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Do research before DMT Options
Senior Member
#1 Posted : 4/6/2012 2:42:57 AM
I can't help but notice quite a few people recently posting about having terrifying experiences with DMT. I am specifically referring to the ones where it's their first or second time actually trying it, and there were obvious mistakes made in the process. I researched DMT for 2 years before I even tried it. At one point I actually believed I knew quite a but about it. Until I smoked it my first few times.

The mistakes I have seen being made are:

Dose size
Smoking method
Set and setting

As for dose size, if you absolutely cannot get a milligram scale then you should try the tiniest amount possible. So what if you waste 5mg and didn't feel anything. That's a ton better then putting in 80mg, burning half of it, and getting scared half to death from the experience.

If it is harsh you are either burning it or you got bad stuff. Most likely you are burning it. Get a torch and BARELY heat it up. Even if it takes you ten minutes to get it to vaporize you are leaning the mechanics of how it does this. Now try a little more heat as You continue experimenting until you start to see it turn brown. When it does this that is too much heat. When I was young I was forced to live around tweakers for a good portion of my life and even then I am still learning how to properly vaporize DMT.

Your first time I recommend having one friend help you. Do it in your bedroom or a similar comfortable environment. Allow for dim lighting after you take your hit. Have your friend sit quietly while you go in and to listen to what you talk about when you come back. Set and setting is important.

I do not like hearing how people were so anxious that they threw all three out the window cause they couldn't wait to see what it's like. I completely understand, but to me it seems disrespectful to DMT and to yourself. I know no one is dying, and it can be a good experience even tho bad things happened and was kinda scary. It's just that you can't be over prepared for DMT. You can't even really be prepared for it.

I just hope that anyone that comes onto this forum to post their first time experience has done the proper research and can post a positive experience. If your so hasty you can't wait eat some mushrooms. It's not that hard to research how to smoke it how much to smoke it and where to smoke it. Please please. Thank you

Open your Mind () Please read my DMT vaping guide () Fear is the mind killer

"Energy flows where attention goes"

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#2 Posted : 4/6/2012 11:58:35 AM
I agree with your points, anrchy. Very well put indeed. Patience is a virtue, and it's demanded by the spice in particular. I used to think about DMT as something I REALLY needed to do at first, and didn't think much really about the power of this substance. I initially thought "oh well, I'm just gonna load 50mg up and see how it goes". I attribute this macho attitude to a lack of public information regarding these substances, but also to personal ignorance.

However, more detailed research, and seeing the big mound of crystals made me rethink my strategy and so I started very low. Like 5mg low. And I proceeded with this dose for a month, then switched to 10mg, then to 15. I still haven't broken through, but I feel like the need to break through is there no more, because that's not what it's important. There will come the moment when you will be ready. But in order to BE ready at some point, you need to work yourself up to the task. And you can't do that if you scare yourself to death in the first session. I'm so glad I didn't go through with my 50mg dose, in retrospect that could've gone wrong on so many levels.

That's my take, anyway. The "rules" of caution should be applied to any psychedelic journey, IMO, not just DMT ones. DMT is just way more intense than anything else, agreed. But the potential for things going "bad" is just as equal with psilocybin or LSD or another substance.
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