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Suicybe's first experience (report to go with the picture) Options
#1 Posted : 12/8/2008 7:32:58 PM
Darkbb wrote:
i can't even imagine the places 7g's of mushis took you. Were they potent? Do you remember any bit of the trip? Oh and how did you manage to take a picture while trippin on 7g's lol. I dont think I would even know what a camera was on that much Smile although I've never done anymore than 3g's

they were potent, just to preface
and yes i remember parts of the trip though the chronological order is still up for debate
this picture was taken on the come up before the OEV's

last night i attempted to type this report, i got all the way through it, then my computer shut down on routine before i could submit.
so now ill try to recant my previous tale.

the night started out with my good friend and dealer coming over, he announced he had the magical mushrooms i had been seeking for the past 2 years. (i went hunting all the time, fruitlessly, i used to ask everyone for them, but to no avail.) finally he arrives and gladly gets me a nice 3.5 g ride. unbeknownst to him, and to my own shame, i snagged another handful out of the giant bag of dried shrooms, i rationalized since he got them from the grower this wouldnt hinder his business in anyway (he used to get 10 lbs at a time)
so i ate the first dose
about 30 minutes later after some video games i noticed a light bulb, it had a halo of sorts and i felt as though it were staring at me.
so i went over and turned it off, about now my buddy goes, well alright man its about time for me to dip. i was concerned for what was going to happen to me and he told me, "with mushrooms, its always a good time!", with that in mind i bid him farewell and pulled out that other handful (i say 3.5 grams because it was atleast as big as the first pile i ate) i went to the mirror and kinda posed with a mushroom in my mouth like i had climbed a mountain and was putting a flag down. then i bit it, i dont know why or what i was thinking but i proceeded to eat the entire amount this way, watching myself eat them. i was actually full from eating these mushrooms. ( i hadnt eaten all day )

i was on my computer in itunes when i realized the lines were all dancing. i was amazed and perplexed that my digital screen was moving but the things inside were.
my body began to feel very odd
very odd indeed
it was like i was a weight and i had very little strength to do anything but have my head wobble from side to side. right about then i decided to chew on my window shades, and when i put it in my mouth (i just leaned over and chomped) i felt as though i understood more about them than i had ever before.
i think this is when i thought my computer was evil and that i should smash it to pieces, or atleast knock it off the table (same one im using right now) i rationalized that it was probably not the best idea to go breaking my most valued possessions, but i had no care for things of my own or anyone's at this point.

i tried standing, but to no avail, i simply recollapsed in the chair. so i chewed some more on the shades.
finally i managed to leave the comfort of my chair and collapse into the side of the bed. i would get up after falling, take one step and recollapse. it was like i had no spine, i was made of jelly. like an invertebrate. i felt as though extra corners and gravity were being applied to the room and it become unclear how i should move in this altered place. another step, and fall, get up another step, and crawl.

somehow. i managed to flick of the lights and get in the bathroom, where i closed the door and was enveloped by darkness.
i turned the shower on and got in. its one of my favorite places in the world, still is. a nice dark warm shower. (fixes me most times)

heres where it started to lose time and place to my actions

i was staring at the water
as it fell into my eyes, i had no inhibition that i was literally keeping my eyes wide open to the warm shower. i (for some odd reason) put the washcloth in my mouth and chewed, i understood it and its purpose (odd i know, but it seemed ok) then i did the same thing to my shoulder, (not biting just a gentle nibble) and i knew then why infants did that, thats their prime sense and beginning of understanding of the world around them.

i remember the tiles were illuminated by the neon grout that glowed beautifully, then they started to rearrange themselves. it was alot like tetris.

now i cant put precise detail to when the next bit of goodness occurred but ill put as much as i can.

at one point i felt as though i had melted into the tub, and the water was actually me, i picked my arm up and watched my flesh drip and pool around me (not frightening at all) i tried to drink myself back together, by ingesting copious amounts of bathwater.
it was like Neo being unplugged in the tub of goo.

im not sure when this part happened but at some point i remember the matrix code covering everything except it was the matrix and it wasnt green and it didnt cover things, it was gorgeous gold runes that i knew as 'god code' and it comprised everything. i have no idea when i saw this or when it vanished, but i remember the awesomeness of it!!!

i remember a spiderweb fracture appearing infront of me, like a crack in a windshield. then the cracks lengthened and multiplied until everything that i was seeing (still my bathroom) had broken glass marks on it. then like a jiggsaw puzzle in reverse the shards of what i can call the physical world started falling out. one by one these pieces fell, and behind them were stars and galaxies.

