So, I've smoked DMT twice now, and I have some questions. Both times low doses and each time no visual experience. I'm wondering what I did wrong with my method of administration, and I'm also wondering whether anyone else has had non-visual experiences with DMT or other psychs. I will focus on my second experience because it was much more significant. This second time I used The Machine. I was still working out to how use this contraption. I measured out about 30mg of spice but when I tried putting the spice on some coarse copper wool (Copper Chore Boy) it fell right through even after compressing the wool, so I put the spice in some extremely fine steel wool (feels like cotton) and that held it. I then put that wad into a wad of the coarser copper wool to plug it in the bottle. Using this method I first tried heating the substance gently to create vapor but I saw nothing and felt nothing when I inhaled. So, then I just torched the thing and immediately thick smoke was produced. I took I think 3 medium-sized inhalations which I didn't hold for very long. Are you supposed to hold DMT in your lungs for a long time in order to get a full hit, or just inhale like with cannabis? Anyways, after taking my hits I immediately started feeling that weird DMT high, like a weird presence is in the room, and the odd pressure I always get in my chest when taking mushrooms or DMT, probably due to nervousness, it feels like I'm hollow. This feeling got more and more intense, more intense than any of my mushroom trips. All I could hear was a ringing in my ears, time slowed down considerably. I could feel my entire body vibrating, as if it were made of pure energy. I couldn't feel my body in a physical sense, just this pure vibration. I closed my eyes and the left over light from when I closed my eyes started vibrating and pulsing very fast, and started forming vague patterns. Nothing I would call a shape or an image, just kind of amorphous patterns of light. And this brings me to my issue:whenever taking psychedelics I never get any visuals, and I'm wondering whether I'm doing something wrong, whether I'm just not taking enough, or what? I've taken mushrooms a couple times, each time 3g, and DMT twice, each time around 20-30mg, but probably not inhaled correctly. You know the left over light you see when looking away from a source of light or when or closing your eyes? Well that light changes and warps significantly during my trips, but I never get visuals like I hear people describe in their trips. I hear people talk about patterns, faces, things melting, landscapes, all being very vivid. For me my vision gets looking a lot like this, with all the colored dots, but a lot less vivid. Things also morph around and move a lot. I even have most of my trips in almost total darkness, so that's another reason I'm surprised I don't get any vivid visuals. The feeling I get from psychedelics is very intense, that weird indescribable, transparent, alien feeling. That is very strong, and I appreciate that aspect very much, but I feel like I'm missing out on half of the experience. I feel like my trips aren't really trips because I'm not really taken anywhere per se, its more of just a very odd high with a slight visual aspect to it. So, what do you think? Should I just up the dose? Am I not smoking the spice properly? Is there something you have to think about/do in order to get visuals? If you got here thanks for reading all that.
TheSuprisingGift wrote:I took I think 3 medium-sized inhalations which I didn't hold for very long. Are you supposed to hold DMT in your lungs for a long time in order to get a full hit, or just inhale like with cannabis? Yea man, you gotta hold it in. Try to hold each lungful for 20 seconds Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
In an ocean of music, we move with the flow You think that's air you're breathing now?
I suggest breathing exercises to help you take deeper breaths. Ideally you want to be taking those 20-30mgs in one lungfull and holding for at least 10-15 seconds, 20 is better. If you still get thresh hold effects then, up your dosage. It takes practise if you are not used to inhaling large quantities of smoke. Alternatively you can take your hits, and instead of holding, blow them straight into a balloon. Once the whole dose is in there, you can inhale and exhale into the balloon like you would with nitrous until you no longer recognise that there is a balloon in your hand Hyperspace Fools Balloon MethodIt does go much, much further than what you have described, it just sounds like you need to work on technique a bit, best of luck!!! Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Prolonged exposure to darkness, higher doses, and the other suggestions posted above. See the link in my signature for tips. If this still isn't working then it's time to try synergy.
TheSuprisingGift wrote: So, what do you think? Should I just up the dose? Am I not smoking the spice properly? Is there something you have to think about/do in order to get visuals? If you got here thanks for reading all that.
