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Percentage of population aware of DMT? Options
#21 Posted : 3/30/2012 3:08:34 PM
Spice is reasonably common around here and I had heard about it being about for at least 12 years before I actually saw some in front of me.

Recently I decided to count up how many people I knew in my area who had tried spice, I got to 90, this, in comparison to the population of my city represents just under 0.1% of the population and only counts people I knew had tried it or had told me and has been restricted to people I know. I imagine the number in my area is quite far in excess of this. My area is slightly unusual in that with have an overly-large number of hippy types and the area is very liberal.
D × V × F > R
#22 Posted : 3/30/2012 4:09:37 PM
Alice wrote:
The less is known, the better.

I've thought long and hard about this. Superficially it appears so, but maybe it has more to do with HOW people get to know it (psychedelics in general, but DMT in particular).

Chances are, if you arrive at the subject self directed, you're already looking for something.. the mindset, the motivations are entirely different. Perhaps this is why telling people about psychedelics has such a low success rate ?

I speculate. But to get back on point, my point is that perhaps it's not that the less is known the better, but the less it is known to people who are "outsiders" the better - while at the same time discreetely having the information available for those interested in finding and evaluating it.

EDIT: Oh yes, and regarding the topic of the thread, I think even 1% would be too high.
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#23 Posted : 3/30/2012 4:24:47 PM
the first time some one ever gave me what they said was spice they put a little in a bowl and i smoked it and i remember it being so intence i clenched my hole body and my eyes were shut and i saw latin words and black and red kilidoscope and when i came back my butt hurt from being clenched hahahah

i spent the next 7 years looking for it trying to find people who know about it is hard enough. fining some one well informed on it is like a needle in a hay stack. some one whos actually done real n,n-dmt like hitting the lotto. out of prob 30 of my friends who have all tripped before im the only one who knew what it was and

i tell them ill let them try it but im going to ask u questions before u do it so i know they have done their homework. and only my best friend has yet to join me in hyperspace. no one else will put their money where their mouth is when they find out its going to change your life in 15 min. imo it takes alot of respect for it and alot of courage to jump into the unknown
please dont take anything i say seriously im extremely irresponsible and i apologize in advance for anything iv said.
#24 Posted : 3/30/2012 5:00:30 PM
tele wrote:
Walter D. Roy wrote:
Now people who really now what it is? A lot less.


Good point. Ive probably used it more than a 100 times. I have no idea what it is. Smile
Grand Equinox
#25 Posted : 3/30/2012 10:05:57 PM
In my area, its exceedingly rare. We are pretty rural, though. But even in the nearby cities, my friends have barely heard of it. I'm essentially their only gateway in the area. Which is kinda cool in its own right (say what you will, I take pride in being the first guy in the area to have such an incredible substance and be able to share with others).
I still barely know what it is, as I haven't even managed to break through yet (been going tentatively to get comfortable).
I would say it depend on the area how many people know about it and the demographic. I think most modern kids have heard of it (at least those psychedelically influenced) thanks to everyone having lots of access to the internet, though I doubt that many have researched it beyond the name and/or Joe's speech. I'd say all in all probably a few hundred thousand people have tried it in all of the U.S. Elsewhere, I would have no idea.
Feast on the fruits of the gods to return to the garden.
Senior Member
#26 Posted : 3/30/2012 10:12:53 PM
Grand Equinox wrote:
I'm essentially their only gateway in the area. Which is kinda cool in its own right (say what you will, I take pride in being the first guy in the area to have such an incredible substance and be able to share with others).

You are doing a kind and wonderful thing for these people Smile Nothing wrong with being satisfied, when helping others Smile


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#27 Posted : 3/31/2012 12:59:08 AM
Maybe there's some alchemical ratio as to where the % of population who has experienced dmt is equal to the common % found in Mimosa rootbark, the world shall begin a new phase in it's transformation. Rolling eyes

But seriously... these things I think about Razz
The only hell for a warrior is peace.

The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
#28 Posted : 3/31/2012 1:38:54 AM
by population, you mean on earth?

it is def low, less than 1%

...but probably growing VERY fast---, dmt spirit molecule is on netflix. now this is imo, a pretty good video. and a better educational video series can/SHOULD be made.

The less is known, the better.

i think the opposite : accurate, informative, and positive information easily accessible for everyone.

if we were trying to keep a secret, would this forum have DMT in the title?

#29 Posted : 3/31/2012 2:06:07 AM
Right now on Netflix Instant Play, you have "Enter the Void" and "DMT:The spirit molecule" So expect even more people to be introduced to it.

And funny enough i just saw this article on the DMT:The Spirit Molecule's Facebook page, pretty much saying the samething...

Please take a look at it lol...


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