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lab raid in protland ...wonder why? Options
#1 Posted : 3/12/2012 9:20:08 PM
I hope this doesnt break the discussion rule, but I think its pertinent as to why discussion of drug selling is not entertained here.
Above is a link to a local news story. SWIM knows these folk,and finds something very depressing about the whole thing. Not the loss of two great individuals from the entheogenic culture (good riddance), but something worse, a mindset of dmt commodification. It is a substance that is poised to start a cultural revolution akin to what LSD did in the 60s, and the effects could be staggeringly positive socially as long as a capitalist mindset isnt applied to the substance itself. Ive started to notice more and more experience related things popping up in poular culture. So how do you keep it out? How do you stop something like two heroin addicts who aremaking it in meth-lab conditions and not giving a crap about the consequences from doing so? DONT BUY IT! Greed and DMT dont mix well.
Anyway, its an interesting story. One that make me think about many facets of this fascinating DMT, and how something so alien to human conciousness can be utilized beneficially, and how we, as its supporters must sound the word as responsibly as possible.
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#2 Posted : 3/12/2012 9:42:20 PM
As this chemicals popularity soars unfortunately there is a market where curios individuals are willing to buy it to see what all the excitement is about. With the lack of LSD and the effort of having to make other things yourself this chemical is filling a gap.

This is one of the reasons the nexus is undergoing serious changes to do what we can to prevent the commercialization of this spiritual chemical. For those of us here in the nexus the selling of DMT constitutes sacrilege and is a serious danger to the welfare of the victims. It gives them the chemical but provides no support to deal with the aftermath. Secondly given the difficulty of the extraction process not being sure how your material was made could be very life threatening.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
Walter D. Roy
#3 Posted : 3/12/2012 9:47:35 PM
This just shows you what happens when you are irresponsible with the spice..
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
#4 Posted : 3/12/2012 10:26:18 PM
yes, it does seems like DMT is slowly moving its tentacles to the mainstreams eye. we are going to need to work very hard to ensure that it does so in a positive and non biased way. i think Vovin's ideas are very important.. and must be integrated sooner rather than later. It certainly would be good to have a data base of reliable info about all aspects of DMT which can be digested easily by those who don't know the sacrament.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#5 Posted : 3/12/2012 10:30:19 PM
ive actaully distanced myself from people who were very very good friends of mine at times because they constantly talk of wanting to sell DMT..calling it "deems" and talking abotu charging people for DMT sessions with them etc..Im talking about people who have only done DMT like less then 3 times and just do lots of acid..

I dunno sometimes I wonder if that makes me a shallow person or something but it really bothers me and makes me feel like I want to repel from the situation at all costs.
Long live the unwoke.
Walter D. Roy
#6 Posted : 3/13/2012 1:33:22 AM
jamie wrote:
I dunno sometimes I wonder if that makes me a shallow person or something but it really bothers me and makes me feel like I want to repel from the situation at all costs.

I don't think that makes you shallow, but responsible.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Lago Chiller
#7 Posted : 3/13/2012 1:59:15 AM
Walter D. Roy wrote:
jamie wrote:
I dunno sometimes I wonder if that makes me a shallow person or something but it really bothers me and makes me feel like I want to repel from the situation at all costs.

I don't think that makes you shallow, but responsible.

Agreed. Sometimes you have to remove yourself from bad situations/people in your life, especially when they are trainwrecks about to happen and refuse to listen to sound advice.
#8 Posted : 3/13/2012 4:00:31 AM
Lago Chiller wrote:
Walter D. Roy wrote:
jamie wrote:
I dunno sometimes I wonder if that makes me a shallow person or something but it really bothers me and makes me feel like I want to repel from the situation at all costs.

I don't think that makes you shallow, but responsible.

Agreed. Sometimes you have to remove yourself from bad situations/people in your life, especially when they are trainwrecks about to happen and refuse to listen to sound advice.

In general and epecially when dealing with things like Dmt.

Sorry, I just wanted to keep the quotes going Very happy
Visit the Hyperspace Lexicon and contribute to the discussion. Help define the previously indiscribable!
Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#9 Posted : 3/13/2012 4:13:27 AM
I appreciate this perspective very much. I am about to embark on my first extraction with a friend of mine and we had to have a discussion about it the other day. I am the one who is planning on ordering the essentials because he is to paranoid (not that i'm not). The thing is that he sells a bit of herb, which isn't a big deal, but when i told him i really wanted to do this one of his first reactions was "I can get kids to buy it". I immediately told him that we're not doing that. I feel it to be so much more than a drug, and yes once we make some i do want to let many of my friends who have not tried it go for a ride, but i do not feel this is something that was really meant to make a profit from. profiteering from thise molecule will only bring it under more scrutiny and hurt everyone who really value as a true medicine and not just as a high.

BAH! any way thank you for the post. I'm new here (2nd post) and i am looking forward to more interaction with every one from this wonderful community.
#10 Posted : 3/15/2012 5:55:13 AM
Honestly, IF I ever concocted my own DMT (Pleased) I would be giving it away in lil sampler bags to my friends.

drugs, drugs they are no fun, unless you share with everyone.
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