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Overwhelmed with things to do and learn, how to deal with it? Options
#1 Posted : 3/19/2012 8:32:03 PM
I don't like to start random threads but I felt like I really need some advice on this. Lately I've been feeling really overwhelmed with things I want to do and things I want to study and learn and things I want to build and create.

A very condensed example: I want to read every topic on the nexus. I want to learn about every psychoactive substance that exists and their properties. I want to listen to every audiotape of Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, etc. I want to study every aspect of quantum physics, astronomy, spirituality, religions,.. you name it.

But after I study about one thing, it creates 10 other things that I want to study about. It's so exponential that I literally feel like I'm gonna explode.

Now add to this the need actually EXPERIENCE all of those psychoactive substances, and practice the different techniques of meditation and astral projection and lucid dreaming and whatnot, and to draw and create art and trying new art forms.

Now add to this social life and responsibilities, and university studies, and work projects, and personal projects.

Finally add to this the fact that days are going by in a flash and you didn't even have the time to do any of the above things. When I wake up there's a **WHOOOSHH** and then it's suddenly evening, and I try to remember what I did during the day but I have no idea.

I just... can't.. take it... anymore. I get it now. Ignorance is bliss. Give me the blue pill, I seriously need the blue pill. Crying or very sad


Also, I think the 2012 phenomenon is just making it worse, because maybe subconsciously I feel that I need to do all these things before the end of this year, instead of having my whole life. So does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with an information/activity overload like this, in times like these?

#2 Posted : 3/19/2012 8:40:23 PM
I used to feel this as well. As if I had to to listen to every piece of music out there, read every book, you name it. In the end I realized it only made me live my life in a perfunctory manner. Seems like I constantly have to practise clearing the mind when living in this fast-paced world, in order to avoid both overwhelm/stress and passitivity/laziness. I guess it's the middle way.

Have you tried to sit still with this desire? Be with it? Watch it unfold, penetrate it, understand it? Then what happens?

"They are dangerously addictive."
- Virginia Woolf on the semicolon
#3 Posted : 3/19/2012 8:40:43 PM
Take it slow bro , one thing at a
Time . Start with some terrence mkenna lectures they're Awesome and you can listen anywhere anytime .
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

Senior Member
#4 Posted : 3/19/2012 8:40:48 PM
One step, one day, one breath at a time.
#5 Posted : 3/19/2012 8:56:15 PM
You sound juuuust like me after I had my awakening. It has it's own way of working itself out.

I had a word thrown at me my first time in hyperspace, and that word was 'panology'. I had no idea if it was a real word or not, but I intuitively understood it to be a study of everything. I was at where you seem to be at right now once I had that trip, where my mind was in sponge mode and just couldn't absorb enough information fast enough!

Carl Sagan on the Cosmos television series once said something that stuck with me: that in our entire lives we may only have time to read a thousand or so books, but there are millions in existence! The trick, he said, is reading the right books and I absolutely agree with him on that.

Case in point, what you outline above about listening to everything Alan Watts ever did, or everything McKenna the net has to offer. I started out that same way, but eventually I'd get bored with one person and move to the next. At one point, I had five different books I had started and couldn't help but keep starting new ones. It was a lot to handle and it seemed to consume my life as it's all I ever thought about.

At first it seemed like I wasn't following through with the information I was being presented with, so I took the time to finish every loose end I had started, but this proved to be a waste of time. See, what I have found out from a personal research standpoint is that you should ONLY TAKE IN THE INFORMATION THAT RESONATES WITH YOUR EXPERIENCE! This is a trick to the game and here's an example.

There was this youtube video series I watched by this user called freedomofthesoul. His first series of videos was so amazingly intricate and detailed that I thought he had everything nailed down exactly as I understood it. However once I watched some other videos of his, I understood that he had an entirely different worldview than the one he had presented in the original videos. I immeadiately wanted to discredit this person as a source of information, however I kept going back again and again to what he had started with and by doing that I came to a really great discovery: it didn't matter if he came to a different conclusion than me in his own spiritual journey, what mattered was at one point in his quest he had stumbled upon a few concepts that helped get me going in the direction I needed to go.

My suggestion to you then is that you listen and read up on the things that you have a strong feeling about. Somehow, someway, it all fits together no matter where you start from - everyone seems to arrive at the same conclusion once you fall down the rabbit hole (the conclusion, not to spoil it for you, is that we are divine and we aren't really a we Smile). For me, I started watching and reading everything Carl Sagan ever did, but I soon realized that he didn't have a complete picture of what was going on. Then I started to listen to Terence, and he filled in a lot more of the puzzle. That led me to Alan Watts so many other topics: a study of celtic folk tales (since they talk about dealings with elves), a research project into hermeticism and ancient alchemy, a study of the written history of mankind then paired with the mythology of mankind. Then I listened to channeled information on youtube (and this is where only accepting the stuff that resonates comes into play as a lot of that channeled stuff is garbage but there are consistencies you can notice). Now when I listen to a youtube video or read a book, there is so much synchronicity with stuff I've already researched that it's too much to ignore.

