does anyone experience any unusual physical and mental symptoms during solar flares because i seem to get a strong vibration in my legs during the time of these flares, these solar flares are apparently at their strongest today and im was just curious to see if anyone has experiences similar to mine.
I am a sensitive individual currently experiencing nothing out of the ordinary...
strangely enough i said this yesterday, me and a friend were talking and got on the topic of the magnetic fields, solar flares, weather and i mentioned how i feel something in my legs and i think it might be due to this. i didn't think much and tossed it in the subjective perception pile in my mind. but now that i see this it is a little strange and at the very least very ironic. also the day before i seemed to have felt it more i think.
its nice to hear your similar experiences on this because after starting this post i was reading something about solar flares and the symptoms people report having and some of them heavily applied to me, the article itself was regarding a spiritual overlook on solar flares and it mentioned the vibrations which are all building up to some sort of spiritual development in humans. This article could be completely wrong due to the fact it has a more scientific explanation but i have seen myself go down a strong spiritual path in the last few months and have successfully done a few third eye meditations so this could be why i am becoming more sensitive to this energy. even if you agree or disagree with my points of view i still think its undeniable that there are big changes going on in our world right now and i suppose i we will just have to wait and see what happens over the course of this year .
either way its pretty interesting stuff
I was hoping for a topic about this. Yes I felt something physical.
I don't consider myself very sensitive or well tuned. Then again, maybe I am. I should pay more attention to solar activity to determine if this is the case.
It was around...maybe...13:45 that I started to feel really drained. Kind of suddenly I realized how tired I was. I still am actually. Been tired from that moment on. I had to sit down and take a break. I ate something sweet 30 minutes later. It didn't help. I ate my dinner, still tired. Last night I slept well. Can someone figure out if there was a peak at that time, 13L45 tot about 14:15 GMT+1? I am too tired to look for it myself.
So a very steep sudden drop in energy. Who knows...
@visty i cant seem to find the exact peak times for these flares but its actually quite intriguing you said you were tired and drained because around exactly the same time at today's date i started to feel drained also and i fell asleep shortly after, this has been going on since wednesday for me and its been bulding gradually but i didn't feel the vibrations until today which is the peak of the flares. also i forgot to mention physically my body temperature seems like it rising and it has been such as sudden change over the last few hours so as a guess im going to probably say right now it might be the time of peak activity but i could be wrong.
Soon as I read this thread my legs started feeling funny
I have experienced some unbelievable things durring these solar flares. Long live the unwoke.
would you mind elaborating on the things you have been experiencing Jamie , im really interested to find out from you what they are .
I will feel anxious those days sort of..and I can identify this as the onset of a visionary night..meaning I end up in ayahuasca-like states at night but without taking anything..I will also have alot of sleep paralysis and strong energetic feeling in my body and OBE like experiences..dunno why but I notice often the day after this happens that there had been alot of solar flare activity the night before. Long live the unwoke.
As long as you wear a tin foil hat/helmet, the cosmic rays will bounce off instead of ripping thru your brain causing internal aurora borealis and instant long term memory loss. And the govt cant read your thoughts. The bridge between goals and accomplishments....Self-discipline.
Huh, maybe thats why i'm hallucinating more than normal today ^____^
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Ummm Yesterday at around 3:30 I started having hot flashes, just a tingling heat in my body that I had never felt before. At 5:30 pm I all of a sudden felt exhausted... drained.. I had a chai latte and went to my boyfriend's house and slept for 2 hours. Since it was almost a full moon, and you know what that means for us ladies, I attributed it to hormones. Then today I felt super out of it, I remember thinking, "I feel like nothing is actually happening..." like it was a total dream or something. And then I had an insatiable appetite, like I literally was snacking for four hours... Again I attributed it all to hormones until I saw this post and now I just did research on this topic and found out that all of those symptoms are pretty common during solar flares. Now I'm just kinda freaked out. Thoughts?
The only symptom I've noted is the flashing of a message across the temporarily blank TV screen: "We're Sorry, Satellite Broadcasting Is Currently Interrupted Due to Solar Activity". I think they turn the satellites away from the source of the flares to protect sensitive equipment. "...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
My legs started vibrating and juddering during a vapohuasca session the other day. Don't know if that was solar flares or what really but it was pretty intense for a while. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
is anyone else feeling this? I felt it really strongly again this afternoon..waves of nause that have not subsided yet with bouts of energetic experiences lasting 10-20 minutes almost like a light ayahuasca dose.. I have had to go lay down a few times tonight due to intense nausea that passes only to come back with another wave later..and it also feels like the nausea is an expression of something information downloaded into me trying to be processed.. It is sort of hard to explain but I have no doubt this is due to magnetic disturbances from the intense sun spot activity going on. I know how weird this sounds..really I do.. I also did some work with ayahuasca this morning..and it was far more powerful than it should have been..I was very cautious and took only 1/3rd of a dose of a brew using materials I have already tested numerous times..very powerful experience..weird! The nausea however really started well after the ayahuasca had worn nearly 6 hours later. I have really been noticing these things happening on days just after intense solar flare's so weird becasue I almost want to be skeptical about it but at this point that just seems silly. Long live the unwoke.