrast with those with more conventional beliefs. OP please keep us updated!

Jin wrote:
huffing gas , well it really is not on the same level as psychadelics ,

also good luck with lucifer worship Very happy ,
the valley of death awaits , don't be late Laughing

Having done both (I know, I know....) I can genuinely say that abusing solvents is NOTHING like smoking a good dose of DMT. It is more akin to nitrous / poppers IME, but with a nice headache afterwards. Ugh.
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#17 Posted : 4/8/2012 12:09:17 AM
3toedsloth wrote:
Black ritual, meditation, etc could all be considered hobbies.

I get what you're trying to say, but i feel like calling it a 'hobby' cheapens it. Wouldn't practitioners of various faiths be somewhat put off by your calling their religious practices 'hobbies'?

Anyway, it's just semantics.

Glad you're getting so much joy from your experience. I haven't tried extraction myself, but it's definitely on my radar. Would you say it's as insanely difficult as some people claim? I imagine it's worth the effort regardless, I'd just be curious if by 'difficult' some people mean 'time consuming'.

to answer your first question, yes. Plenty of Satanists/Luciferians would hate it if they knew other adepts refereed to black magic as a hobby. But, at the same time there are a lot of Satanic orders that take themselves WAY to seriously. For instance I love the teachings and philosophy of the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, but their members are petty elitists. They wont allow new members because they feel that the 100 or so that they have are the only people in this universe with souls. To me I dont see a problem with referring to it as a hobby. You wont see me sharing their important texts with nonbelievers for scholarly purposes or telling someone the proper phrase used to open the gates of hell and the proper circumstances for doing so. To me magic is somewhat of a hobby because I dabble with various forms. For example, currently Ive been reading a lot about voodoo which is a subject that has always interested me next month I could be on to something new. I guess in the end all it really comes down to is semantics.

And for youre second question I've done 3 extractions and I fucked up the first 2. I caught a stomach bug after/during a party so it delayed my 4th and hopefully 2nd successful extraction by 48 hours. My biggest problem at first was probably caused by thinking it was necessary to follow the tek to the T. I got the DMT to separate from the Naptha but found that scraping it from four individual jars with a rubber spatula was nearly impossible and I ended up destroying the final product. I messed up my second extraction by pure accident. I tried running everything through a homemade seperatory funnel and ended up spilling everything all over the floor. The 3rd extraction came out fine but if I could go back I think I would have let the dmt dry on the pyrex before scraping it off and this is what I plan to do next time. It's trial and error but theres no reason why you shouldnt be able to get something good out of a pound of root bark as long as you go through it slowly. My first 2 extractions I did 50 gs of bark each and my 3rd one I stepped it up to 100 and struck oil. I still have about 250 gs left so by my next order I should be on point. Hope that helped!
"The spice must flow. The spice has given me accelerated evolution for 4000 years. It has enabled you to live 200. It gives the bene gesserit sisterhoods the metaphysical ability ability to see beyond. You want power. Our power to fold space is in the spice..." -Guild Navigator from dune
Mitakuye Oyasin
#18 Posted : 4/8/2012 2:01:09 AM
Hey Rahu, Welcome to the group and good luck on your extractions. I personally do not have much experience with Luciferians or what the belief system is. I consider myself more spiritual than religious personally. Can you provide a brief breakdown on the belief system for those of us who might not know much about it? Are Lucifer and Satan the same, similar or different beings? Thanks.
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna

All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a fictional character based on other people) either obtained a license for said activity, did said activity where it is legal to do so, or as in most cases the activity is completely fictional.
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