Who here has gotten side effects from DMT? Would you like to talk about it? I would like to talk about my side effect Hypnagogia. I have been increasingly having these vivid hallucinations when falling asleep and waking up. I never really experienced many symptoms of Hypnagogia until after taking DMT. Before that I would have the odd sleep paralysis. Now a wide range of symptoms are occurring out of the blue. Apart from the occasional drink I have only experimented with psychedelics, and their use has been far enough between breaks for me to know what side effects I have gotten from which psychedelic. The only other side effect from psychedelics is Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) which I had gotten from mushrooms, and I know because the effects that persist are the same effects I had on my fist mushroom trip. Hypnagogia is very different. Months after my DMT trips, when everything was normal except for the mentioned HPPD one night I awake to this perpetual ring sound, a beep or a tone, and my vision was transformed from the norm to this black and white overlay of animated squares or circles infinitely going backwards, much like the cartoon depiction of hypnosis where the persons eyes turn black and white and swirl or infinitely recede. This happened on and off fof weeks, but now it has progressed. An example of the other effects are: 32bit vision like the old computer games, intense hallucinations/dreams to the point where I can't distinguish between the two and contemplate whether it was real or not, the brains pattern recognition falsely interpreting an object as a person with an added wire frame i.e. the pillow bumps thought to be a face with lines overlaying it to look like one and me having two opposing thoughts on the matter simultaneously, an image burn of a dream where the last thing you see in a dream is presented in full detail on the place you look and is thought to be real. Other effects happen but as with dreaming it can be forgotten when finally fully awake and I'm writing this from memory, I didn't think at the time to write down the experiences. I can't be 100% certain about it being a side effect of DMT since they didn't happen right after my first DMT trip but since that first trip I didn't do anything other than DMT until I took a break. I've been completely sober for many months, so that is the reason for my conclusion. Information about Hypnagagia below. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HypnagogiaI would very much like to know if you have had Hypnagogia symptoms, or any issues that you correlate with DMT i.e unexpected side effects.
Yea definitely. I think thats one of the most common long-term side effects i've witnessed of psychedelics. Theres a reason peoples dreams get ramped up a notch, and these things are obviously related. I remember one guy who said he'd never dreamed in his life until the night after he tripped. My advice is to just start learning to work with it, accept it, and don't worry- whatever you do. Because the deeper you go, the more hilarious, fun, loving, and mind blowing it gets The trip isn't in the molecule. These things are chemical keys that unlock or stimulate things that are already there in our heads (or out there, who knows!). Barrier dissolution, as some say As we grow up we are conditioned to categorize and experience reality in a certain way, and automatically build filters so that the chaotic sea of info coming in every second is put through this framework in order for it to make sense of us. Once you dissolve some of these filters our experience of the world becomes drastically different. Eventually, after repeatedly making these connections, you can 'build a bridge' so to speak, to other altered states. To what degree you can push this i have no idea. But ayahuasca shamans are known for being able just sing an icaro and bring in the visions completely sober after enough experience. People experience these 'side effects' to different degrees and at different rates it seems. There only referred to though as side effects in our culture, remember..and in other cultures where this stuff is integrated its seen as completely normal
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Great to see a student of the wisdom-from-within who understands, I was beginning to think I was the only one. You could imagine my surprise when I awoke to open-eyed visualizations without having taken anything. Who knew we were braking down the barriers that hold our cognition stable, such a complex ball of thread unwoven by the single touch of DMT. If this is true it goes far beyond the majority of causal pychonauts realize, scientists could possible understand conscious and the brain in more detail if they were to study psychedelics at great lengths. But that is way out of my league.
Coping with the unwanted guests is all I can do, it's not a major problem, I just wish I had known this was possible. But the extremely vivid dreams/hallucinations are, quite frankly, scary. They're nightmares, and the setting in which the acts take place are so familiar, they're real places. I can feel physical pain (one time I had this jaw clenching effect, it felt as if my front teeth were pressed together so hard and tightly that they were going to brake, I woke up having to consciously force my teeth apart with my jaw, quite a struggle), it is so real and unusual.
I wonder if this could lead to lucid dreaming, perhaps I could use this to my advantage, though I would prefer to be normal again. Only time will tell.
scary man! so spice does produce dreams. I did another thread on DMT and dreams. So this is a proven side effect that makes people wish they had not taken DMT and just want to be normal again? Kind of like the people who can talk to the walking/waking dead that others cant see, people think its a gift, but they would just like to be normal again. well, thats a movie but... Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Yea psychedelics in general definitely can help with lucid dreaming. Harmalas to..but i consider those psychedelic. These things are only high octane fuel though, and you still have to cultivate that awareness yourself If things are unpleasant then my advice would be to take a bit of a break to integrate.. and then start with low doses when/if you feel ready to tip toe back in. Lower doses of ayahuasca or mushrooms i think would be especially healing for this sort of thing. Changa to.. Just relax brother, theres nothing to fear! smile, laugh, its all good! Many here seem to have gone through similar things I'd definitely exercise, eat good food, and do PLENTY of yoga and meditation. Also, writing down my dreams and experiences has helped me immensely in getting my head together, understanding things, and coming to terms with the seamless unspeakable mystery Your jaw clenching experience is interesting..i remember the other day here hyperspace fool elaborated on how most of the tension we hold is in the jaw muscles..or they are the hardest to relax..maybe both? i forget  . Try giving them a thorough massage before bed..I did this last night and i can tell you, its perty nice
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
So I am thinking here... so if DMT opens a portal to other places, then it would maybe make sense to say it opens a portal from those other places to here! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Your words are wise, universecannon, and your advice is good. I currently exercise and eat healthy. I don't do yoga or meditate but I do take brief walks through parks to reorganize my thoughts and to clear my head. I am currently on a break, it's refreshing, life itself is a trip. I only came to this site to ask the question above, prior to that I hadn't been around anything related to psychedelics for months.
