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Other beings you see on the other side. Options
#1 Posted : 4/4/2012 8:00:09 AM
Many people speak of unreal interactions with these entities through hyperspace,
but has anybody ever wondering what they do while you aren't there?
Whats their purpose.. How come they continue to exist, if they do it all.. which I'm
very convinced they do.
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 4/4/2012 8:06:14 AM
Smoke DMT and ask.
#3 Posted : 4/4/2012 8:10:13 AM
۩ wrote:
Smoke DMT and ask.

I usually prefer to span my journeys out to once a week,
so that way I can take enough time to comprehend what I experienced
and really soak it in.
But I have found that the best answer to many questions I have regarding
this molecule is simply just to use it.
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
Senior Member
#4 Posted : 4/4/2012 8:15:35 AM
You can simply use it and not ask your question and nothing would happen. Hyperspace would go about it's normal recalibration business and you would still be left wondering-

But if you make the attempt to interact and ask, you might be surprised with the results. Now you have something to meditate on for next time.
#5 Posted : 4/4/2012 8:29:07 AM
Wise words, friend.
Thank you for sharing.
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
#6 Posted : 4/4/2012 9:39:56 AM
It is very hard to imagine what they do. We go to school or work in a physical sense and realm. When you are incorporeal, what do you do? Do they work? Some people tell that these entities show them or tell them things like 'we create spacetime'. Or such things. But then, why would they do that? Trying to make sense of it from within this human ape perspective seems impossible. Who gave them such ...existential tasks? Or did they create reality? Or just were born as part of the structure that is the universe and now feel responsible?
Or it could be they are aspects of our creative nature. As a solipsist it would make sense. I can create reality and am doing so on some level where I don't notice the whole process. Perhaps these entities are part of me, my subconsciousness at work, literally, when these entities declare they are doing this or that job or explain their purpose.

If we have trouble understanding what they do in their leisure time, well, that can't stop us from speculating, right? But if they are solipsist in nature, able to create realities, then they remind me of Stephen Donaldson's enities from the fantasy series about Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever. These beings are the 'Elohim'. They are made of pure Earthpower, which is a force in nature that can be tapped into, a force of good and vitality. They are condensed Earthpower. As such, they can take on any shape cause they are just energy beings. They can be anything. And in their home on an island they practice all sorts of shapes. Some change into fountains, including falling water, others become trees, rocks and unimaginable abstract art forms. In Star Trek Deep Space Nine we have Odo, who is a shapeshifter and also does the same thing. In his quest to understand himself, away from the collective of his people, he practices being different things and tries to get the essence of what it is to be some object.

In fact, they sound rather like elves and DMT-elves. If as an entity you can become everything you want, you are a self-transforming solipsist. A solipsist creates reality with his mind, reality is a product of it. If you can create reality, and create a physical experience with bodies as we have, then this body is the result of its environment. We call that evolution in a lower grade and less metaphysical discussion.
But if you change your own self I guess this goes as step further. In my mushroom encounter with a solipsist being it told me it was the environment it existed in as well as that what was within it. So changing its environment would mean I deduce, changing yourself. Well, if you are a being without a physical presentation, changing yourself merely means changing your mind.

So these DMT entities could be just one species, practicing different forms of existence. I find it curious that I was able to find a solipsist being because in my heart I have always been a solipsist. To have made that connection is quite special to me and an experience I treasure beyond anything else, perhaps even my first sexual experience with a woman. It sure hits me on a more existential level.

So if these beings are solipsist, it would explain the infinite diversity and also the patterns that we can see, that is, many people encounter the same species. We know from McKenna that each drug has its own mood or atmosphere or entity range involved with them. That DMT is the circus, Ayahuasca gives you the Rainforest Godess or Gaian Mind, mushrooms give you more outer space and machine like stuff. So patterns can be seen. Solipsist beings can take on any form or create any realm in which the DMT smoker finds himself. The question is how to control your landing point within the DMT experience. There is no position in that landing because there is no fixed universe, you enter into the very mind of some species or single individual's temporary self reflection.

Another possibility is that in the DMT trance one enters into the minds of other humans. But not on the level of their dreams, but much deeper in the place where the raw materials from which dreams are made are stored. People can imagine themselves to be anything in their imagination. I have had dreams where I was anything from member of The A-Team to...whatever. In the experience we lose ourselves in this pure manifestational building block factory of reality and we see interactions between those building blocks as they are being tossed around to create someones dream that night and we are just along ducking and flying about with all these things going on.

