A break through what ?
What is there to break through !
My experience left me with more questions than questions answered, and I didn't expect to gain infinite wisdom from taking n-n dmt, but I thought of it as a new way of seeing life. Well, I saw another life and I'm not sure what to think of everything. I'm aware the "trip" is different for everyone else, but is the lesson different for everyone too?
What do you get out of it, and when you "broke through", what is it that you broke through ? I really want to know as I don't know if I can go further, or if this is it.
An hour ago I took 70mg of n-n dmt, loaded the pipe with 60, but there was some residue inside the pipe already. I had some issues with my torch, so I couldn't vaporize it properly and the smoke was a bit harsh but I pulled through. Anyway I don't like to talk about smoking it as it's irrelevant, I'd like to focus on the actual experience.
It was my 7th or so trip, and the longest one at that... lasted about 12 minutes.
I quickly appeared into the familiar white, lime and yellow space after laying the pipe and my body on the earthen ground of the woods. The figures were there, already expecting me and in a hurry we go through rooms ! Rooms with walls, a ceiling, and a floor that you can't see, just space.. And we go from each "space" to another and another and this is all blurry to me, but it was like a labyrinth in a way, and it's like we went through halls with inscriptions on the walls. Anyway at one point about 4 minutes into the trip all of the sudden we stop moving and they all start pointing at something behind my left shoulder. I think of the real world and that they may be pointing to something that's going on behind me, I open my eyes because I can't get my mind off what they're pointing too as I didn't see anything. I open my eyes and nothing. I'm relieved, and I close my eyes... and nothing. The figures are gone, and it's just patterns again. 5 minutes in and I'm still tripping hard which is unlike my other times. For the next 10 minutes I think deeply with my eyes mostly closed and sometimes opening to reassure myself that everything is fine. But during the time that my eyes are closed, I am imagining things, over the patterns that are already there, the vibrant colors .. And images just slowly appear, like two red beams of lasers in the background of the geometrical figures that are already there, jumping all over the place like party lights.
And that's all I'm left with.
A question, or two.. or more... What is life? What are the figures, what do they represent, and where do they want to take me?
How do you classify your experiences? When you breakthrough what happens ?
a breakthrough for me is completely forgetting about me sitting there next to a pipe and just being fully in the experience as opposed to just closing your eyes and seeing cool things. i usually "come to" at some point also when i break through "Trust in your own wetware; your psyche and your body will be reunited." -Gracie and Zarkov
in plants we trust
I don't think the word breakthru can define the experience imo. Breaking through can be a long extended trip where you can navigate in the real world, like got to the toilet etc.. but your surrounded by another dimension slightly behind our usual reality. Both can exist and it's plain to see.
Another breakthrough can be the classic breakthru where your whole imagination is obliterated in a few seconds and you are in a different realm alotgether from usual reality. Cartoonish, nightmarish, joyful , ecstatic and the ultimate epiphany.
Once you get the feel for dmt you will determine what a breakthrough is for you.
Here we go with the 'breakthrough' thing again! LOL I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
deeplake wrote: Here we go with the 'breakthrough' thing again! LOL Hey! My question was never answered!!  J/K This breakthough stuff is a touchy subject! What about hyperspace?? Define! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
People sure do get hung up on the whole breakthrough thing, it seems ultimately unique to the individual but for me its the experience of leaving my body. As for what do you breakthrough sometimes is a wall or cloud than surrounds me and passes through me taking my mind with it to a different realm. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
I'll say it again.... My defination of a breakthrough is; a very imformative, beneficial experience.(Most would probably call a sub-breakthrough). Not when I get soo shattered I pass out, or can't remember any of the trip anyway. I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
For myself (Aya analogue user), breakthrough merely entails entity contact and a cross over into the spiritual realm inhabited by -or made up of- the entities. This doesn’t need to mean hyperspace, and is more about falling through a special ‘rabbit hole’ and less to do with the depth of the fall.
That said within the space there is definitely a lower and a higher realm, with lowly insect-like entitles on one hand (the DMT room), and huge great almighty machines or aliens on the other (Hyperspace). So maybe it could be argued there are at least two breakthrough experiences….
I always used to wonder what breakthrough meant, especially with Salvia, I guess though that stopped after having actually broken through- as did, as it happens, my use of salvia! I wonder what happened back there!
if i had to define breaking through... i would say its a complete mindfuck on a whole different level of mind fuckery.