Hypothetically you or I or someone else is living in a country where it is illegal to sell, possess, distribute, or extract DMT. Even if you're taking every precaution, things can and inevitably do go wrong. Are the potential legal ramifications worth risking? I have obviously decided that the rewards marginally outweigh the risks, but I'm interested to hear other Nexians' reasoning. e.g. If I ask someone who doesn't use illegal substances, they'll just say it's not worth it, and they are not necessarily wrong to say that. Of course there is no right or wrong answer, but I can understand the argument. "Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK
Dead-Yolk-Mau5 - Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )
The year is 01 ADMT
..some of us do what we feel is right, whatever the risks..
in the case of DMT, unfortunate incarceration would be, to me, like being burned at the stake for being a witch, or saying the earth (and humanity) wasn't the centre of the universe..interestingly, it is more often those of spiritually illegal persuasion who front up to the highest risks (Bruno and Gallileo being scientific risk warrior exceptions)
being denied the right to explore my consciousness with DMT is equivalent to denying me the right to think certain thoughts, or do yoga, or masterbate, or visit a psychoanalyst ,which might be like the previous example..
..some of us will not let fear stop us doing what is a natural and personal and private right/rite.. .
ps. how about risk reduction strategies..?
nen888 wrote:being denied the right to explore my consciousness with DMT is equivalent to denying me the right to think certain thoughts, or do yoga, or masterbate, or visit a psychoanalyst, which might be like the previous example.. A very powerful statement indeed. It amazes me that even today people are ignorant to the human need for exploring their consciousness, and those that are deprived of doing so usually end up living a very unsatisfactory life. Psychoanalysts, Yoga, Masturbation, etc, is only something that has been recently accepted in society. One day, maybe entheogens will be tolerated as people seek something deeper than what society can provide. When people are deprived of safe means of self exploration, they use drugs like Alcohol in excess to attempt to reach such states, as a means of dealing with the taughtness of a rigid society. Luckily you don't have to break the law, as there are legal alternatives such as HBWR seeds, etc "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
Is it really worth it? Yes, yes yes!
I cant imagine how many levels this must be true.
That an authority can attempt to deny a human being one of his/her birth-right experiences is enough reason alone. The alternative is to actually let these criminals get away with devaluing peoples lives? No, no, no. I'd rather live my whole life in jail than let the slave divisions (governments) of the corporate powers have their way.
So yes totally worth it. Before even considering the issues around the substances themselves. Say no to those who dont have your best interests at heart, whilst pretending to do so.
There are unjust laws, and this is one of them. Nobody has the right to tell me how I should or should not explore my consciousness. I'm doing no harm and making no profit. I've seen a lot of retarded laws/proposals, a lot of police/government abuse, and so has everyone who doesn't turn a blind eye to it. I'm guided by my conscience, and more than any law, I know it to be right (this is not to say that we don't need laws, but if there was a law against eating apples for whatever retarded reason, I'd still eat them. In the same vein, if there was a law that forced me to kill black people for whatever reason, I still wouldn't do it) This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
nexalizer wrote:There are unjust laws, and this is one of them. Nobody has the right to tell me how I should or should not explore my consciousness. You are permitted to do so only in the manner that the Law of your country allows. So some ways are allowed, and others are not. Therefore authorities DO have the right to tell you how you can and cannot explore your consciousness. That's the Law! This is all about personal freedom. As you can see, within the confines of the Law, you are not free at all. Think of all the laws you abide every day without thinking about it. These are in place as to enable the smooth day to day functioning of society. You know where you stand, and i guess it's a personal choice, but don't expect your government to allow you the "luxury" of your own thoughts when they would prefer you to follow their orders! "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
To me, there is no choice.
Is it worth it? Yes, I believe it is worth the risk of ending up in jail. Why? Because I take great precaution with both my extractions and with using. I only smoke spice when I'm 100% sure I will not be disturbed by housemates or my landlord and when doing extractions I only do it when I'm 99% sure I will not be disturbing / seen / caught. At the moment I share a kitchen with someone and as a result of that I don't do any extractions as it poses an exposure risk. To me it's worth the risk because using entheogens to explore my own consciousness and deal with the results of that is more important to adhering to laws that restrict my personal freedom. My endeavors of exploration are taken with great precaution and even if I get caught, my defense will be centered around entheogens as a religion and how it helps me connect with my spirit/soul. I believe that noone is negatively impacted by my actions. I extract in the privacy of my home, I do not sell nor distribute my end-product (the only way I share the spice is inviting others into my home and smoalking with them, not just giving it to them) nor do I inflict damages on nature or my fellow citizens or the state. I believe that my freedom of religion / spirituality outweighs the risks and is defendable. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel.
VoidTraveler wrote:I believe that my freedom of religion / spirituality outweighs the risks and is defendable. That is a good thought, but unlikely to get you out of it if you got caught. The same could be argued about most things. How much money would you have at your disposal to argue that one out in Court?? The Law is ironed tight, and doesn't make sense when Alcohol and cigarettes are legal but far more dangerous to society and the individual than banned Drugs. Yet no one has managed to convince the powers that be otherwise!! Just be sensible. "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
For me it is worth it as long as I don't get caught producing it. Wouldn't really care if I got caught for possession, never really have much on me anyway, but manufacture of a class A drug can be anything up to life in prison and I probably wouldn't think it was worth it if I ended up spending a decade or two in jail. At the same time though I see nothing morally wrong with breaking an unjust law, and the fact that this can all be done (from extraction through to use) in my home without anyone even being aware of it makes it's morality fairly clear. No suffering imposed on others and therefore not immoral. As they say, no victim no crime. The reality is if I got caught I'd probably get a very short term in prison, if I even got a custodial sentence, since the amounts extracted wouldn't constitute intent to supply (I hope). If I ended up spending say 3 or 4 months in prison then I would say that was worth it for the what has been opened up to me through DMT. Hopefully my opinion about that will never need to be tested though. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
un-known-ome wrote:Hypothetically you or I or someone else is living in a country where it is illegal to sell, possess, distribute, or extract DMT. Even if you're taking every precaution, things can and inevitably do go wrong. Are the potential legal ramifications worth risking? I have obviously decided that the rewards marginally outweigh the risks, but I'm interested to hear other Nexians' reasoning. e.g. If I ask someone who doesn't use illegal substances, they'll just say it's not worth it, and they are not necessarily wrong to say that. Of course there is no right or wrong answer, but I can understand the argument. My question would be is being in a place that this is not acceptable worth it? my answer is no There are places where drug policy reform has taken place and also - the jungle of south america - if you can make it sustainable
If you have no past offenses, possession only wont land you to jail.So be smart and you wont have problems even in worst case scenarios The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
an old adage springs to mind........ Better to regret the things you have done than to regret the things you havn't... also, once you take the DMT experience, know one can take it away from you. Risks are there sure, so be very careful, like driving a car (more risks driving a car I feel), make the wrong move and BANG..... Drive (use DMT) carefully. Use this site for advice, and when done, give it back to the NEXUS for those who need some guidance.... Love and peas Gowpen Gowpen attached the following image(s):  1-5.jpg (322kb) downloaded 23 time(s).One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore
I really like that picture there The Unknown = A Place to Learn