well i was going to use Normans tek on erowid but i saw on a thread that this tek is very unreliable and many people just waste their supplies with it. so i was wondering because i have the pre powderd version of the mimosa Hostilis root and it says i need to add 2 times as much water? i already have to add about 450 ML and now its 900??? all the water already fills my jar. and another thing was will Bestine lye and 10% janitor strength ammonia provide a safe product? please help!! The only reason there is a reality is because our brain leads us to think so.
I use 300ml of water per 50g of powdered bark, not sure how much bark you've used. Bestine is good, lye is fine... ammonia washes aren't the best thing to do though. Search on here for sodium carbonate wash if you plan on washing it  -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
PhOG wrote:I use 300ml of water per 50g of powdered bark, not sure how much bark you've used. Bestine is good, lye is fine... ammonia washes aren't the best thing to do though. Search on here for sodium carbonate wash if you plan on washing it  What is your experience with so little water ? I normally use 1g MHRB to 15ml of water and it works well. What tek do you use ? We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
smokerx wrote:PhOG wrote:I use 300ml of water per 50g of powdered bark, not sure how much bark you've used. Bestine is good, lye is fine... ammonia washes aren't the best thing to do though. Search on here for sodium carbonate wash if you plan on washing it  What is your experience with so little water ? I normally use 1g MHRB to 15ml of water and it works well. What tek do you use ? My experience is fine, I've never been sure why some people use so much water. I do a STB tek using xylene. Yields pretty much what you'd expect, a bit higher than average since it's a Jimjam tek. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
What I did was use the 15ml for each gram of mimosa. I wanted to see if the Prepowdered bark needed more water. Well that mix was like a molasses goop that was too solid and I tried a pull and it didn't work. So I added more water and lye. It helped a lot! So the 50g mimosa Prepowdered + 50g lye + 750ml h20 (destilled), then add more water and shake. You are looking for a runny milk like consistency and it will look near black or be black. Some say to add lye with the extra water, some say don't because there is already enough ph. Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Never really paid attention to consistency myself, I just add it all into a HDPE bottle. Must depend on the tek I guess. Certainly when I pour it down the toilet afterwards it looks like molasses goop, lol. Whatever works is fine. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-