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#21 Posted : 2/13/2012 7:49:26 PM
Thesmorphia wrote:
I know it's mentioned somewhere else on the Nexus website, but I strongly recommend Grant Morrison's 'The Invisibles'. The whole thing, all 7 trade paperbacks. 'Flex Mentallo' is fantastic too, if you can find it.

Yes, the invisibles is very interesting.
#22 Posted : 2/16/2012 3:28:15 PM
nexalizer wrote:
universecannon wrote:

Left In The Dark by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn though takes the cake and is easily the most mind blowing and important piece of research I've ever read, hands down.

I have it here, but didn't get to reading it yet. Right now I'm re-reading "The Music lesson" by Victor Wooten, and then I was thinking about finally reading Transcend by Kurzweil.

Is LitD really that good ?

@ chapter 4 of LitD now. Very interesting so farShocked
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#23 Posted : 2/17/2012 4:50:51 AM
the ayahuasca visions of pablo amaringo ... great read. its a collection of his works but it goes into a lot of depth about ayahuasca and what the shamans learn from it and take back to their communities. each artwork is explained in detail
#24 Posted : 2/17/2012 4:53:08 AM
any graham hancock books..
in particular:
supernatural, entangled and fingerprints of the gods
#25 Posted : 2/23/2012 11:13:28 AM
bricklaya wrote:
any graham hancock books..
in particular:
supernatural, entangled and fingerprints of the gods

+1 to fingerprints of the gods. takes a while to pick up but is a must read.

im reading Terence mkennas book "true hallucinations" at the moment and i have "left in the dark coming in the mail. aswell as "wizard of the upper amazon"
and jostien gaardner's "Sophies world" just arrived yesterday.
i'm a compulsive liar, dont take anything i say seriously, its all make believe.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#26 Posted : 2/23/2012 2:33:09 PM
nexalizer wrote:
nexalizer wrote:
universecannon wrote:

Left In The Dark by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn though takes the cake and is easily the most mind blowing and important piece of research I've ever read, hands down.

I have it here, but didn't get to reading it yet. Right now I'm re-reading "The Music lesson" by Victor Wooten, and then I was thinking about finally reading Transcend by Kurzweil.

Is LitD really that good ?

@ chapter 4 of LitD now. Very interesting so farShocked

Yeah its heavy stuff! Totally mind boggling

I can't over-emphasize this stuff. This research totally turns everything we think we know about evolution and our current state of mind on its head, and completely redefines what DMT and the hyperspatial experience in general really means, in a lot of ways. And it takes on a totally new dimension of meaning if your familiar with McKenna's and Hancock's stuff

Anyways like i said if you all want help out his new book project on indiegogo thats going to propel their current findings into the mainstream

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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