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Has anyone on the forum had an NDE? Options
Rgeular Dudess
#21 Posted : 3/20/2012 7:48:46 AM
I've experienced something like an nde. There was no tunnel and no other beings though

I was 15 or 16 at the time. Me, my friend, my dad and friend's dad were going to this island to go fishing. We left early on a summer morning and arrived at the island at 9 in the morning. I had been wide awake since 6 o'clock but when we got to the apartment which we had reserved I got insanely tired and weak all of a sudden. I got barely to the sofa and managed to say to my friend that they should go without me because I was so tired. I felt like I was being forced or pushed to sleep and I didn't fight it, I quickly fell asleep.

The next thing I remember was that I was on a tropical volcanic island bare feet looking at seashells and crabs at the beach (a dream, obviously). Anyway, all the people I cared for, including my extended family, were residing at a cave next to a volcano. I was by myself at the beach. At some point I noticed a weird shimmer on the horizon and it made me feel strange. I tried to make sense of what the shimmer could be and the more I looked the more it started to look electrical. Like an "electric mirage" that ran across the horizon. I started to question whether this whole setting was real or not, I couldn't understand why the horizon would look electrical. Material reality doesn't behave like that, I thought. I didn't manage to become lucid because I soon realized that the shimmering was due to an approaching tsunami. The tidal wave stretched across the whole horizon and it looked like it could be a mile in height. I got horrified because I knew that all of us on the island were going to die. Regardless of this I started to run for the cave through the jungle in order to warn my friends and family. I kept thinking that maybe some of them might be able to climb the volcano high enough so that they wouldn't be washed away or get crushed by the wave. Everything felt extremely real and dire at this point. It was utter terror and desperation for me.

I didn't manage to get to the cave and the wave hit. So up to this point everything had been an imagination, I mean everything, including "my real life". After the wave hit in the dream there was nothing. There was no me, nothing visual apart from light blue clarity. There were no thoughts about or words for this clarity or this light blue "light space" and it wasn't seen by the eyes or experienced by the body. It wasn't seen by anyone particular. All this felt more real than anything but even the concept of realness wasn't there. It's impossible to describe this state. There's a recognition of pure recognition. It's like pure awareness with no attributes, being aware of itself/ myself as awareness/clarity. The attributes of clarity and color blue came only later when there was an apparent me again.

For whatever reason the world formed again. I have no idea why. First there was awareness aware of nothing and then there was spinning movement on top of which there started to be a visual sensation of the spinning and eventually there was the body inside the wave. I fell out from the wave, was in free fall for 10 seconds or so and hit the ocean surface. I actually kept sinking for a good while before I woke up on the sofa. I actually felt like I was born again but it wasn't unpleasant at all. I was feeling deeply blissful for a good couple of days. During this time everything felt clear, easy and my body felt 50 percent lighter than usual. I wasn't familiar with buddhism, hinduism, christianity or islam but after the experience I knew that the essence of this world is awareness. No question about it.

Abut 10 years later I read from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (by Sogial Rinpoche) that it is actually a dying process that I went through. It describes the pushing-to-sleep sensation, the mirage and the water element (page 255). I recommend checking the book out. There's also descriptions of the more classical near death experiences and about the different stages of dying.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#22 Posted : 3/20/2012 11:21:49 AM
Enki Nemo wrote:
Please don't tell me what to do, anyway I was just sharing my experience, not my interpretation. Rolling eyes Rolling eyes

My interpretation was that it has nothing to do with NDE's. Rolling eyes
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#23 Posted : 3/25/2012 10:02:37 AM
Almost 20 years ago I was on my way home from school for Christmas break and got into a car accident, hit some ice doing 80mph and then a tree. I was clinically dead for 3 to 5 minutes, the sack around my heart was torn and let in too much fluid for my heart to beat, on top of that my neck was broken. I woke up from the coma 6 weeks later to learn what happened. When I died there was no light, no beings no nothing. Just my 2 cents
The problem with wisdom is that it cannot be taught, but ignorance can.
#24 Posted : 4/3/2012 9:28:21 AM
I actually have a huge interest in spontaneous endogenous dmt release being the cause of NDEs and (in my case) astral projection. There's a fantastic book I just finished called "Inner Pathways to Outer Space" that makes reference to this. I personally have had several of what you may call NDEs, and I'm eager to try dmt to see if the separation from the ego is the same. You can view my posts if you're interested in my astral projection experience, or ask any question you have and I'd be more than willing to answer.
"I have no special talents, I'm only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein
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