got about 4g's off of 500grams of bark so far, most of which is light yellow. Gonna recrystalize probably. Only tryed the whiter stuff first.
Loaded about 10mgs yesterday, been awhile since i smoked. And wow. I was just blow away by the effects of just a little bit of spice. The walls started swirling like a high dose lsd/shroom trip and everything got weird and made me feel like i was doing something wrong here smoking and just in life in general.
I feel like something outside of this reality was looking in on me, and that i was apart of some "show" they were watching. Made me remember how crazy the stuff was in all my past breakthroughs/experiences.
Everything went from real to like video game fakeness.
After the peak wore off a bit, it was time for work (about 1 minute from my house).
I got there and i was just confused everyone was so weird and uncomforting/strange. Like everyone was mad(like mad hatter not angry mad)
After effects wore off even more, I was at peace. I was thinking clear went on with my duties. A hott chick came in and that just made me so happy, and i was so happy just to be back to normal i guess. But still thinking about the experience and questioning it threw me off concentration of work for awhile.
now i'm just wondering if i should go farther and breakthrough. After this little taste i'm kinda blow away from wanting to do it fully on shrooms like ive been planning. And last time i wanted to on shrooms, i just felt like i was too high already and didn't want to take dmt at the peak to go that far down the rabbit hole with dmt. But i do want to. Its just like something was telling me to stay here. And then effects of shrooms wear off and i wish i had went all the way.
Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!