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Smoalking example videos? Options
#41 Posted : 3/17/2012 11:31:23 AM
Obliguhl's got a point, rjb, shit's hard to vape!

(but that's part of the fun)


#42 Posted : 3/17/2012 12:04:46 PM
obliguhl wrote:
How do you show it in the video?

Do we need a video tutorial now for learning to smoke cigarettes as well?

1. by showing a guy who draws on the VG ?
2. That is different because DMT requieres the right vaporisation temperature which is determined by suction speed, distance of lighter, time the lighter hits the VG, type of lighter.

I think it's equally easy to write down the instructions.
How can you see in the video the "suction speed"?
With VG it's obviously more difficult than with the GVG(I've tried both) but I don't know what can video explain that instructions in text can not.

2. That is different because DMT requieres the right vaporisation temperature which is determined by suction speed, distance of lighter, time the lighter hits the VG, type of lighter.

Some of these change with the amount of spice used, so I would think text instructions would be better guidelines than seeing person inhaling from a pipe.

BF:shit's hard to vape!

Good luck vaping shitRolling eyes
#43 Posted : 3/17/2012 2:48:03 PM
obliguhl wrote:
How do you show it in the video?

Do we need a video tutorial now for learning to smoke cigarettes as well?

1. by showing a guy who draws on the VG ?
2. That is different because DMT requieres the right vaporisation temperature which is determined by suction speed, distance of lighter, time the lighter hits the VG, type of lighter.

I meant it this way: a video won't help very much because everyone has different lungs/throats and might need different "settings"; the lighter distance + the speed with which you suck is what matters the most and you'll need to adjust that yourself, if you feel you're not doing it quite right. The process is pretty basic, and if not it can always be looked up in the forums. Plus, it's not generally good to publicly teach someone to smoke DMT out of a pipe or anything in a video, for what to me are pretty obvious reasons.

1. fire the lighter
2. get the lighter near the VG/GVG/machine/what have you and start sucking air through the mouth piece. At first, you'll want to start with the flame close to the rim of the VG, if you're using a BIC lighter, and about 1 cm away from it if you're using a torch lighter. As the pipe gets hotter, increase the distance between the flame and the filter, and suck a little faster.
3. turn off lighter, sit back and enjoy.
The truth...lies within.
Electric Kool-Aid
#44 Posted : 3/17/2012 3:43:59 PM
I think everyone is getting fixated on on part of a video idea. Vaping. But in reality there is extraction too. Cleaning spice. Some teks are bloody hard!

Think of all the problems we hear about. "my pulls didnt have any spice". Or people say "you got brown gunk in the pull". Maybe these problems could have been avoided had there been an instructional video on extraction.

Burning spice while vaping can be blamed on a few things. Getting mix in the final product and needs to be cleaned. Lighter. Method. Pipe. When a simple video showing a how to would have avoided things like wasting spice or thinking your spice is contaminated because it is harsh smoke. Plus! How many people come on here saying they used a lightbulb? I am sure because it was too hard to figure out or there was lack of guidence on making a machine.

Its not a "lets hold their hands" its more "lets help us not waste, time, money and most of all, not waste our valuable spice" think about the jungles with these exotic plants and getting harvested more and more due to people messing up on vaping 150mg and getting slight colours and no breakthrough.when 25mg would have worked had they known how to vape it. Now they had to order more MHRB to supply the wastful technique! Or a tek messed up AGAIN! Oh what a waste of product and peoples time trying to coach that person through a dangerous chemical formula. Simple eh?

Bottom line. Videos give visuals that text can lack.

Help us help eachother the best we can. If text is too hard to understand. Common sense. A video would help instead.

If we have problems with public seing them, then make it login only. Members can only view them.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#45 Posted : 3/17/2012 4:22:06 PM
Electric Kool-Aid, while a vaping video is "possesion and usage", VideoTEK is manufacturing. I would not go there plus most extraction issues are not technique related in my opinion.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
Ice House
Moderator | Skills: Sustainable growing
#46 Posted : 3/18/2012 6:56:04 AM
Some of you guys are making this way too difficult.
come on!

Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
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