I hear high cbd strains of cannabis are like the vicodon or xanex of weed and im referring to at least 1-1 ratio of cbd to thc. Has anyone tried smoking pne of these strains before dmt? It seems like a good idea to adjust to the flash with less anxiety. ive heard of ppl taking xanex before the trip eith success I can only think this natural altermative would work extremely well. I just moved to a state where its legal (wont tell) and will br geting the high cbd strain because it seems to fit me well cuz I cant smoke high thc strains for the paranoia.
Excellent idea. I love how relaxing high cbd strains are. steephill.com has a nice list of high cbd strains they tested in 2011. Give it a shot and report back. Enjoy the medicine!
Smoking a high CBD, indica type of strain before changa gave me a very pleasant experience the last time. I'm sure it will be a nice try. Smoke or vape a bit of that cannabis, chill or meditate while it kicks in, and wait for the first moment of bliss to smoalk. Enjoy it. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
Nice glad to here good results and thank . I dont know how long it will be till I get my red card I think its about 3 Weeks after becoming a resident... Cant another reason I want the high cbd is because I do have a little spasm and pain in my back and im sure it will make a great ciggarrette alt. And I just love to gosh and the flavor lol its a blessing.