Trust me when I say it doesn't matter where you start if you trust your intuition. Somehow everything interelates to everything else, so if you start with particle physics you eventually will study mysticism (if your as hungry for information as I was).

Oh, and one more thing, as Morpheus says "After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#6 Posted : 3/20/2012 12:15:03 AM
I shall opinionatedly offer up opinion, and opine away shall I.

My advice: prioritize. Maybe there is an entire area, a big item, an entire section of your life...something that eats up a ton of time, will only leave you in the end with a useless piece of paper, a whole lot of debt, and stupid memories about drunken parties with drunken people and generally being in a situation of unnaturally prolonged adolescance.

Quit school. You mentioned wanting to build things, create things. Follow your dreams man!

This is 2012 as you say. Personally, I won't be caught doing anything this year that I don't believe in. No BS for me. Perhaps my school advice is wrong for you--do you truly believe in this school thing? For some people, it is right. For most (so it seems to me) it aint. Some people go to college because it is an integral part of their lifes purpose. Other go just becasue, well, that's what you do, right? Once upon a time, a degree meant something.

About the desire to do every single psychedelic drug in the world: slow down. Any ONE of these substances can show you plenty. Sometimes, you may even see/sense/know/experience way more than you will ever be able to proccess. Fools rush in to such things. I felt that way too once...luckily, back then (when I was your age sonny!) I only had access to a few of the more powerful entheogens.

Take your time, mushrooms have a LOT to show you, and will continue to reveal more and more over years and years. Same thing with the spice, and other plant teachers as well.

And remember what I said young man: quit school.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#7 Posted : 3/20/2012 12:25:11 AM
haha this sounds like me a few years ago. The only difference was my awakening came from a completely different community Wink. I would suggest keeping a moleskin(gotta be hipster) on you and jot down stuff you want to invest your time in. Then when you have free time prioritize these things and then start investing! best of luck to all.
Love + Light

Edit: I went back and read all the other posts....Bedazzle pretty much copied me Razz. Also quitting school is a big deal but I do think it is something one should consider. I ended up quitting college and it has been an amazing decision. I have so much free time and i can pursue all of my interests without having to carry the weight of the institution at the same time. In fact I'm working on starting up my own business right now and it definitely isn't something I could have done while in school! Time is such a good concept to understand. We are granted 86,400 seconds every day. We can spend our seconds on fluff, on homework, on a lifestyle, on sleep and on anything you can imagine. The best part of it is there is no wrong thing to spend your time on. What I realized the day I walked into my councilors office was that college offered little value to me and it didnt make sense to invest so much time into something without any value! I mean college seems almost like a scam! Its advertised to you since your a kid...even before you were born :evil: "open up your college savings account now." And every second of highschool that you were forced to attend people were saying "make sure you have good grades so you can get into a good college." But when you really think about it a college is just like a restaurant or a club. You go to a nice institution, a pretty shell, where people read you books. I mean in the culinary world you can make your own 5 star food and the cool thing about making your own food is that you can hand pick every little thing that goes into a dish and at a next to nothing cost! But at a 5 star restaurant you are given a menu of different dishes you can pick from, you can sit in a nice little booth and then when the meal is over you can say "no thank you" when they ask if you want dessert. Anyway I'm ranting a little bit just know that time is money(literally because you spend it Laughing ). peace
"for as long as there is love and light; I will fight for what is right; as a warrior with all my might; I will guarantee that hope shines bright" --Prayer of the Paladin

"If you labor, you are a "laborer", If you work on a farm, you are a "farmer", If you flow, you are a "flower""--Forest Sage

Community, Love and Passion Smile
#8 Posted : 3/20/2012 1:59:50 AM
when i get racing thoughts like that i find that chi meditation also known as quigong meditation really helps me to relax and clear my mind in order to think in a better way. chi meditation is all about deep breathing and heres a video showing a master of chi meditation and the incredible abilities he developed through practicing it.


you can belive it or not but you will never know until you try and i think it will really help you to stop feeling overwhelmed if you do try it. google quigong/chi meditation techniques if your still not sure but in a nutshell just get into a meditative enviroment then focus on a certain point in the room , after doing that breath slowly but deeply right down to the lowest part of the abdomen and exhale while rinsing and repeating for 15 minutes everyday.
#9 Posted : 3/20/2012 2:06:59 PM
Thanks for all the advice, the more I process it the more it helps. And hopefully it helps others too who are in the same situation.

Tek I love you for taking the time to write such an awsome reply.

Tek wrote:
in our entire lives we may only have time to read a thousand or so books, but there are millions in existence!

