effigy11 wrote:
This is my first night here
Quite the social butterfly
effigy11 wrote:
but, what is conversation without "opposition, scrutiny, doubt, or superiority" as you say?
One pointed
effigy11 wrote:
Mutual masturbation.
Sounds safe to me
effigy11 wrote:
An exploration of ideas without scrutiny or doubt is the same as the exploration of a pure blank white eternal space without a spec of darkness to provide reference... In other words, nothing. Krishnamurti's point about conflict was nothingness.
I believe there is nothing without something, but not that I know anything about zen, hope thats entertaining enough. I also believe even nothing is something, but lets not get psydtracked
effigy11 wrote:
OP, you are a dirty hippy... And not the cool kind of hippy who will get high with and share a beer with you while talking about how crazy this journey of life is... No, you're the hippy who 'knows things' and 'knows' that other people don't 'understand' the things that you and you alone 'know' and that explains the problems with the world...
Do you know what your problem is? Are you calling me materialistic? If so, that is all very well - I truly do respect the material, without it I would not appreciate the word made flesh. What is "OP"?
effigy11 wrote:Here is my proof. It's in the pudding as they say.
Quote:I would appreciate a beautiful response, or none at all.
Not that I wouldn't also appreciate everything else, once I focused in puke in a mop bucket in my warehouse after an after-party, saw a stick figure in a circle made by someone spitting into it. So I painted a picture of it on the wall, it was beautiful to me. your response is no less beautiful than spit in a mop bucket of puke. To me its about focus (coagula) and letting go (solvet), and I don't eat pudding.
effigy11 wrote:
You speak and pose questions yet have a well conceived notion of what an acceptable response may be.
...and you have never done this in your life? I wont tell people things that I think I know, rather I will respect that they have come to, or are coming to their own perspective on the matter.
effigy11 wrote:
So I (have/and) am going to respond in a way you will probably find ugly.
Is this how your treating strangers? a group of like minded individuals? friends? family? I hope you're not so hard on yourself.
effigy11 wrote:
Because if you can't appreciate the beauty of things that are outside of the realm of what you understand as 'beautiful', we can not play together.
well they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so fine, you can't come to my birthday party
effigy11 wrote:
How could you NOT debate someone in the middle of a dmt experience who was lucid enough to debate their own experience with another?
I could NOT bother people by holding space in a respectful and open, responsible manner. Sure I've spoken with people who choose to talk during their trip, but usually there's a good space for listening and a harmonic outcome in my experience. During a traditional ceremony however, only the shaman tends to speak, intentionally, during the ceremony, and after there is a lot of gratitude being expressed by key members of the circle. But you're right, it must be addressed by the responsible person(s), we can't just let someone freak out. Is debate the best word choice? I have seen one shaman tell someone to keep his sacred geometry drawings put away in the medicine circle. The guy started crying, but still chose to participate.
effigy11 wrote:
Not doing so is to deny the two of you a great mutual opportunity for deeper understanding.
I'm starting to think we're on the same page
effigy11 wrote:
And as far as an artist who is upset by some dick coming up and painting a giant penis on his canvas, well, I'd say get a fucking studio and stop painting in public.
it was an experiment, and if I had another vest like that I would screen the artists properly to see what they would draw first.
effigy11 wrote:
Drop your ego, observe your surroundings. If you're painting an inner vision, do it in your house. If you're a stupid hippy who thinks the world should be nothing but flowers and free love and wants the rest of humanity to reflect his own ignorance back onto his vest with permanent markers... Well... Try mastering lucid dreaming. Art is not for you friend.
What is art?
effigy11 wrote:
I appreciate your Utopian notions... but NO. We CAN NOT. "We" are not fictional or philosophical characters, we are human-beings! And just because you may have come to a special understanding or transcendence of a particular flaw does not mean it is gone.. or wrong...
If a friend of mine said what you've said while on DMT I would happily slap him in the face to connect them back to reality.
The word 'but' apparently negates the statement made, but some people are aware of this. How do I know you aren't just a figment of my imagination? What particular flaw was your deixis referring to? I've never known a 'shaman' healer to slap anyone. Only person slapped me during a trip was an entity who appeared in 3 quick frames, but I didn't even feel it, and the point of that was between my own crazy daze.
I've heard one define an artist as someone who elicited response in the observer. You seem to be telling me I'm not an artist, while at the same time eliciting a response, which exemplifies me as an artist. Keneth Grant, who writes about occult(hidden) tantric history, outlined ten ways of stirring kundalini, one was art, and one was aggression/anger/violence. All leading to rapture of kundalini even if in an unnoticeable sense apparently, not that I'm trying to be that kind of artist. Another method is through trance for example, we are all hypnotized - take language. To me language learning follows the structure of hypnotic trance. It also happens to be a tool for further hypnosis.
Besides your strengthening of my standpoint as an artist you also seem to be judging me, though I wouldn't say for sure what is going on, because I'm not claiming to be all knowing. I will not however stoop to the level it appears as though you have gone to by blatantly insulting me, can we not make this win win for both of us? I forgive you for how I think you come off, and forgive myself for not being so well received by every single person. I do my best to make each interaction positive for all.
If I'm a narcissus, I would be the exception to the rule, due to my altruistic stand point - rooted in my the visions (which may all be narcissistic technically, though that belief doesn't work for me).
We have time for what we love, so you must really love me for spending so much time writing me a response test. No, I wouldn't be true to myself if I let myself assume that. Congratulations on your choice of art form, to each their own. I know myself better than anyone else, so why judge others?
Why do I ask is it possible? Not only because I'm hypnotized, but primarily out of love actually. The paragraph I wrote was to be in support of that intention. Here's another supportive experience:
Once I gathered about 10 willing explorers of the inner mysteries and asked them all to pick 2 colors. Some people chose one, knowing that the color chosen would dictate the order the people were to vaporize spice. Everything was going very well, we did violet last. During violet the one and only person who chose to launch during this color blasted on into his journey, and another man started doing this really annoying breathing sound with between his teeth and lips. It really pissed of the guy on his journey, noticeably, so I took the guy out of the room to talk to him, and he said "I'm just showing him how to breath." OooWhaad everr. The violet journeyer had been sober from booze for 6 years, and after this he never wanted to use spice again, and fell off the wagon - it was really sad to see him loose it in his life like that. Considering he chose violet, he really had the greatest expectations in my own opinion, not that this interpretation holds any weight. Anyway "Violet man" then labeled "breathing teacher" as an energy vampire, a title which appropriately stuck with that individual until he was no longer accepted in the circle, not that people didn't already feel this way. I still accepted him and know what he went through in his life - his very sad life.
perhaps I'm in denial? Jung says only others will point this out about someone. Well we also have to be willing to accept our shadows and offer them unconditional love, he says, if we are to merge with them in the individuation process leading to the self. "karma" some define. Okay, maybe I think I'm a no it all. I forgive myself, and try to be less condescending and more compassionate, sensitive, and considerate. Less egotistically denying of any accusations of this non legally binding nature. Lets agree to agree
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