After reading several posts which expressed some legal concerns, I looked a bit further into the potential legal implications, just to know what persons engaging in such activities may be subjected to. The top link lists many of the controlled substances and their schedule classification (I,II,or III), and the bottom information and reference link at the end of the post, summarize what I believe is fairly accurate information in regards to possible sentences involved. DMT and Mushrooms are Schedule I Hard to believe you can be put away for LIFE (for a 2nd offense or if a death occurred because of your actions) !! I am not fear mongering, just think it is important for all to be clear. The original link, a wikipedia link, was removed and replaced with the link from the DEA site, which I believe more accurately lists the proper classifications for each substance. "alert" for pointing out the errors in the original. I also noticed some irregularities after I posted it and was looking for better info to post. The following is an excerpt from Federal Law The Federal Government prohibits the manufacture, distribution, dispensation and possession of controlled substances unless specifically permitted by statute. The government categorizes controlled substances according to Schedules I through V. Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse, with no accepted medical use. Schedule I drugs include, but are not limited to, heroin, marijuana, hashish, LSD and other hallucinogens. Schedule II drugs have a high potential for abuse, but some medical use, and include opium, morphine, codeine, barbiturates, cocaine and its derivatives, amphetamines, phencyclidine (PCP) and other narcotics. Schedule III, Schedule IV and Schedule V drugs have some potential for abuse, but less than Schedule I and II drugs, with Schedule III drugs having the most potential for abuse and Schedule V the least. Schedule III, IV and V drugs include chloral hydrate (IV), certain barbiturates (III and IV), benzodiazines (IV), glutethimide (III), other depressants and narcotics (III and IV), amphetamines (III) and other stimulants (III and IV). A complete listing of controlled substances and their classifications is contained in Title 21 of the United States Code at Section 812. Penalties for the unauthorized possession, manufacture, sale, distribution or delivery of drugs varies according to the type and quality of drug, the existence of prior offenses and whether death or serious injury results from the drug involved.
The federal penalty for the manufacture, sale or distribution of small amounts of Schedule I and II drugs, for the first offense, is from five to 40 years imprisonment and/or not more than a two million dollar fine for an individual (where death or serious injury occurs, not less than 20 years imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment); for a second offense, not less than 10 years imprisonment and not more than life and/or a fine of not less than four million dollars for an individual (where death or serious injury occurs, not less than life imprisonment). Penalties are doubled in many cases for the manufacture, sale or distribution of larger amounts of Schedule I and II drugs.I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........
The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
I would hope anyone considering extracting DMT would already know it's legal status. To be fair I don't think anyone is going to go to jail for life because DMT or mushrooms unless they are a dealer at massive levels. That link has bad info by the way, cannabis is listed as schedule II and buprenorphine as schedule I and neither is correct. That is just a quick glance but I would recommend taking that info with a grain of salt.
Everyone be careful out there!
In this twisted society, growing and extracting your own entheogens means schedule 1 drug manufacture, and in some places yields a pretty serious punishment.
This is why you don't buy the lye naptha baster combo pack on Amazon.
Its a sad state of affairs when the penalties for extracting something from a tree, strictly for personal use, surpass penalties for murder and rape. I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........
The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
۩ wrote:In this twisted society, growing and extracting your own entheogens means schedule 1 drug manufacture, and in some places yields a pretty serious punishment.
This is why you don't buy the lye naptha baster combo pack on Amazon. lmfao that made me laugh out loud astrongbodycouldneverconquerarighteousmind
NEO2012 wrote:Its a sad state of affairs when the penalties for extracting something from a tree, strictly for personal use, surpass penalties for murder and rape.
This is what they want. A twisted currupt world. Where we cant think for ourselves. Just be happy with your booze, smokes, tv, internet, house, car, job. Just pay taxes and you are ok. Ignore the scams the government does (like the WTC 911). Stand in line like a robot. Its kind of like we live in a movie. We all do exactly the same things. Its just crazy. The countries do murders on other countries and say they are the bad guys. When if we all knew the truth... Then.... Oh wait... We are all cowards and cant think for ourselves, or get toegether as a group and stop this false life they make us live in. Now they are going to make protesting illegal in the US (maybe even Canada too). Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
alert wrote:I would hope anyone considering extracting DMT would already know it's legal status. To be fair I don't think anyone is going to go to jail for life because DMT or mushrooms unless they are a dealer at massive levels. That link has bad info by the way, cannabis is listed as schedule II and buprenorphine as schedule I and neither is correct. That is just a quick glance but I would recommend taking that info with a grain of salt.