A thing about jaw clenching is it's a known effect with psychedelics such as mescaline, along with uncontrollable grinning. It's not that my jaw muscles are tight and need to be tendered, it's that it moved on it's own during sleep, as if I were tripping. Such odd phenomena.
This brief talk has been super.
To Electric Kool-Aid, I'm not sure if spice can produce dreams. But the act of dreaming has probably changed in me. I can't say for sure if DMT is the cause, but I haven't taken anything else since my DMT days so that's the logical conclusion. To be certain DMT would need to be studied more thoroughly. As for me personally wishing to have never taken DMT so I could've stayed normal? Yes and not-quite, curiosity is what led me here and I'm sure I would still be curious had I not done it, leading me to do it.
I don't think DMT opens a portal to other places, I think it basically opens your mind, which isn't basic at all really. Very complex stuff. We function normally with our normal mind state for a reason. Nature has deemed it best for us and has selectively filtered out unnecessary components. We couldn't survive as a species if we were constantly in our own worlds talking to ourselves, or being hypersensitive to everything we came in contact with.
If DMT does open a portal to another place, then a portal from the other place to here is the same thing, and one would think the species from the other place would come here to our world if we could go theres.
I've been recently experimenting with the Spirit Molecule. I've not had any experiences other than threshold effects, but after a few experiments, I have had my first lucid dream in years. When I was a child I would love to explore these dream states and now I may have hope to return to these magical places again. 
Weird, for me it's the exact opposite! Most of the time I take any kind of substance I dont recall any of my dreams. I wish I could get the same "side effects" you guys are getting! I never experience sleep paralysis and I havent lucid dreamed in years  Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
It's interesting how somethimes the visions when "half asleep" are very DMT like. Altough they are often only slightly visible, it's easy to see "DMT themes" there. I haven't noticed it affecting my dreams, at least not very much.
Dante - mine was scary! I was paralized (couldnt move) and there was some flapping sounds of a large winged creature flying across the room. (if you google sleep paralasis then wikipedia has that creature) Then I was trying to get up to see what it was, when there was a HUGE bang bang bang. Oh man I was shittin bricks (not litterally!). I kept trying to get up but only my eyes were moving, then I managed to start to shake my head.. Then that triggered my body to move after about a minute of this stuff happening. I raced upstairs away from that room with chillz! Hehe.. I dont think that was fun..  I too havent dreamed in years. Maybe short bursts of a small scene but no full dreams. But you know what? I have been glad in a way, because people say they have nightmares and confusing things they are trying to relate to their lives, when sometimes it was just the movie you watched last night and it was blened in to a dream with your friends or family in it. You most likely get good sleep, sound and complete, just like I do. I close my eyes and when I open them it is morning! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Tele - try a small dose of maybe half of a hit when you are really sleepy, like nodding off sleepy, say 2am or something. Then take the hit and crawl in bed and sleep. See if it triggers it. Thats what I did. But I dont know if it works every time. Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Electric Kool-Aid: I red a fair bit about sleep paralysis and one of my best friend had it since he was quite little, so I know that it can be quite frightening. Nonetheless Im an explorer, a 'psychonaut', and Im curious to have all this kind of experiences. Oh no, I really love dreaming! Like I said above, when I dont take anything I have beautiful vivid dreams. I would be very sad if I never recalled my dreams! The dream reality is one of my numerous lives and it reminds me of the many levels of reality  Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
I haven't done enough DMT to have specifically DMT side effects. I have dabbled in various psychedelics, mainly LSD and mushrooms and also some anonymous chemicals which may have included 2-ce. The only side effect I notice is that I seem to clench my jaw more when I'm sober now, but I don't know if maybe I'm just more aware of it now. And also the occasional weak flashback consisting of slight hallucinatory movement in the patterns of a carpet or something.
My theory on jaw-clenching is the following. Psychedelic effects always remind me of fractals and chaos theory and it seems that the effects on different modalities share similarities. The biggest and most obvious is the theme of movement. You hallucinate patterns which seem to move, you may have rapidly shifting thoughts and emotions, and you can experience a sort of anxious energy which is relieved (for me) by moving your muscles, such as by writhing around or contorting your body. And it seems that in all these modalities there exist certain...spikes to infinity. For instance if you are watching a pattern which continuously spirals the center of the spiral is such a spike. And if you have an epiphany, it is another such spike in a different modality. And as for your muscles, you experience a need to create a spike, a point into which force continuously disappears, by clenching something. It can be anything but normally you will clench your jaw since it is very easy to do so tightly without even thinking about it. Whenever I catch myself jaw clenching, I wrap my fingers in my hair, usually at the base of my neck, and make a fist, and immediately my jaw is able to relax. It is also rather comforting and makes me feel as though I've a handle on myself, though after a few hours my scalp starts to get sore.
Hey OP , If you dont want to get sleep paralysis I find that If you dont sleep on your back it wont happen , also dont lie on your back 30 mins before before you go to sleep . But if you do get sleep paralysis again , try and rise out of your body , You can do some crazy things while in that state
HPPD SHM8CHPPD if you're having visions in your sober state, it means that you're doing it right The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..