This is almost precisely the same spot I found myself in three weeks ago, at which point I was tired of wasting spice and couldn't stand the disappointment any longer. I don't know if you're performing your own extractions, but I suggest you get some harmala alkaloids and take pharmahuasca. Go the oral route for now, because it's next to impossible to mess up and you will become familiar with how the spice works. I haven't yet broken through smoking freebase, but I will return to it in time. If you've already experimented with this combination and route of administration, kindly ignore what I've written. "Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK
Dead-Yolk-Mau5 - Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )
The year is 01 ADMT
SMOALK MOAR INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
As far as the visuals, you never know what kinda trip you're gonna get. IME I might have a super intense visual trip one time, and other times absolutely no visuals (but still profound effects)... I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
Purges wrote:Alternatively you can take your hits, and instead of holding, blow them straight into a balloon. Once the whole dose is in there, you can inhale and exhale into the balloon like you would with nitrous until you no longer recognise that there is a balloon in your hand Hyperspace Fools Balloon MethodIt does go much, much further than what you have described, it just sounds like you need to work on technique a bit, best of luck!!! That's genius! Thank you for the idea.
a few weeks ago when i finished my first extraction i shared almost a gram among 5 guys including me. me and one other guy went to another dimension lol (extreme visuals), where as the other 3 got a body high and had some sort of intense depth perception or something. we all had equal doses. I dont know why they didnt trip.. they even tried laying alone in pitch black and smoalking. i hallucinated with eyes closed even from tiny doses. maybe they have no soul or something. haha
PS. we used a freebase pipe, white freebase dmt powder. over 40 mg doses for sure, but no one was measuring
It's possible you have 5-methoxy DMT, which can give you an extremely powerful trip with almost no visuals. I personally don't have much use for the stuff.
Shrooms can also be fickle when it comes to the visual content. But even with a non- visual trip you should get some kind of sense of universal oneness or some other related understanding- the visuals are not necessary for this.
If you want visual fireworks, try this combo: -400-600ug of clean LSD -dark room -plenty of vitamin C beforehand -possibly some THC -music! Something like Spongle works great.
If this combo doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. You may find that once you break into a more visual experience like this on a mellower substance, that your spice journeys light up a lot more. Crawling before walking, so to speak.
korbbit wrote:I dont know why they didnt trip.. they even tried laying alone in pitch black and smoalking. i hallucinated with eyes closed even from tiny doses. maybe they have no soul or something. haha I hope I have a soul 0_0... Have you always hallucinated easily with hallucinogens? Like, the first time you had a real strong trip were the visuals easily apparent and unmistakable, or did you kind of have to will them in? I read something on another forum about, at least with mushrooms, you have to notice them/will them, at least with lower doses. Guyomech wrote:It's possible you have 5-methoxy DMT, which can give you an extremely powerful trip with almost no visuals. I personally don't have much use for the stuff.
Shrooms can also be fickle when it comes to the visual content. But even with a non- visual trip you should get some kind of sense of universal oneness or some other related understanding- the visuals are not necessary for this.
If you want visual fireworks, try this combo: -400-600ug of clean LSD -dark room -plenty of vitamin C beforehand -possibly some THC -music! Something like Spongle works great.
If this combo doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. You may find that once you break into a more visual experience like this on a mellower substance, that your spice journeys light up a lot more. Crawling before walking, so to speak. I don't think I have 5meo-DMT... my stuff looks orange, and isn't NNDMT supposed to look orange/yellow/clear? What color is 5meo? Also the dosage is lower for 5meo and the effects are supposed to be ridiculously intense for so I don't think I have that... I probably just need to smoke more stuff. As far as the mushrooms, I thought they were supposed to be extremely visual... well I guess its different for different people. I didn't mention it, but yes I definitely felt a "kind of sense of universal oneness or some other related understanding." When me and my friend did it together in the dark we felt as if we were the same person with the same voice and we, and everyone else were all the same energy, amazing. I've just been looking forward to visions of cool things ever since I discovered the wonders of these compounds... Jesus christ, 400-600ug sounds like quite a lot. I only did LSD once and it was an extremely low dose. I think it was really dirty too... not well synthesized.
[quote=Guyomech] If you want visual fireworks, try this combo: -400-600ug of clean LSD -dark room -plenty of vitamin C beforehand -possibly some THC -music! Something like Spongle works great. quote] He is absolutely right! Smoke some weed right after your peak and do that^^. Best visuals I've ever had. Wish I could still get lsd so I could substitute the weed with dmt and see what happens. I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
wish to have your problems  still at the stage where i try to find some plant material to extract.. lol..
i would say it is either dose related, or your not holding it in long enough. also try not to hold any expectations for visuals. i once heard a great quote by graham hancock about ayahuasca - he said, "ayahuasca doesn't always give you want you want, it gives you what you need".. i think this rings true for the dmt experience in general but yeah, if your smoking a good 50mg dose and holding it in for 20 seconds, you should be in a different place either way good luck 
oh! and i forgot to add - definitely recommend changa. this doesn't require as careful a smoking technique. you can rip a cone from a bong just as you would with a cone of weed and that should break you through depending on the strength of the particular blend
Have you re-xd your spice? Ive found on the past that unwashed unclean spice can give little effects. Just a thought.