This is basically what my problem can be summarized into. The feeling you get from that can be SOOO frustrating. But you also give the best solution to it:

Tek wrote:

It can, however, be hard to recognize what that information is at first, and also, even if you've managed to narrow the things down to a bare minimum of what you want to learn, there's STILL millions and millions of things to read about them. But I agree I guess it doesn't matter where I start because it's all connected, and I should just go with my intuition.

Tek wrote:
Oh, and one more thing, as Morpheus says "After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

Hehe, now I actually feel bad for saying I need the blue pill. I would never really take it. Pleased ... (Or would I?)

Also thanks Bedazzle and ayalove, I know that prioritizing your activity is the key and I've thought about it alot, and thought about quitting school alot. It is indeed just serving you 5-star meals made by other people, instead of you making your own 5-star meals. But I've already minimized the waste of time by not going to the lectures and not taking part in the social things, just passing the exams every few months. And I'm already so close to graduation that I thought maybe I should just see it through, just in case. Even if the piece of paper is kinda useless, it could help me gather enough money quicker than starting my own company with all the risks (which I've also though about alot). And why do I need money? Well, to buy that piece of land, and build my own private sustainable utopia, duh!! RazzRazzRazz

ab381 wrote:
when i get racing thoughts like that i find that chi meditation also known as quigong meditation really helps me to relax and clear my mind in order to think in a better way. chi meditation is all about deep breathing and heres a video showing a master of chi meditation and the incredible abilities he developed through practicing it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfy2Tn52sxU .

Thanks , I'll definitely look into that. Also that video was awesome, and I have no reason to think it's fake, I've seen alot crazier things lately.

I've always considered time as the enemy, but I guess if you embrace it and try to get along with it, it treats you in the same way. It's just... hard.

<3 nexus
#10 Posted : 3/20/2012 4:57:37 PM
have loads of obligations everyday

my way to deal with it not the reinvention of the wheel but using what is already well established

make plans and prioritize, simple "boring" timemanagement

time is a resource, one that cant be replaced. More time spend in time planning means more time spend on things that you really want to do.

for everyday tasks i write things down in a dayplanner. Basically setting goals on a daily level.
Priorize, AA AB BB or whatever works for you etc, then work through it in order of most important first and so on. One has to accept the limitations of not being able to do everything, creative limitation is key.

Im also leaving some time for spontaneity, e.g: reading nexus, breaks, alien abductions, depending on what im doing in a wider timeframe.

Usually there are some adjustments, new tasks or changes during the workday which i often write down too.
Easier to organise things when they are out of my head, also easier to remember oral agreements with other people.

Dont need to be a genious to break plans and goals down in segments of time. What do i want to do today, this week, month, year, years etc. Just a general idea can be a helpful guideline in which direction ones boat is sailing.

For bigger projects i often start with brainstorming on huge pieces of paper, sometimes with several people.
Then it all gets distilled into a mindmap by cutting the crap, then project plan with details according to project requirements etc

google time management for better everyday organisation

oke then, im out of time
blessed be all forms of intelligence
#11 Posted : 3/21/2012 12:40:41 AM
i feel the same way after maybe 2 weeks I JUST CANT LEARN ENOUGH! i read things over and over till i understand them it consumes my every waking moment that i dont have a task at hand to focus on. (now before i get into this let me say i got my GED at 16 and ranked in the top 99% in the usa in writing and comprehension as well as above average in almost everything else.i also went to trade school and have a associate's degree in electrical construction) so im not an uneducated destitute

basically my hole life iv always felt like the black sheep who refuses to follow the herd. why should i go to college cause society says why do i need to get married and have a house take care of my lawn and pay my bills?JUST BECAUSE IM TOLD TO?? that makes no sense to me. we live in a world that was fabricated for profit not happyness. we lived in the woods or villages off of what we grew and killed for thousands of years no bills complete freedom at one with the world u live.

fast foward to today im out of college 40k in debt to the government( of witch i swear they will never see a dollar of the same goes for the rest of my bills) cant get a job as an electrician cause theres no work and even if there was work i wouldnt make enough to live and pay my bills. so i dont. i work at my families catering hall when i can, back living with my father (who started working when he was 7 and thats all he knows) and i look at him,a copy of me but 30 years older. struggling to pay his bills and i say why?

are we all nothing but brainwashed sheep going with the herd? why am i the crazy one for not wanting to live with a 30 year morgage, work 6 days a week and have to spend every dollar i have just to pay to survive!!!!

i feel you on going crazy but i dont think ignorance is bliss. im glad i know what i know but there's times its hard to handle. i do my best to make what money i can and help pay rent but i dont see it going on much longer because i can only handle so much. brakeing through once a day or every other day helps me alot too to meditate and forget about whats going on here and think about whats going on there.

