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Thoughts on Cellphones Options
#21 Posted : 3/20/2012 3:16:20 PM
It may sound a bit crazy, but I am a strong believer in technology. I believe that we are biologically advanced to such a point that we now evolve through technological extensions or add-ons. With the internet, we are slowly heading toward a global network where individuals are constantly connected and part of a macroscopic planetary being.

As weird as it may sound, I think that cellphones, and specially smartphones are a step in that direction.

I enjoy being part of that flux of information and love to see how it is evolving.

As for the cellphone itself, I have a iPhone and need a good phone to keep my digital data organized (pictures, deadlines, notes, contacts) and for my work. It doesn't stop me from enjoying the company of the people I am with, and I close it when I don't want to be bothered.

I just think that having the possibility to go on the net and find information, wherever you may be, is a fantastic thing.
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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#22 Posted : 3/20/2012 3:48:15 PM
Personally I think it is a bit naive to think that our technology is going to save us to this extent. There are many negative aspects to our current technologies. There are also many positives.

I think the technology of the human brain, and the biosphere drawfs that of any man made silicon based technologies we have come up with. Cell phones included. Alot of this stuff is incongruent with the biological systems put into place and therefore must go. We need technologies that are congruent with the system and appear/function more like bio-engineered techs that support the system and draw off of the same principles.

Right now alot of what we have works against that.

I threw my cell phone out nearly a year ago and after years of having one, felt relieved to be rid of it. The internet is much more important though for me.
Long live the unwoke.
#23 Posted : 3/20/2012 3:59:57 PM
you've all seen Terminator 2, right?

Smart phones are the thin end of the wedge people, we must halt the revolution before it to lateVery happy

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

Senior Member
#24 Posted : 3/20/2012 4:11:44 PM
i have a cell phone that i use to call my grandmother so she doesn't get to lonely.
i think aside from my parents ive talked with her more than any of my friends. I leave it at home pretty much all the time. They are cumbersome and when you don't drive a car everything you carry becomes a big deal.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#25 Posted : 3/20/2012 4:26:39 PM
jamie, i very much agree. reminds me of permaculture. these systems have had billions of years to develop, you'd think we'd take some cues from them.

one thing that i think is a negative and a positive is the access to all the information. i mean yea you can access it anywhere but i feel like this prevents you from memorizing things just because you don't really have to. what if you're out somewhere and can't remember something you read that could help you and you can't connect to the internet.
#26 Posted : 3/20/2012 4:36:37 PM
smartphones are best communications technology before mass telepathy (best spy technology too)

wait... chicken or egg
blessed be all forms of intelligence
#27 Posted : 3/20/2012 4:55:16 PM
I can't really go without mine, but I talk on it maybe 5 times a week at most.

Can't stand the culture that has developed around it...
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