Hello everyone I just had a question today regarding cannabis. This plant is found so commonly now today. Almost everyone I know uses cannabis, all for different reasons. So my question is why do you think that cannabis is used to widely? And what can be some positive or negative effects? Good or bad experiences? I know some people (including myself) that don't really enjoy the effects of cannabis or has had negative experiences with it. So that all I have to ask. Sorry if its a bit of a wide topic but any feedback would be greatly appreciated. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
It's a very broad question and I am not going to answer why I think it's used so widely because everyone has their own reasons for using drugs as well as the fact that everyone responds in their own ways to them.
Simply put, people like to smoke weed. Nothing wrong with that.
Walter D. Roy wrote:Hello everyone I just had a question today regarding cannabis. This plant is found so commonly now today. Almost everyone I know uses cannabis, all for different reasons. So my question is why do you think that cannabis is used to widely? And what can be some positive or negative effects? Good or bad experiences? I know some people (including myself) that don't really enjoy the effects of cannabis or has had negative experiences with it.
So that all I have to ask. Sorry if its a bit of a wide topic but any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
It's common in some places, not so common in others. As for what cannabis is used for.. well, many things I'd guess, but getting stoned must be something all the recreational users have in mind  You'll get widely different answers from different people. I've known people who enjoy it, others who don't. Some who use it for socialising, others for introspection. Some prefer to smoke alone, others in groups. Some abuse it, most probably don't. As for some specific positive & negative effects (won't apply to everyone, also depends on setting): +: increased creativity/lateral thinking, deeper introspection, "seeing"/connecting things one wouldn't usually "see" (related to lateral thinking?), relaxation/sedation (depends on strain & whether you see that as positive), tends to potentiate other psychedelics. -: short-term memory disturbances (mostly always IME), emotional flattening (rare IME), paranoia (rare IME). This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
The first time i got stoned was pretty horrific in some ways.. It just was too intense and revealing..too psychedelic. I didn't enjoy it at all that time but it was extremely fascinating and my curiosity got the best of me. It can just shatter you a bit, similar to how psychedelics can..but you can learn to work past the anxiety/negative experiences with it though and get a lot out of it if you use it mindfully. Despite a bunch of paranoid trips on it i love cannabis and its had a humongous impact on my life
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
I started smoking marijuana since I was 8 years old. It was a part of my life up until age 30, then I sort of stopped. Just can't do drugs much with family around. So just on rare occasions when I am out with friends. I love it so much though. So mellow and soothing. I drink alchohol instead and hate it how alchohol is the drug that society says is ok and is "normal". I can't wait until marijuana is totally legal and we can smoke in peace. THC 4ever baby!! Oh a story. I grew my own marijuana plant which was massive bus stocks an very little leaf (due to me clipping and smoking), it was huge like 3.5 - 4 feet high. Anyway. I harvested it and the buds were thick with crystals. My friend and I made oil with bud cooked in isopropanol. The result was a black goo, but on top of that goo was a sheet of hard flat (the size of a saucer 6inch diameter) and was opaque like a frosted glass window when I held it up to light. This was PURE THC!!! Hippy crack!! Snapped some of that off in a bowl and hit that back.... Oh man that was the best!! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
So you are saying that on top of your goo you had crystal? And you could scrape the crystal off of the goo while leaving the goo behind?
The reason I am asking is because I have on a few occasions evaporated san pedro tea to yield a resin, and on top of this resin was a crystalline layer that could easily be scraped up and was very potent. This only happens sometimes and I've never been able to figure out why. Sounds exactly what happened with you and cannabinoids which is interesting.
For future reference, shake trim in iso for 30 seconds, evaporate, and freeze. This yields a crystalline extract and leaves the goo and excess plant stuff behind. A little longer and you get a honey oil.
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:Oh a story. I grew my own marijuana plant which was massive bus stocks an very little leaf (due to me clipping and smoking), it was huge like 3.5 - 4 feet high. Anyway. I harvested it and the buds were thick with crystals. My friend and I made oil with bud cooked in isopropanol. The result was a black goo, but on top of that goo was a sheet of hard flat (the size of a saucer 6inch diameter) and was opaque like a frosted glass window when I held it up to light. This was PURE THC!!! Hippy crack!! Snapped some of that off in a bowl and hit that back.... Oh man that was the best!! One of the coolest stories I ever heard  The Unknown = A Place to Learn
3.5 to 4 feet is actually pretty small even for indica. X
abusedtoaster wrote:3.5 to 4 feet is actually pretty small even for indica. This was balcony bud, south side 3rd floor. Hardly any wind, so summers were scorching hot. My balcony was 4 feet high. One year my plants got higher than the balcony that you could see them from the street. That year was sad because someone stole like 7 plants, but was nice enough to leave 3 for me. I grew there for about 10 seasons. Grew mushrooms one year in my closet too. Of all of the marijuana plants I grew, I never sold or gave away any. Well I gave maybe a joint here and there, but my rule was to never sell or give. It was my personal. One year I grew a bunch of marijuana plants (on the balcony) and one had huge buds. When it was ready to flower and mature it got nice cola buds like the rest, then something strange happened. It turned to a hermaphrodite! Oh man that was weird, nice nice buds with hairs, but it had pods which looked like small beans. I knew I was screwed! I had to harvest early because it would pollinate all of my females! So chop chop and the dried and smoked. To my surprise it had no potancy! It was total garbage! Nice buds with no crystals! Weird freaky plant! But out of my years of my balcony bud my yearly harvest was some of the sweetest, spicy, lemony, skunky, sticky, stinky, potant, pleasurable, tantalizing, beautiful, bountiful, creaper, suductively passionate marijuana I have ever tried. I loved them! They were my passion and proud to be a part of me. Thanks nature for sharing that wonderful plant with me!  Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
It facilitates intuitive leaps, while at the same time muting the short term memory. I actually think the two are related.
It increases my sense of patience and engrossment in lengthy, high- concentration tasks.
Same for low-concentration ones.
Makes music sound even more awesome.
My other favorite THC effect is greater empathy- I find it much easier to see the side of someone I disagree with. So for me, it reduces anger and creates a more brotherly mindset. This same feeling, with an ugly twist, is that sense of paranoia- projecting your fears onto the other persons intentions.
But I need no excuses, after 28 years... I love to smoke weed. Enough to be sitting outside in the bitter cold with my bowl right now.
۩ wrote:So you are saying that on top of your goo you had crystal? And you could scrape the crystal off of the goo while leaving the goo behind?
The reason I am asking is because I have on a few occasions evaporated san pedro tea to yield a resin, and on top of this resin was a crystalline layer that could easily be scraped up and was very potent. This only happens sometimes and I've never been able to figure out why. Sounds exactly what happened with you and cannabinoids which is interesting.
For future reference, shake trim in iso for 30 seconds, evaporate, and freeze. This yields a crystalline extract and leaves the goo and excess plant stuff behind. A little longer and you get a honey oil. Yup this was a hard crystal layer that with a toothpick I pulled it up on the side and it popped off the goo and I was holding the saucer sized circular opaque layer in my hand. It was the only time I got that. It came from making oil with pure bud, all leaves trimmed off, only leaves with crystals and calixes (spelling?). Honey oil is nice stuff, very smooth! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Even crazier it was all in one piece...
I wonder what this reverse precipitation is called in chemistry.
My local convenience stores sell on average two cartons of dutch cigars a day and if i remember correctly each box contains 20 two packs, 40 cigars total. My town is the average middle/upper class east coast suburbia. People love all shapes, colors and ages love cannabis.