Swim took DMT today and was after a few answers. Scales only weighing 0.03g objects. So one took a load of about 2 pinky nail sized bongs of fluffy white crystals. One used the sandwich layer method with tobacco beneath and on top, but was skeptical about burning the substance. Lit the top layer of tobacco and let the amber fall. Inhaled like said after filling up the bong. Waited 15 seconds, took another. Not much happened. Loaded the second pinky sized bit into the bong and repeated.
Although one did trip, one found it extremely mild. Weak visual distortion and closed eye visuals with a sense of unity and love. One wanted to become the earth but just wasn't tripping that hard!
Just wondering, did one burn the Dmt and waste loads? Did one not use enough? It was almost enough to fill the entire bowl(small bowl about the depth of a thumb nail).
One though that this would be too much but wanted to break through and did not. One only has a little bit more than was used before left from a 30g mimosa extraction and doesn't want to waste any more.
A 5 chamber water bong was used.
You're going to hear "be careful" alot with this post, and I'd heed this warning. Weighing a dose is the way to go.
I think with different quality of crystal (which happens when you make multiple pulls from the same mimosa) the weight can be inconsistent if you're just eyeballing it.
Whats heavier a pound of rock or a pound of feathers kinda deal. Have to weigh it to know for sure that its the amount your thinking it is.
One did actually weigh it but the scales are supposed to weigh from 0.01g, but they only go from 0.030. So i weighed it up and it didn't come to anything. So its safe to say that it is less than 30mg.
But at the same time it looked like a lot more than what i had expected.
I would have thought this amount would make one trip reasonably. But it was very weak.
One would just like to point out that he is fairly experienced in psychedelic use. Most notably high dose Salvia. So the trip was more than underwhelming for one.
It's hard to know what really happened since there are so many factors. The first time i tried freebase i was really curious to see how the crystals behaved when melting, started bubbling and formed vapor. So i bought a vaporizer where i could actually monitor the whole process.. The way you do it with a bong and also with tobacco is hard to observe anything, which could be of interest since it's first time and you would want to check that everything goes fine.
essential vaaapp or vaporGenie would be so much easier for you to use i think. If you cant get that there is always ways to make your own vaporizer, just check the forum.
And yea i'm also skeptical about burning it like that. even if you add it in-between like that i think it easily get burnt, that's my experience anyway. If you try the same method again try use ash. I'm not saying bong is wrong but there is perhaps more things that could go wrong with it compared to a vaporizer.
Try and maybe load more tobacco next time, or try a smaller bong. If I am not mistaken I believe when vaporizing DMT in a bong or anything related the DMT in the smoke will begin to "drop out" due to the long exposure in the bong. I'm not 100% sure about this but I have used a gravity bong which worked very good. We did not put tobacco on the bottom however so you might experiment with that. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
I'm guessing the issue is technique, probably the spice is not being vaped efficiently/correctly. Maybe try using a bit more, or maybe try a more direct route than the sandwich method such as the machine. ComplacentCatalyst wrote:You're going to hear "be careful" alot with this post, and I'd heed this warning. Weighing a dose is the way to go. A lot of people (myself included) never weigh doses. It's not necessarily a bad thing. To be honest when using the machine I don't even really eyeball the dose, I just put loads in it and then hit til I can't hit anymore, lol. There's always loads left in it, could easily pick it up just now and give myself a breakthrough without needing to put anymore in it. Worst case scenario you get a really strong dose and get a bit of a hyperslap, which is interesting in it's own way. I think weighing doses is maybe more important when using a very efficient method like a GVG. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
Walter D. Roy wrote:If I am not mistaken I believe when vaporizing DMT in a bong or anything related the DMT in the smoke will begin to "drop out" due to the long exposure in the bong. I'm not 100% sure about this ... That is my belief also. Not much is lost, but still some. Even my vaporizer get filled with dmt condensation after using it several times. and that is much smaller/shorter than a bong.
Nice one chaps thanks for the advice.
Just weighed the rest up at 50mg.
Since the bong seemed ineffective and one doesn't have the required tools to make the machine or a vap. I think one is going to use a small pipe, with a bed of ashes and a decent layer of tobacco on top. One has a stone and wooden pipe. Which would be better?
Should one wait until tomorrow to take? Is there an immediate tolerance to the substance?
I don't think stone or wood pipe would matter, perhaps the wood pipe is isolating heat better and thus prevent condensation.. but i really don't think it matters. The form of the pipe matters i guess but.. both should work fine  I'm no expert, but no tolerance builds up between sessions from my experience. I take a guess here, but i think tolerance time is very very short, if there is any.
My bad. I thought you were saying you weren't confident your scale measured mg doses accurately so you were trying to eyeball it. I misread.
Yeah I have smoked multiple times in a short amount of time, I would say 30 min to maybe an hour would do it. The Unknown = A Place to Learn