So i want to begin my saying that marijuana and I have an extremely positive relationship. I am graced by her presence nearly everyday however just recently i've decided to stop smoking for awhile and this is why.
I find that during my DMT experiences, if I'm high on marijuana that it dulls and blurs the whole trip. This isnt to say that i don't blast off, or get close to it, its really the aftermath that i don't like. I find it a lot harder to remember the trip which in turn makes it harder to reflect and grow from the experience. Does anyone else feel the same way? I've only done it a few times without previously smoking marijuana at some point that day and i believe those trips are the most memorable and all around better. If anyone has experience with testing out these different substances together and separate and information would be awesome.
Do you feel that after not smoking weed for a prolonged period of time ( a week or two) that your trips are more vivid/ enjoyable?
Most people seem to say that cannabis clouds the DMT experience.
DMT has always completely overpowered the effects of it for me. I've had the same incredible vivid detail both sober and stoned, but I am a frequent user.
You can also experiment drinking some ayahuasca and then smoking DMT too, or LSDMT.
Yeah, i've recently been interested in some LSDMT but i've honestly been a little nervous to try it. Do you have experience with it? Whats it like? Does the DMT trip last longer and linger throughout the rest of the lsd trip?
Why be nervous? You have the potential to explore yourself and the infinite possibilities of consciousness to the fullest extent. Override and be excited, confident, knowing.
If you dose right you experience a series of eternal moments that sticks with you every moment of your life forever.
Cannabis makes coming off of the trip much harder, and much more intense for me. I've experimented very little with this though. When I did though, it seemed to make the trip a much more "high" experience. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
I've combined Mountain hash with DMT and the taste with the GVG is incredibly good. How it affects the breakthrough I don't know so well because the intensity of DMT clouds the effects of the hash, but at least I'm left with incredibly good taste in my mouth!
Personally, I prefer to blast off while I am completely sober. I typically ingest marijuana everday (I'm currently on a break for a few months) But I noticed that being "high" on thc does delude my journeys with dmt. I will enjoy a bowl of mary 30 mins after my joruney as it helps me relax and get rid of any headache that may be. "I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything." ― Alan Watts “As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.” ― Ram Dass “Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” ― Ram Dass
tele wrote:I've combined Mountain hash with DMT and the taste with the GVG is incredibly good. How it affects the breakthrough I don't know so well because the intensity of DMT clouds the effects of the hash, but at least I'm left with incredibly good taste in my mouth! lol, which is clouding which, we might never know, but I do know that while tripping I can smoke and smoke without much difference noticed. Cannabis will mostly just calm me down, it helps me deal with trip anxiety better, but on the other hand, for people who don't smoke it regularly it could make anxiety worse, especially with paranoia. For GVG sessions, I don't smoke during, but usually before and after. After, I come out feeling completely sober, with a high tolerance to cannabis. I don't find the colors or visuals lacking in any way, but then I'm more of a light toker and don't enjoy getting very stoned. I'm a long time cannabis smoker so I've learned to enjoy light buzzes. I smoke maybe 1g a day of the good stuff, 2-3g of the cheap stuff, on regular days.
I can get quite a bit of anxiety with weed so sometimes i don't enjoy it. It ups my anxiety before smoking dmt. but if i smoke weed after the initial dmt dose it is amazing. funny how that works I don't normally do high doses but if its just low to medium doses of harmala heavy changa i absolutely LOVE mixing it with weed - ONCE i get over the anxiety through some dance/yoga/music/whatever. It seems to work best IME when there is little cannabis tolerance and i'm only using small amounts of very nice mary jane
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
I'm one of those guys that never gets anxiety or paranoia when I smoke weed- it's actually, for me, a great way to calm myself down, particularly when angry or irritated. When taking the spice, I smoke weed beforehand to deal with the preflight jitters. I've always found that MJ helps my trips in all media- shrooms, acid and spice- by calming my anxiety, relaxing my body (especially those tight stomach muscles 4 hours into the trip!) and, IMO, enhancing auditory/ visual content, possibly as a side effect of being more relaxed and open.
There is a big downside, though- memory. MJ is famous for reducing short term memory- you may have noticed that on nights where you smoke weed before bed, you're way less likely to remember your dreams. If you're like me, that's most nights, so on that occasional night where I don't smoke weed, I am surprised by the vividness of my dreams.
Since hyperspace and the dreamstate seem to work in similar ways, it's a good bet you're going to have less recall if you smoke beforehand. I don't know if it's necessary to dry out for a week, though. Maybe take the day off from weed, possibly have some nice vigorous physical activity to clear out the pipes a bit... Then wait till after your hyperspace journey. That would probably be more than adequate. But this is coming from a guy who really loves smoking weed.