hi people, i need some advice
lets say you wanted to start a little "book-club" in your area. Connect with more local friends that share a deep interest in DMT, how would you find them? Without taking too big risks..
I'm not near being alone among my friends but i think it would get way more constructive if i could share and discuss with new people. To be honest, I kind of got tired of some of my friends when they never stop being loony..
Ofc, i got the internet and i'm very thankful for this forum, but it's not the same as in real life.
I'm pretty sure there are others wanting the same so i'm wondering if any of you got any tips how to find like-minded people locally?
Huge parties are a safe bet and many often share the interest it seems, but way too often they aren't really mature and have the "right" attitude. you know.. just want to waste away more or less.. Lately, it feels like a waste of time looking there.
It would be sad if there are many individuals/groups that are isolated when they could actually meet up.
Any ideas?
I understand your desire much well, but consider that better to be safe - be in solitude (if no beside checked old friends).
Maybe find out if there are other Nexians living in your area? Maybe you could start a psychedelic interest group in your area, literally a small scale nexus-type interest group that can meet up on a regular basis and discuss all things psychedelic and entheogen related? I am a piece of knowledge-retaining computer code imitating an imaginary organic being.
Lichen wrote:Maybe find out if there are other Nexians living in your area? Maybe you could start a psychedelic interest group in your area, literally a small scale nexus-type interest group that can meet up on a regular basis and discuss all things psychedelic and entheogen related? If you do something like this I want to stress that you absolutely should not bring any scheduled drugs or discuss extractions with people you do not know well.
I'd suggest going to places where you think "psychedelic people" might be. For instance, try checking out some art galleries, music concerts, poetry readings, or plays. You might not find people who are specifically into DMT but at least you'd be exposing yourself to a diverse group of individuals and the chances of meeting people who are at least open-minded about psychedelics would be quite high.  "Becoming a person of the plants is not a learning process, it is a remembering process. Somewhere in our ancestral line, there was someone that lived deeply connected to the Earth, the Elements, the Sun, Moon and Stars. That ancestor lives inside our DNA, dormant, unexpressed, waiting to be remembered and brought back to life to show us the true nature of our indigenous soul" - Sajah Popham.
Principles before personality. Best to make friends with people who have good morals rather than just similar interest. Then when you have friends you trust, it may be possible to bring up the topic. Though I have plenty of close friends I still absolutely would not even share personal info such as my extraction hobbie, best kept secret. Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
Good points, thanks. When i think about it a bit more i realize perhaps many does not want to be found, since it's actually safer for everyone.. so sad society. The right thing to do would be to go totally public but that's a big step for me. I would need a lot more safety first.. damn.
I have been thinking about this alot lately too. I don't know if you know about the website Evolver, but they have over 40 affiliated meetup groups around the world known as "spores" that discuss all things spiritual/psychedelic. I think this month their topic is dreaming perhaps.. The website is evolver.net, and it is affiliated with Reality Sandwich web magazine if you are familiar with that as well. Maybe just starting a book club and advertising the first meeting with a book subtly named, or not directly related to drugs? Something like Ken Wilber or Daniel Quinn comes to mind. Anyway, if you have any luck, let us know, and good luck.
Just a suggestion: Maybe you guys could set up a meeting. Let´s assume you just choose a public place a little bit far away from your home. There is no problem in that. Even if cops or someone like that shows up, you don´t have to bring "substances" there. So there would be no problem. It´s not forbiden to meet.. This meeting could be weekly. After making some trust between attenders one could go deeper into discussion or change the place of the meeting. I don´t think the DEA would attend many times to just get some guys who extract some DMT for themselves. They are more interested in large scale producers or traders..
that would be awesome but everyone pointed out very valid points. in regards to safety you dont talk to people you dont know about extracting, obtaining or anything besides experiences. its so hard not to not tell people where youve been sometimes this i know as well as anyone. my only TRUE friend who iv known for 10 years is the only person who i can talk to about it,and it sucks. im not worried about the dea so much as i am local cops who use small busts to try and make u talk and today in america its physically impossible to hide anything. every website you have been on every thing you have ever googled, every facebook post you make, every phone call, text message and email is all monitored and stored for " national security" and even admitting to knowing that you know the location of a crime and dont tell the authorities your " part of the conspiracy" and just as guilty as any one else. but frankly i dont care anymore with the NDAA signed any one here in america can be detained for life with out trial for any reason. im not going to live in constant fear im going to be me no matter what any law says. im open for meeting anyone of you. if your in the north east pm me please dont take anything i say seriously im extremely irresponsible and i apologize in advance for anything iv said.
thanks for all the good suggestions, much appreciated Skitty, wow that Evolver website seems awesome and very fitting for this. However, i'm in Scandinavia and it seems the evolver-movment hasn't spread much here yet. I will keep an eye on it or perhaps start a "spore" myself to get things going over here. to all you Americans, i wish you good luck and try that evolver website, it seems perfect. http://www.evolver.net/group/psychedelic_society and stay safe