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Idoser Meditation Options
#1 Posted : 3/17/2012 4:35:31 PM
So lately Ive taken to listening to music while I meditate, I live in the city so it can be quite loud at times...Anyway last night I bought Idoser's "lucid dream" as that is something Ive wanted to master. After smoking some weed mixed with mugwort and pau d arco, I closed my eyes and popped my headphones on. I started by repeating my mantra "Clear the mind, calm the heart" in my head as I always do, thinking "clear the mind" as I breathe in through the nose and "calm the mind" as I let it out through the mouth. After awhile I was able to sink deep enough to the point of being unaware of my body. What happened next best I can tell is the music shifted as if heard as an echo and a feeling of my mind being drawn downward...or inward. When it happened I was unable to keep repeating my mantra as my thoughts grew sluggish. Then as the effects grew it was like my mind was afraid of dying and pulled itself out and the real world was back. Could I have been perceiving the moment I fall asleep? If so how can I let my mind go deeper? Id be very thankful for any imput!
Is it not amazing that the atoms of your being are flashing in and out of existence? Makes you wonder where we really are...

We do not forgive, we do not forget.
Walter D. Roy
#2 Posted : 3/17/2012 5:16:19 PM
Its sounds to me as if you were trying some Transcendental Meditation with Idoser. I'm not sure about the finer points of Transcendental Meditation, but I do know they use stuff like music or other things (like swaying) to disconnect their mind from body. You might have been experiencing some of this. I do think that mixed with some cannabis as you mentioned would have greatly effecting the experience. Also I have tried many different forms of Idoser in the past. They are very weird and annoying in my perceptive. They do manage however to distract me and "pull me inward".

All in all, what I think you might have experienced is that "falling asleep" feeling. I get that every night when I fall asleep, or like if I sleep at school. But I do think that the mixture of drugs and Idoser with meditation most likely just intensified the experience.

If you really wish to find out though, if I were you I would experiment with it a bit more. Try it without meditation (like sleeping) or no cannabis. Just change around the variables and see what happens.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
#3 Posted : 3/17/2012 5:35:44 PM
Oh I very much intend on experimenting with b. caapi extracts and dmt starting next week and perhaps get some better headphones and idosers. Id like to see how meditating after coming down off dmt works, then add Idoser to that. I will keep posting my findings!
Is it not amazing that the atoms of your being are flashing in and out of existence? Makes you wonder where we really are...

We do not forgive, we do not forget.
#4 Posted : 3/19/2012 6:28:21 PM
Yesterday, after a rather stressful day at work two things happened, one very interesting experience, one very sad experience. The good first of course since it gives a bit of background for the bad. Right then, so laying in bed having smoked a copious amount of SourD (my favorite strain), Mugwort and Passion flower (note that both will be replaced with a 20x b. caapi extract when they decide to ship it to me.:evil: ) and repeating my mantra in my head. After an unknown amount of time I started to slip deeper in my mind to the point of being unaware of my body. At this point the song changed to "Astral" and as the music reached the peak of the last "cycle" I saw myself standing in a room facing a hallway that I "knew" to be my neighbor's right below me. I felt a heaviness and found myself unable to move with a deep sense of wrongness. This "vision" last for only a few minutes before there was a knock on the door behind me in the "room", I knew it was a cop knocking though I could not see him or anyone else in my vision and I soon found myself distracted by the thought of it echoing through my mind. After a few minutes (time is rather subjective at this point) I was able to still my thoughts and went back into the "deep", at this point "Trip" was on and persuaded by the muddled voice I heard speaking to me in the recording, (you really can't make out what he is saying but you can "feel" what he means) I opened my eyes and looked at the space above my TV on the wall. What I saw was very akin to my most recent mushroom trip where I made 4g of some wonderfully grown gold caps into some tea. I felt nothing but complete bliss and relaxation while the song played and the OEVs continued as the song changed to "divinorum" however now I also felt the full body heaviness that comes with divinorum.

The last song on my 2 hour Idoser mix is "Out of Body" At this point in my meditation I was in a state of complete detachment from reality and saw from a point somewhere above my building two men walking up to the door. I saw one of the men raise their hand as if to knock...and there was a knock on MY door. I felt it more than heard it, a deep booming thunder through my mind bringing a flood of panic and fear. It snapped me back to the reality of lying half naked in bed instantly but my mind still wasn't fully there, still floating about in dreamspace I assume. As I tried to gather my thoughts and make myself presentable enough to deal with two very angry cops, (I pretty much assume all cops in my city are angry...) I could not help the feeling that this was "supposed" to happen, as if my seeing it in my meditations had made it into a reality. Thankfully I was saved the need of talking to the cops by my sister who had just gotten home, so instead I waited to see what was going on and pondered everything I had seen. Soon after my sister had gone downstairs I heard an anguished cry and my front door slamming. My sister came running up the stairs with tears streaming down her face, my mind was running a billion miles an hour with what could have happened. She informed me that our neighbor, whom we had just begun to get to know had died. He passed away of natural causes while in the shower and was found 36 hours later. I went downstairs with my sister and for the first time entered his apartment to get his pets (2 dogs and 2 cats)... the room I stepped into was almost exactly the one I had seen in my "vision" most of the smaller more precise details were different, but the layout of the furniture and room was the same. The hallway I had been forced to stare at led to the bathroom where he died. It shook me enough I had to leave and take a walk around the block.

This experience has left me with a better understanding of what to expect the first time I smoke spice and undergo an "ego death" I am more prepared for it and although I did not know this man closely, he was always very friendly and cheerful...In a way I suppose this is my first experience with death as an adult. I look forward to understanding even more, very shortly with B Caapi and Spice and sharing all that I learn with this wonderful group of people.

Thank you for reading,
Is it not amazing that the atoms of your being are flashing in and out of existence? Makes you wonder where we really are...

We do not forgive, we do not forget.
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