when they finally all fell out
i was floating, i think bodiless, in space, in the universe.
and there was this THING in front of me, it consumed my vision due to its vastness
and instantly after encountering it, i knew what it meant to "fear the lord"
it exuded such sheer power i feared for my existence, because it could have easily willed me gone.

the irony of the situation was i was expecting the christians to be full of shit, and this being this thing, this SUPREME POWER, told me otherwise. it spoke to me in a way that transcends language. like pure intent. i being scared shitless, sorta nodded and agreed the entire time and swore to obey. it told me that i was more or less screwing up on earth and that i shouldnt be doing what i have been, and i needed to change my ways, it let me know the christian ideas were right, and that i should follow the doctrine of his word because that was my sole purpose for existence. to serve him. then he seemed to put a metaphorical collar on me, i believe he called me his dog, though the term dog wasnt that of an animal but more of a pet and underling to him.

now about what this thing looked like
very human, but not feminine, but not completely masculine, it defied gender
AND THE FACE i remember the neck and the hair, it was like a bowl cut with pointy strands that moved and pulsated in a circular patten on his forehead. but the eyes i think i remember them, im not sure i think they were black and dilated, much like that of someone on mushrooms. his actual face though, is burned from my memory, maybe i couldnt comprehend it. i dont know, (ive tried drawing it, tried thinking on it, tried recanting it, but to no avail, i cant see that face no matter how hard i try,, very odd to me)

he sent me back to earth to serve and i if im right i believe he said i would return to him again someday, but when the time is right.

i remember my utter confusion that was back, i was back!!! and i had all my fingers and toes!!! i went outside in the bathrobe and pajama bottoms and ran around the apartment complex,
when i came down after waiting for my father to return i was lying on the sidewalk. then it was over. on a dime. and i was like
woah im on a sidewalk and i bet i look really odd with this hammer in my hand...

i told no one of what happened, i kept this secret for a while and now its open to you guys
do what you will of this tale, it was AWESOME

in retrospect i realized i had no ego death like ive had on my "abort trip" or "bad acid" or "ayahuasca" i was just on the otherside without the pain of death. maybe because i had no apprehension, and i feel as though if i dared consume that much again, i would surely suffer!

i wish everyone could have an experience like this once in thier lives, not directed at the members of this forum, but to the infants of the mind who choose not to partake in opening the third eye

Peace, in every direction
#2 Posted : 12/9/2008 2:02:01 AM
Nice post dude!

I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
#3 Posted : 12/9/2008 1:10:14 PM
yeah.. i think its that NEVER AGAIN theme which really gets you thinking. when coming down from a big dose of mushrooms i am always just happy to be alive. if you do it more often you will be like "oh no.. ive done it again" in these states. but at the end life always returns to the body. i have had 5 such experiences and now i carry this happiness inside me always. it never goes away. i will never forget. it helps a lot. being happy and making others happy is like the main reason for existence or something.

peace dude.. happy you survived!
I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. And I'm asking you, sir, at the top if my lungs.. (all posts are fictional and are intended for entertainment purpose only)
#4 Posted : 12/9/2008 8:33:27 PM
yes, every time im given my physical form back i praise the joy of life and that i have returned to it,
i know what youre thinkin lorax,
but how does that compare to DMT smoking?

gotta get me some@!
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#5 Posted : 12/10/2008 5:27:06 PM
with the ammount you ate...probabily preaty close to a full DMT breakthrough..only for hours and hours..
Smoking spice is a bit dif i think...but ive def gone farther with mushrooms than i ever did with aya..
Long live the unwoke.
Moderator | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf ProgrammingChemical expert | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf Programming
#6 Posted : 12/10/2008 6:07:15 PM
SWIM once ate 10 grams and actually passed out...fell into oblivion..the next day was the first day of his new life..everything changed after that
it's a sound
#7 Posted : 1/20/2009 10:11:58 AM
did you wake up in a pile of spice?
Chemical expertSenior Member
#8 Posted : 1/20/2009 12:50:21 PM
last weekend swim accidentally ingested 8g of potent transkei's - intending to eat only 4 - it was the most intense experience of swims life - other then a huge cactus tea and smoked spice or sally.
Wonderfull - not something that swim can do often but really intense and beautifull.

antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#9 Posted : 1/22/2009 1:56:20 AM
SWIM is surprised that people in other parts of the US have suchtrouble getting mushies. Over on the west coast, SWIM would have no trouble at all for any amount at all.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me
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