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How to take San Pedro powder? Options
#1 Posted : 3/21/2012 3:11:50 PM
I recently obtained 1750g of San Pedro powder from Compras Peru (I'm only listing the site in case anyone has recommendations or warnings about it)

I am on an irreversible MAOI called Parnate for depression, so if you specifically know about possible interactions (I'm assuming it will be more or less potent) please let me know! In addition I am not smoking any DMT for this reason, but can I?

Is this a decent way to take San Pedro?

I would love to transition off Parnate onto something that keeps the pain at bay for the few weeks it takes to get the irreversible MAOI out of my system since I have made plans to go to a place called Shimbre in Peru to try Ayahausca with proper Shamanic guidance as a treatment for this condition. Any ideas here, could San Pedro at low doses be an option?

How should I do it and what dose should I start with?

In a general sense what sort of effects should I expect?

I am both scared and amazed by psychedelics so I am keeping both Valium and an Anti-Psychotic (Geodon) handy in case of overwhelming psychic trouble, is this a decent cop out strategy?

I really appreciate the depth of knowledge here and the general attitude that people seem to have, thanks ahead of time for taking the time to answer a tedious and complicated question!

Has anyone seen the Ayahuasca documentary "Stepping Into the Fire"? It's what motivated me to go to Shimbre in the first place, I can add a link if anyone cares to watch it.


#2 Posted : 3/21/2012 7:07:11 PM

I'm definitely not an expert in these matters, but to my knowledge all MAOIs will interact with classical hallucinogens like mescaline and DMT. Specifically, they would be expected to lengthen and intensify the experience - possibly to a very uncomfortable or even terrifying extent! - because the body uses the MAO enzyme (which MAOIs are designed to inhibit) to metabolize chemicals in the phenethylamine and tryptamine families. That's also how they work as antidepressants, because neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline are from the same families. An irreversible MAOI can be particularly dangerous in combination with various drugs, including cacti and DMT, because there's a chance it might lead to a hypertensive crisis or serotonin syndrome...

I do have one personal anecdote to share: Early in my drug experimentation career (which was actually less than two years ago) I was taking sertraline for depression, so I was ruling out things like ayahuasca because I knew that SSRIs were specifically listed as potentially dangerous in combination with serotonergic drugs. What I didn't know is that they also (at least in my experience) greatly intensify the effects of cannabinoids! Fortunately, the method of administration was very inefficient, but I still got hit with one of the most intense experiences of my life, where I felt like I was in a time loop endlessly reliving the same few seconds over and over. For such a newbie, I'm just glad that I was in a secure environment and was able to keep my actions under control! You just can't always predict drug interactions, even when you think you've done the research.

Okay, I'll let someone more experienced take it from here. If you want to know how to administer San Pedro, look in the Cacti section on the Nexus welcome page, under Other Entheogens. I think you may need to extract the mescaline from San Pedro powder, because it isn't in high enough concentrations to get an effect from simply eating it straight up, like with peyote. I've also heard that the natives brewed San Pedro as a tea called cimora. At first I thought that meant a sort of ayahuasca variant, with a natural MAOI additive, but according to the online references I've come across the only psychoactive components are cactus and brugmansia (which is a dangerous nightshade!). It looks like most modern psychonauts prefer to extract it.

Sorry for the long post. I'm still trying to learn how to become more active in the community. Good luck! Oh, and one idea for weaning yourself off the Parnate might be to replace it with small doses of a natural, reversible MAOI, like Syrian rue or St John's wort. That kind of self-medication always carries its own risks, though. Take care...
#3 Posted : 3/22/2012 12:06:24 AM
Are you asking for a ROA or if its safe to mix with your MAOI?
I have no idea about the MAOI thing, but I'm pretty sure its a concern. A normal dose could be an overdose for you.

As far as ROA and Dosage
1750g powder of unkown potency. Typical pedro is less than 1% mescaline, but the raw material has other active alks.

So 1% gives you around 17.5g mescaline.

Good dose (for me) is around 300-400mgs HCL.

That gives you around 45+ doses. About 35g raw powder per dose.

I DONOT consume raw powder. Just add some water to a bit and see how slimy it gets, like weird thick snot. Imagine that stuck inside you and trying to puke it up. Also, its nearly impossible to make Pedro Tea from the raw powder because it turns into snot and cannot be filtered.

I'd extract the powder with a STB tek. Dose low and work your way up. Good Luck!!!
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