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Humans as the Divine. Options
#1 Posted : 4/1/2012 9:50:29 PM
Hey nexus! So over the past couple weeks I've been ever so slowly delving into the realm of the unknown, going deeper and deeper and i seem to have some reoccurring images/thoughts.

One that seems to be in the front of my mind and present in every trip is humans.. People on this site, and others, constantly talk about other beings in their trips, weather it be some alien like creature or little leprechauns however, i experience only humans. I feel that this is kind of odd because i've always thought that humans were incapable of conceptualizing soooo many things because of our physical being, were trapped so to speak. However, recently I've been thinking a lot about this and have concluded that yes, we are limited by our physical self but our minds are infinite, we are the divine, we are all "God" (not in any religious sense).

Coming to this understanding has drastically changed my perspective on the world and about people around me. I still feel that a lot of people are ignorant and unaware but we all possess the ability to go beyond ourselves, beyond our ego and into this other dimension where we experience everything. Yes, this other dimension will take forever to truly understand however, i believe that we are capable of this seemingly impossible event. We need to unlock different parts of our brain and consciousness and come together (like this site is allowing us to do) to really figure this beast out.

I'm so happy to be apart of this community and i feel fortunate that i have been presented with the opportunity to experience this wonderful spice. I'm currently making some spice using a simple A/B extraction of MHRB and i cant wait to share more experiences with everyone here. Peace and Love!
#2 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:36:13 AM
Yes I've come to that conclusion as well. I actually came to the conclusion when I was around 5 or 6 that I am "god" and so is every living thing on this planet. It's just all beyond what most see, it's a knowing that one finds through a cosmic push in your awareness, however that may come to be, is sacred. Who you are. Some people are stuck in 3rd dimension still :/ and there will always be that "group" of people, like Joe Rogan or one of them said.. But it is awesome to see that things are changing now in our current state of awareness for the much needed betterment of life. Good post though man Wink
Don't be afraid, Don't be afraid, Let everything flow through you

I AM Everything

You're In Class
A Nice Little Place
#3 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:43:07 AM
Hello and welcome!

It's truly a wonderful moment when you realize for the first time that the ego is just an illusion. There are many paths leading to this however, psychedelics being just one of them. I think meditation is the most natural and traditional form for this, it just can be next to impossible to master, especially in a hectic and stressful society such as this. That's why I think most people prefer psychedelics these days.

It's like psychedelics forcefully drag you to the edge of the cliff and push you in whether you like it or not, whereas meditation just gives you very vague map of where the cliff is, so you have to do all the hard work of first finding it and then getting the courage to jump in.

And I too think that the other dimensions are "unlockable", meaning that you can come to a full understanding of what it's all about. Just not while possessing these smelly constructions of meat and bones.
#4 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:44:27 AM
Thanks! Yeah, i feel similarly in the fact that people are slowly but surely becoming more and more aware of their own existence. As new generations arise i believe this thinking will become more prevalent, until there are the few, the ignorant that will die without questioning.

Deadaloop, i totally agree with the whole meditation/psychedelic interaction. I've been meditating for a few months now and i feel a presence of the spice within every experience however, it only scratches the surface and its hard to master. I feel that integrating meditation into every journey will allow for deeper insights and a deeper understanding.

Thanks for reading!
#5 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:57:08 AM
Yeah I feel you InfiniteRegress, your words gave me chills Razz I've been practicing meditation for the past year now and have gotten very good at stilling my mind and reaching dreamlike states in meditation. I've even managed to quit cigarettes and all tobacco products cold turkey and caffeine as well 9 months ago. I quit every drug besides psychedelics and meditation definitely helped a lot with my inner search to my path Smile
Don't be afraid, Don't be afraid, Let everything flow through you

I AM Everything

You're In Class
A Nice Little Place
#6 Posted : 4/2/2012 1:01:52 AM
RoGu3 thats awesome! I wish i had started meditating earlier, its an awesome way to separate your mind and body from this chaotic existence. Good luck with your journey's, i cant wait to read about your thoughts/insights!
#7 Posted : 4/2/2012 1:04:51 AM
RoGu3 wrote:
Yeah I feel you InfiniteRegress, your words gave me chills Razz I've been practicing meditation for the past year now and have gotten very good at stilling my mind and reaching dreamlike states in meditation. I've even managed to quit cigarettes and all tobacco products cold turkey and caffeine as well 9 months ago. I quit every drug besides psychedelics and meditation definitely helped a lot with my inner search to my path Smile

Reading things like this give me a warm feeling and remind me that I've finally found the right internet community. Very happy
#8 Posted : 4/2/2012 1:13:46 AM
I really enjoyed reading your post, InfiniteRegress; and I look forward to following your journeys through the infinity.
Peace and love.
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
Walter D. Roy
#9 Posted : 4/2/2012 4:08:52 AM
Yes but we are still very limited by the human condition. Whether we are all "God" so to speak, which I believe, or not. We are still limited by the very "senses" with which we perceive the world. Of course the full potential of human experience is something we might not be able to imagine or accomplish, but we are still just "human". I don't mean to put down anything you say, I agree with it. But just some food for thought maybe.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
#10 Posted : 4/2/2012 4:58:50 PM
InfiniteRegress I also see "Humans and humanoid type entities or beings" more often than not.Some of the humans i have seen were so real I was afraid to communicate with them because I could'nt tell if they were real or imagination.
On my first experience right after i returned from an ego death state I was very upset and pacing around my house
trying to convince myself I was alive. I seen a very real looking Man walk through my kitchen and he said something rude to me then disappeared behind an invisable curtain.

Since I was already upset and thought I was dead I was'nt afraid to respond and I said "I dont care your not real anyway" he backed up from behind the curtain walked straight up to my face and argued that he was every bit as real as I was.I said I'm dead so how does that make you real?He argued a bit longer then returned behind his invisable curtain.

Other more common types for me are shadow type with morphing faces or Bright colorful ones that step out of one of my swirling hallucinations.But they have human type forms to them.

#11 Posted : 4/2/2012 6:55:04 PM
Walter, i've been thinking about what you said and totally agree. Yes, we could be conceived as God however, we are limited by our human conditions; touch, smell, taste, etc.. I do believe that other forms of consciousness beyond those senses can be reached in this form as humans but there are still so many things we cannot obtain because of this physical body. I mean, if you think about the idea of infinite its incomprehensible in this state, hopefully in my next life i wont be restricted, wishful thinking on my part Smile

Dethrone, im glad to see that other people are experiencing similar feelings as me. I haven't been able to carry a conversation, or say anything for that matter, to these entities, but I'm going to try and see if i can in my journeys soon to come. Ill let you know how it goes. thanks for posting!
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