I am not sure what is more out there. Being in someones dream factory or imagination warehouse, where that person creates reality, like a solipsist or an actual non-human dimension or a realm of infinite diversity in realities created by solipsist beings. It is no coincidence these beings tend to become aware of people flying through their creation for that day and tell you to do what they do.

That idea opens up a whole range of notions about human potential. What if we did as they do. We would all be solipsists, which I already believe we are. And what my mushroom experiences confirm. It is McKenna's transcendental object at the end of time, where an individual finally reconnects with his solipsist nature and wanders off into the great unknown. It is Castaneda's explanation of how Don Juan and his House crosses over burning with the fire from within'. Don Juan speaks of a dome where he will wait for Castaneda and his House. McKenna speaks of this dome too. It is hard not to notice the synchronicities. If you go on and drag religions in there you find similar transitions, perhaps the idea of heaven is just a metaphor for our instinctual awareness of being solipsists in nature.

To me the case of these entities is, like everything is to me, most easily and best explained by solipsism. The diversity in the encounters yet encountering entities that are always there points to me to a consistent recognizable entity that dresses itself in another universe at the snap of a finger, quick as thought itself. They are unbound by the Consensus which determines for us the outcome of our species' hopes and dreams, expectations, culture and assumptions about the nature of reality, locking it all in place with a forward momentum in time. They are ultimately free and their minds are the most powerful directive of what reality should be.

Then the wonder is, to what purpose? From an ape perspective, to me, to be able to solipsistically keep creating new reality models to wander around in until you exchange it for something else, all the way into eternity seems utterly ridiculous and boring. The only way not to get stark raving mad is to be NOT free, to be intoxicated or indoctrinated within a self inflicted modus operandi that pulls the prank on you of mesmerization. So, as you spin off and throw around new realities you are astounded and mesmerized by your own creation all the time and that is the only way to endure it because if you would not be distracted by distraction itself, you would go insane with boredom. Once you have seen literally an infinitum of strange new realities, planes of existence, worlds and novel ideas reincarnated as well as impossible objects, then you pretty much seen it all.

So what is the purpose of these beings? In human ape terms, leisure time, work time, raising kids, walking in the forest, consuming matter as toy or sustenance. But how do they define themselves? Perhaps the DMT trance catapults you into their frenzy, but the solipsist entity I met told me it was just fine by being in this half-aware dreamy state and that it coalesced into form merely to give my human mind an object to behold, because we live in a physical realm of material objects. Is this being just a frenzied DMT entity that got tired of creation and just withdrew and abolishing its full dynamic awareness? In such a state you could be forever without being bored and going mad.

Somehow life on Earth doesn't sound so bad. We have a stable universe, laws of nature, the Consensus that locks the reality wave in place, yet leaving us able to change our minds, as McKenna said, to alter our way of life if enough people want that. We can enjoy infinity in one place, by looking at nature in its diversity, all the millions of plants and animals and we can take psychoactive substances to meet with this mad raving frenzy in the larger mindspace of entities when we so desire. When we die we may realize our solipist nature and go frenzy ourself creating realities every second until we tire and enter a dreamy semi-aware state to rest for an indefinite amount of time. I believe the Earth is playpen for experience. But time is a strange thing. All our lives, all our 70, 80 rotations around the sun seem long, yet short to us but it could all be happening in a brief period, a second, before we try on a new coat of reality. Time condenses and we, like McKenna said in the Trialogues at the Edge of the Milennium, push experience in the timeline making it seem long and that this is how time is stretchable. Maybe all our existence, our evolution, the Big Bang all the way down to the Eschaton is alike a flicker in the eye of a machine elf, that we are experiencing an almost endless universe whereas in fact it lasts ever so briefly before a new reality is formed. This reality is an Elohim or an Odo trying on a new form of reality and experiencing it from its proverbial Big Bang till the Eschaton.

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#7 Posted : 4/4/2012 12:22:18 PM
Visty wrote:
We know from McKenna that each drug has its own mood or atmosphere or entity range involved with them. That DMT is the circus, Ayahuasca gives you the Rainforest Godess or Gaian Mind, mushrooms give you more outer space and machine like stuff.

From personal experience, I find these generalizations to be inaccurate. On DMT alone, the entities I've seen fall under categories such as space, mechanical, jungle, snakes, Egyptian, tribal, cellular, oriental, elves, sprites, lions, horses, people, vortex, angels, birds as well as those entities that are completely transcendent. Some people consider some of these entities to be ancestral spirits. If this is the case, then we have about as much likely of a shot at guessing what the DMT entities do when we're not around as much as we can guess as to what the spirits of the dead do when we're not dead or having an NDE or something of the sort.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
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