Everyone be careful out there! This link is to Canada's Drug Schedules. The Earth It spins and shakes It spits you out It knows your name
I'm a pathological liar.
gory dkalz wrote: This link is to Canada's Drug Schedules.
I saw, my quick glance was a bit to quick
۩ wrote:This is why you don't buy the lye naptha baster combo pack on Amazon.  ( but at the same time sad, as there are those that actually do it)
"not more than life imprisonment" ... lovely !
NEO2012 wrote:Its a sad state of affairs when the penalties for extracting something from a tree, strictly for personal use, surpass penalties for murder and rape.
This about sums it up. It's repulsive. A great many are disgusted with this state of affairs (and the affairs of the State!), but what recourse can be had is minimal compared to the broad, cleaving blade of injustice being wielded by the incompetent, close-minded, and greedy. Good thing no one here actually engages in any such illegal activities! Fortunately this is a community of theatrical savants and pathological liars with a particular fixation for fantasizing about various mind-altering substances. The above post is purely fictitious. It in no way represents the views or actions of any persons, living or dead, and should be regarded with as much validity as newspaper horoscopes, fortune cookies, morning talk shows, or stock futures. My cat is very interested in acquiring living P. viridis leaves and S. divinorum cuttings on the Eastern side of the Pond. Other cats are welcome to PM with suggestions!
sorry misread a reply was tripping
It really is sad. I am one of those disguted with the state of laws. Extracting substances being punishable on the same level of ACTUAL crimes like muggings, rape, or murder is disgustingly rediculous. But the act of extracting mind expanding substances is scary for the authorities, because this may cause people to actually open their eyes, and think for themselves. They might even break free from the systematic trance everyone is expected to live in and their ideas may spread (hehe). They might think over a law for themselves and decide how to act, rather than mindlessly following. Or maybe even seek out a deeper understanding to life and reality, rather than continue being enslaved to the system of cyclic work, petty entertainment, and predetermined religions. To be more than just another faceless number in the ever increasing expanse of humanity... --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
Very sad indeed. Needless to say that it's been a while since America was the land of the free.
The only response to these ludicrous laws seems to be peaceful non co-operatiom. Ignore the laws and if things are forced upon you (like imprisonment or persecution) just try to deal with that as best you can. Lets be honest, these drug laws are a result of fear on the part of the establishment... if everyone was taking drugs that cause us to throw out societal norms then our current world structure would cease to be. It makes sense that people with a vested interest in maintaining this structure would try to punish or marginalize those who deviate. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
tony wrote:The only response to these ludicrous laws seems to be peaceful non co-operatiom. Ignore the laws and if things are forced upon you (like imprisonment or persecution) just try to deal with that as best you can.
Lets be honest, these drug laws are a result of fear on the part of the establishment... if everyone was taking drugs that cause us to throw out societal norms then our current world structure would cease to be. It makes sense that people with a vested interest in maintaining this structure would try to punish or marginalize those who deviate. There is plenty which could be speculated upon regarding ulterior motives. But at least on the face of things, what separates DMT from other controlled substances is, in the law's words, an utter lack of researched medicinal benefit. Now granted there is a great deal of inconsistency here (e.g. marijuana and LSD both have reported medical uses), but the only thing which will ever change this is a large and undeniable body of evidence supporting DMT (and other psychedelics) used to improve health and quality of life. We are headed in that general direction, but are far from "there". I respectfully disagree with Tony, that these laws must simply be ignored and the consequences accepted. To a certain extent this is true--an illegal act was committed, if only by the letter of law, there is no sense in resisting arrest, prosecution and potentially imprisonment. However, the defendant is put in a dire yet potentially valuable position; by his words, actions and lifestyle, he becomes a de facto dual-representative. On one hand, he must defend himself (hopefully through a damn good lawyer) to minimize State-inflicted damage to his life, and on the other, he represents both DMT and its proponents everywhere. Typically, people start to notice and even take action when ridiculous laws begin to consistently lock up valuable, contributing members of society who have, insofar as any evidence shows, committed no violence of ill toward the populace, or if anything have been a beneficiary to the greater whole. The above post is purely fictitious. It in no way represents the views or actions of any persons, living or dead, and should be regarded with as much validity as newspaper horoscopes, fortune cookies, morning talk shows, or stock futures. My cat is very interested in acquiring living P. viridis leaves and S. divinorum cuttings on the Eastern side of the Pond. Other cats are welcome to PM with suggestions!