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DMT Hyperspace- imagination going crazy or actually real Options
#1 Posted : 3/13/2012 10:58:02 PM
i myself see dmt hyperspace and salvia space as being real in existence in the majority of my views (to be precise 80% overall) but that other 20% always plays on my mind where i start to think is it just my mind going crazy with wild thoughts.

i remember terrence mckenna talking about this once where he said that the dmt visions could very well be in our minds but after tripping so many times he became predominatly certain that our minds could not keep creating such intricate and such meaningfull visions that seem to unfold before us when taking the substance. Mckenna made a valid point here but there are still some who will say its just the drug temporarily changing your brains chemical structure causing the fake hallucinations to play out. I mean maybe these people are right and sometimes doubt wether im right in thinking it takes you to real places in diffrent dimensions but then i cant not belive it because its just so amazing and beyond anything i could ever think of. its a dilemma and we obviously cant prove the existence of these places for sure right now in this world with our level of science alone so i think looking at similar patterns in trips might help us all build a better case for exisitence. Some of these patterns and recurrences i have taken away are

. The view of the hyperspace tunnel which many people see
. seeing similar entites
. Trips mostly relate to the feeling of being in space (in this case hyperspace)
. People wanting to see certain things like angels before tripping but actually end up seeing alien life forms
. having unreal and almost godly realizations when tripping ie: learning to let go of the ego and feeling at one with the universe
. not being able to freely control what goes on in these trips by the power of thought alone which tells me and reinforces the fact that we spectators in these distant but real worlds where we have to play by the rules of these universes

in conclusion to the points above i feel these are the types of things that always make me go back to my original point of dmt trips not being random/imaginary at all in most cases and that we can start to uncover real similarites in order to build this case up that its not a illusion or arificial hallucicination

these are some of the points i have managed to think of while writing this out and i hope everyone adds their own views on this and thoughts on this post

thanks for reading :ab381
#2 Posted : 3/14/2012 12:36:04 AM
I think this is something most of us stuggle with at one point or another. What's real? Knowing what we now know about quantum physics and the way the brain processes information its hard to say with conviction that what we precive as the exterior world is even real.

Imo its just one of those questions you learn to live with when you make these plant compounds a part of your life.

I think its helpful to be open to both possibilitys and to use them as lenses to examine the content of your experience after the trip.

Good luck with your travels!
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Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
#3 Posted : 3/14/2012 10:40:57 PM
Who can say, what is real? It is up to the indivudal to distinguish reality from the dream. Sometimes they are not so different
sometimes it is enough to appreciate things that simply are.
The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..
Walter D. Roy
#4 Posted : 3/14/2012 11:46:57 PM
Guardian wrote:
Who can say, what is real? It is up to the indivudal to distinguish reality from the dream. Sometimes they are not so different
sometimes it is enough to appreciate things that simply are.

Well said my friend Smile
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
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