The power of paradox? To tell you the truth, it's a bit of a synchronicity that you even posted what you did, at least, from my perspective.
I've been thinking about the big and the small, the infinite and the infinitesimal, the world of ideal forms and the real world of approximations, the idea of a God vs atheism, the pragmatic vs the theoretical, logic and reason vs irrational and non-rational thinking, individualism vs collectivism...
Anyway, no matter what I do every argument seems to have a hole which leads to either an opposite conclusion (and then possibly back again, like standing between two mirrors and noticing an infinite number of reflections), nothingness (which still must be SOMEthingness in order for it to exist at all), and the idea that everything seems to consist of paradoxes. I can't get around it.
When I was talking to a friend of mine in the hot tub after working out, I discussed some of these things, and we ended up laughing at the absurdity of it all. It can either be extremely frustrating or make you laugh out loud.
I don't know, just thought I'd throw that in there. I don't think it is schizophrenia (or maybe I just hope it isn't

but we're all crazy in some way. An example of schizophrenia would be telling people you don't want to go back to the Gulags, even though you live in modern America. That's a true story, by the way, my friend's uncle (and coincidentally, mine too) is schizophrenic. Don't worry, as long as you don't end up involuntarily committed, you're probably not schizophrenic, and if you do end up in such a situation, just remember, the sane appear insane in an insane world.