some may call what i feel depression i call it the effects of having my blind fold off to long
please dont take anything i say seriously im extremely irresponsible and i apologize in advance for anything iv said.
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#12 Posted : 3/21/2012 1:24:04 AM
For some of us understanding and knowledge is worse than crack. The trick is to organize your study plan. One great trick is naps. Study for a couple hours take a short nap and start again. The brain can only absorb so much information at a time. Also keep in mind you cant learn everything. I myself know very few math formulas but having studied the fundamental framework of how the mathematical system works I can create a formula. Understanding the foundations of things gives one the ability to extrapolate the information you need when you need it. This for me is a godsend. There are so many things which play into one another. Getting to the base core should be your fundamental goal. Then wisdom of life will allow you to properly use this understanding to see the results you need. I also recommend kabbalistic philosophy as it is based on understanding this intuitive framework and study in general philosophy is absolutely essential if you wish to strengthen your ability to see this system.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#13 Posted : 3/21/2012 1:47:16 AM
this is why the one divided.
#14 Posted : 3/21/2012 2:47:39 AM
Great thread, found some very helpful information in here. Something I might add is an anecdote from the very gifted author E.L. Doctorow. He said that while researching for his gorgeously spun historical fiction novel "Ragtime", which depicted a believable but fictional story that weaved together many of the famous people and themes of early 1900's America, he would walk into the library looking for information, and it would fall off the shelf, so to speak, just as he needed a piece of information. He said he found when he became engrossed in a project, the information would become available as he needed it. It might sound "mystical" but I think there are "rational" explanations as well; regardless, he suggests that if you become engrossed in a good project, your unconscious abilities will help you find the information you need.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#15 Posted : 3/21/2012 4:07:04 AM
I've been going through the same thing daedaloops but to exacerbate my situation even more: I do not find it easy to retain new information Sad
I am a piece of knowledge-retaining computer code imitating an imaginary organic being.
#16 Posted : 3/21/2012 4:19:06 AM
freeradicals wrote:
I've been going through the same thing daedaloops but to exacerbate my situation even more: I do not find it easy to retain new information Sad

not true you find it harder to recall retained information everything you read and see is stored somewhere in your brain its refining the best way to relate info that works for u

it looks like alot of us are feeling the same way i think its our surroundings were to far from the earth we live meaningless lives that are based on production and consumption and i for one hate it
please dont take anything i say seriously im extremely irresponsible and i apologize in advance for anything iv said.
#17 Posted : 3/21/2012 4:34:30 AM
i know exactly how you feel! it's like that saying jack of all trades master of none. i'd kind of rather be a jack of all trades because you get to know about everything rather than focusing on one thing and missing out on everything else.

i always find myself thinking there aren't enough hours in the day. especially with lucid dreaming because i can't usually get one unless i sleep 10 hours. for a while i was living something like 28 hour days haha, i'd sleep 10-12 and then stay up late and go to sleep a few hours later everyday. most people wouldn't be able to do that.

i also think this might have something to do with ADD, at least for me. i've never been actually diagnosed with it but it's accompanied by something called hyperfocus which i definitely get. i can sit on the internet all day sucking up information like a sponge and then not knowing where the time went.
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#18 Posted : 3/21/2012 5:49:14 PM
Great thread, so many well- thought responses.

If you think this is a tough state to be in, imagine the opposite: total boredom from not having the ability to see the wonder in everything. You have been bestowed the greatest of all gifts.

You sound like me 20 years ago! Tek is right on the money: start with any of it and eventually you'll distill it all down to something that you can balance in your mind somehow. The entry about Doctorow's historical research is great too: as the direction of your interest clarifies, things of interest will fall into your lap in a way that seems almost mystical.

College: I think most Nexians are not really well suited for the institutional life. Unless you've really connected with the right school, teachers and resources, it may be actually constipating your learning process.

I'm a dude with only a high school education, but I'm at the top of my professional field because of hard work and staying true to my vision. The old college=success paradigm only really applies these days to fields like law that actually require a degree.

The good news is that you've already found yourself. As long as you spend your time mostly doing things you find enjoyable and meaningful, you really can't go wrong.
#19 Posted : 3/27/2012 12:19:21 PM
mindatlarge1389 wrote:
freeradicals wrote:
I've been going through the same thing daedaloops but to exacerbate my situation even more: I do not find it easy to retain new information Sad

not true you find it harder to recall retained information everything you read and see is stored somewhere in your brain its refining the best way to relate info that works for u

it looks like alot of us are feeling the same way i think its our surroundings were to far from the earth we live meaningless lives that are based on production and consumption and i for one hate it

I've heard this too and I really would like to believe it - but as an example, someone could recall something for me that I have read, heard or been told and still not remember it... sometimes not even find it familiar.
I am a piece of knowledge-retaining computer code imitating an imaginary organic being.
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