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Did we just get officially f#cked over?(In america) Options
#181 Posted : 1/24/2012 6:18:49 AM
I am still very saddened though by all of this.

Ron Paul seems to be the only hope. I'm not American but the entire world needs this man as President of U.S.

Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#182 Posted : 1/24/2012 6:49:42 AM
You know sometimes you just can feel that your at a critical point in history and the past year and what looks to be the next really seems to be that point where you see the history channel recalling where the world was on the brink...It just seems like we are at that pivotal point in history.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#183 Posted : 1/24/2012 7:05:23 AM
Totally. I was hoping that the trauma factor in the shift would be at a minimum but it doesn't look like it's going to go that way.

This is why dissociative drugs are on such a rise, people just want to tune way out, it's becoming way too painful.

This is disgusting:


vovin wrote:
You know sometimes you just can feel that your at a critical point in history and the past year and what looks to be the next really seems to be that point where you see the history channel recalling where the world was on the brink...It just seems like we are at that pivotal point in history.

Senior Member
#184 Posted : 1/24/2012 10:28:01 AM
vovin wrote:
You know sometimes you just can feel that your at a critical point in history and the past year and what looks to be the next really seems to be that point where you see the history channel recalling where the world was on the brink...It just seems like we are at that pivotal point in history.

That´s definately true. The world is changing rapidly in many ways and what you said earlier; that we have become more or less addicted to the many artificial 'reward' signals, industrial society bombards our brains with, is also for a great deal shaping us in a rather negative way.

Nevertheless, this crisis will also pass and a new balance will be found. Any society is always in a state of equilibrium, economically, politically, socially, culturally and ethically. But the context of society always offers room for more than one possible equilibrium.
The chaos we´re in today is a sign that we´re in a state of transition.

No-one can predict where all of this will lead to.

But it will not be the end of freedom: The world is changing like it always has been. America has long been the place to go to, when you where looking for economic, political or religious freedom and within a few century´s a few hundred million people have moved there...

There will always be such places. No-one can control all of the world.

At this moment, staying in america or europe is mostly an economical choice for most of us.
So when the balance shifts and maybe america or europe are no longer the place to go to, who knows what will be economical for us then? But we will always keep making those choices. Especially people who truly love their freedom.

So i think freedom will always find a way. There will always be free places, and for those who truly apreciate freedom, there will always come a moment that moving or staying there becomes the most economical decission.

#185 Posted : 1/24/2012 11:09:57 AM
The Land Of The Fee, And The Home Of The Slave.
"buy the ticket, take the ride" HST
#186 Posted : 1/24/2012 11:30:36 AM
Terrence_Mechanic wrote:
I am still very saddened though by all of this.

Ron Paul seems to be the only hope. I'm not American but the entire world needs this man as President of U.S.

This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#187 Posted : 1/24/2012 11:51:31 PM
#188 Posted : 1/25/2012 12:31:36 AM
They told us Obama was "of the people". They claimed that his presidential campaign was "grassroots" that it was funded by regular people. Even when they smeared him, it was all about how he allegedly was friends with the weathermen (an extremeist leftist outfit, back in the day). Heck, the guy is black!

I didn't buy that shit. Well, I hoped it was true, that he was legit. I was even stoked when he did win--the american people elected a black man with Hussein as a middle name and a last name quite cognate with the name of a certain alleged terrorist who allegedly got "killed" without producing a body recently. Well, it turned out the "regular people" who funded Obama's campaign were also CEO's and CFO's....and of course he showed his real face with this ndaa business.

The people STILL do not know about NDAA, SOPA, the Ocuppy eveictions. The people do not know a damned thing.

I do hope that Ron Paul is legit and that youtube video that was just posted is true. If I can be convinced then I might just register to vote for once.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#189 Posted : 1/29/2012 4:39:55 PM
Were about to pop into a civil war right here quick folks. Shit just got real, Oakland is on the verge of being on a riot which is going to spread all over the frustrated country like wildfire just you watch. The way I ma seeing it is that the people dont see a viable president regardless of the ones running and they realize they need to dismantle the system not just elect a new puppet to it.


If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#190 Posted : 2/24/2012 8:12:13 PM
2012 Election is rigged, very disturbing:

#191 Posted : 3/1/2012 12:36:43 AM
So a bill just passed making it illegal to hold protests if a government official is in the vicinity.

New Bill Threatens 1st Amendment Rights.

Why does it seem like many of these new bills being introduced somehow put disclaimer, or conditional applications onto our most basic of rights?
The only hell for a warrior is peace.

The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#192 Posted : 3/1/2012 12:47:57 AM
They are in the process of silencing all avenue of dissent. Thus the reason they are hitting the internet hard with all the bills that are supposed to stop piracy, child porn, etc... It's the old 9/11 fear-mongering tactic. The issue is that a very large percentage of the us population is uninformed and brainwashed to a disturbing degree. This is where the line has to be drawn or we will be a north korea like nation. They realize that a decent sized group of dissedents can very well pull them down from power.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
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