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HBWR not working Options
#1 Posted : 3/22/2012 4:46:29 AM

I just chewed 10 HWBR seeds and left the pulp under my tongue for 30 min. Nothing. Then, I chewed 3 that where left and swallowed. Still nothing.

All I'm feeling is some sort of head throbbing. Like high blood pressure or something. I've been taking St John's Wort which affects liver enzymes, and took them on a semi-full stomach. Could that affect the absorption? The source seems good. Any info?
Senior Member | Skills: Chemistry and Programming
#2 Posted : 3/22/2012 7:30:45 AM
Seeds are probably inactive and old or where stored improperly. They will degrade over time.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#3 Posted : 3/22/2012 7:55:41 AM
Tripping reallllly bad. Terrible nausea. Kicked in very late. Just really bad. Wish it was over.
#4 Posted : 3/22/2012 8:11:57 AM
Reading bad trip reports on Erowid was somewhat comforting. God 10+ h of this. Hell.
#5 Posted : 3/22/2012 3:46:17 PM
Gah! I feel like this happens with HBWR too often... when testing a new batch of seeds, never take more than 6. I've had batches that 6 was a strong experience. With woodrose even a 1-2 seed increase in dose gives that awful body-load and extreme mental wishy-washy-ness... cannabis helps immensely with the body-load but can make the mental flowing get way out of hand, so it's a double-edged sword in regards to HBWR...

try lemon-juice extracting the seeds, if you ever get up to try again, people say that it helps with the nausea/body-load.

I find this whole family to be very helpful, perhaps the most clear-speaking of the Teachers. The convolvulaceae just put it out there, BAM, and its clear to you what they mean. Like they help you see it. I think HBWR actually has the heaviest body-load and nausea, so if you are prone to that sort of thing, maybe try a different member of the group? Or perhaps avoid them entirely, who knows?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#6 Posted : 3/22/2012 4:03:34 PM
next time forget the HBWR and get yourself some rivea corymbosa seeds instead.

all the fun, none of the nausea. Smile
Hey! You! Get off of my cloud!
#7 Posted : 3/22/2012 4:49:39 PM
how many rivea seeds are you eating zion? I know this is a hit or miss topic but ive tried these about 5 times and....nothing. The one time I chewed about 70 of the little guys a few hours after my first time eating san pedro (30 grams) I had some very strange CEV and also got lost in a swamp in the dark haha that was one hell of a night. But im not sure if it was the cactus finally kicking in (about 5 hours later) or the seeds.
Senior Member | Skills: Filmmaking and Storytelling, Video and Audio Technology, Teaching, Gardening, Languages (Proficient Spanish, Catalan and English, and some french, italian and russian), Seafood cuisine
#8 Posted : 3/22/2012 5:05:39 PM
AluminumFoilRobots wrote:
cannabis helps immensely with the body-load but can make the mental flowing get way out of hand, so it's a double-edged sword in regards to HBWR...

try lemon-juice extracting the seeds, if you ever get up to try again, people say that it helps with the nausea/body-load.

This is correct, as far as my experience goes. I would avoid chewing or swallowing whole HBWR seeds. Even if they are organic grown and have no additives (there used to be a lot of legends about HBWR seeds treated with sulphur to keep people from eating them) there are cyanogenic glycosides in HBWR seeds. Those have toxic properties, your stomach might not like them at all and thus are to be avoided. So a proper cold water extraction is the way to go.

I found this simple recipe time ago, I used it several times and I've had clean, positive experiences with HBWR seeds. No significant nausea.

- Grind 10 seeds. If you have no clue about their potency, you might want to use 7 or 8.
- Prepare a strong peppermint tea, using either spring or distilled water.
- Add lemon juice to it, bringing the pH down to 4.
- Let the tea cool down in fridge or freezer.
- Pour the ground seeds in the cold tea. Let them soak, stirring a little for a few minutes. Try to keep the tea cold.
- Once the seed powder settles in the bottom, filter and discard the solids.
- Drink immediately.

Also, as AluminumFoilRobots said, cannabis has a great synergy with LSA extractions, beyond the nausea reducing component. Keep some handy if you can, or smoke a bowl right away before the effects kick in.

I think LSA/HBWR can be a very pleasant and clean experience if done properly.

#9 Posted : 3/22/2012 6:29:47 PM
K, still alive.

It's been 14 h since digestion. Didn't sleep all night and brain feels puffy. I won't be doing any psychedelics in the future.

The trip was unpleasant to say the least. Weird tingly sensations and stomach felt like full of lead, no visuals. Learned one thing. Any present problems and that sort are all "brought out" strongly when tripping. Thanks.
Senior Member | Skills: Filmmaking and Storytelling, Video and Audio Technology, Teaching, Gardening, Languages (Proficient Spanish, Catalan and English, and some french, italian and russian), Seafood cuisine
#10 Posted : 3/22/2012 6:35:17 PM
Cup wrote:
K, still alive.

It's been 14 h since digestion. Didn't sleep all night and brain feels puffy. I won't be doing any psychedelics in the future. Learned one thing. Any present problems and that sort are all "brought out" strongly when tripping. Thanks.

Set and setting, my friend. Psychedelics intensify, and allow unconscious material to emerge. And LSA in particular seems to be very effective when it comes to bringing things out.

Just remember, it's hardly the substance. It's us. I hope you are able to deal with those present problems, once they have appeared in such an obvious way.

Be well.
#11 Posted : 3/22/2012 7:59:19 PM
Zion wrote:
next time forget the HBWR and get yourself some rivea corymbosa seeds instead.

all the fun, none of the nausea. Smile

LOL the Christmas vine. I had no idea it contained LSA Razz
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#12 Posted : 3/22/2012 9:21:56 PM
Cup wrote:
I won't be doing any psychedelics in the future.

Hey now, don't go giving up on all psychedelics just because HBWR wasn't for you. And like people said, even HBWR can be prepared in a way to remove almost all of the bad sides. If you just put some raw seeds in your mouth, then of course you're gonna feel uncomfortable and anxious.

I used to get unbearably painful vasoconstriction in my legs and not being able to breathe, until I found out how they should be prepared. Now I use things like sherry and chocolate and datura seeds to create an experience that is magically electric and visual, with almost no body load. And I don't really care if the LSA -> LSH thing is a myth, I just know that somehow it works.

For example here is a thread with ways to prepare them.
Senior Member | Skills: Filmmaking and Storytelling, Video and Audio Technology, Teaching, Gardening, Languages (Proficient Spanish, Catalan and English, and some french, italian and russian), Seafood cuisine
#13 Posted : 3/22/2012 9:40:42 PM
daedaloops wrote:
For example here is a thread with ways to prepare them.

Nice find, daedaloops. Made me understand better what I do.

Love your banner btw.
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