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Some vaporizing method ideas Options
#1 Posted : 2/17/2012 1:17:34 PM
Ok, so if anyone remembers my last post, I've been too pussy to smoke any dmt lately. Instead I've been smoking weed and chilling. While high the other day I came up with two possible ideas for vaporizing dmt. If anyone has tried either of these or thinks they are a good or bad idea please let me know.

Ok, my first idea uses the "Bukket" which is a sort of accordion style waterless gravity bong. Basically use a normal choreboy ball with dmt melted in and put it in the bowl. Then operate the bukket as usual. I think this would let you get an entire dose in one hit, however it would probably be super harsh.

Second idea: this one I got while hitting my magic flight launch box. I thought, what if I could vape dmt in here? The only way I could think of would be to take a rolling paper and rip off most of the extra paper. Make it so that the sticky part is as wide as the non sticky part. Then pour the dose of dmt in between and seal it up. Basically this would encase the dmt in paper. Then you would just put that in the mflb and hit it lightly so that the paper doesn't burn. I know you can do this with hash, so I don't see why it wouldn't work with dmt. Actually, you could probably just take some paper and make a little origami box and put it in there...hmm...

#2 Posted : 2/17/2012 3:10:06 PM
Mofu wrote:
Ok, so if anyone remembers my last post, I've been too pussy to smoke any dmt lately.

So how does varying techniques going to improve that? I'm just curious...you might wanna work on why you do it, rather than how.
The truth...lies within.
Electric Kool-Aid
#3 Posted : 2/17/2012 3:33:15 PM
Good ideas.. The only problem I see is if it doesn't work, then you be wasting spice!
Other than that, make them bro! I used to make weed pipes out of everything I could get my hands on!
The accordion style sounds great! Because you could empty all of the air out first and have just vapor, then take the bowl off and inhale.

Good luck!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#4 Posted : 2/19/2012 12:09:35 AM
rjb wrote:
Mofu wrote:
Ok, so if anyone remembers my last post, I've been too pussy to smoke any dmt lately.

So how does varying techniques going to improve that? I'm just curious...you might wanna work on why you do it, rather than how.

Well, its not so much that I've been trying to come up with new methods. Rather I've just stumbled upon them. I do think that the bukket method might make it easier for me though. My biggest problem is that I take a hit, start to feel it, and then freak out and stop. I always think I've had enough and that more will be too much, even though I'm actually getting way too little. If I could get a whole dose in one hit it would be nice.
Electric Kool-Aid
#5 Posted : 2/19/2012 12:16:59 AM
I think what needs to be done is to keep doing it. If you take a hit and lay back and you realize its not enough, then take some more and lay back. Just keep repeating until you go.

I am not very experienced in this but one huge toke took me to a weird room with a looping effect of what felt like supidity.. Haven't had time to do it since then. But my observation on how people get so many tokes, is they do many smaller ones. But I have not tested this method.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#6 Posted : 2/19/2012 2:37:23 AM
Heh...the dread feeling will always be there, it's after all a very intense experience. It's just a matter of letting it go, not clinging on to it. The quicker you manage to do that, the least time you'll be spending worrying about it. It takes a couple of tries to get the hang of it [dozens for me], I'm talking from my own personal experience, but in the end you'll end up asking yourself what exactly was it that you were so terrified of. Start slow with the dosage, work with it until you're comfortable with that, and then move up by a couple mgs (no more than +5 at a time).

Trusting your smoalking device has a huge impact too, if you don't feel good about what you're currently using, it's perfectly normal to seek alternate methods. That's ok too, experiment until you find your comfortable setup.
The truth...lies within.
#7 Posted : 2/19/2012 3:10:53 PM
Yesterday I used my MFLB and paper technique. It worked shockingly well. I didn't do it exactly like I said I would, instead I lined the bottom of the trench with paper towel and then sprinkled the dmt on top. I didn't do any big doses. Just several well spaced out small ones with gradually increasing dosages. I got up to 20 milligrams before I decided I had had enough for the day. This was all with a friend in the room. I find it much less scary with a friend there.

Also, I found music which makes dmt much less scary for me. At first I was doing it with silence. I know alot of people like to listen to "trippy" music but I found the best is 1940's jazz (as in the fallout 3 soundtrack). That music is so infectiously happy that it pretty much insures a good and relaxed mood.
#8 Posted : 2/20/2012 1:14:31 AM
Mofu wrote:
Ok, my first idea uses the "Bukket" which is a sort of accordion style waterless gravity bong. Basically use a normal choreboy ball with dmt melted in and put it in the bowl. Then operate the bukket as usual. I think this would let you get an entire dose in one hit, however it would probably be super harsh.

I have a bukket and have used it quite effectively to smoke enhanced leaf, it produces a thick dense, harsh smoke. But you get it all in one go and BAM! haha... I resorted to throat spray to help with the harshness

Then I had the same idea as you, sorta... I used a "popper tube" if you will that I stuffed the end with chore boy copper mesh and stuck into a rubber stopped with a whole in it. I then melted some on and tried.. I just cant seem to get it to work right, I never get it all at once and it is still harsh when I get some. So I have aborted that mission.

Perhaps however, as you stated in your post, just stuff a mesh ball in the bowl. It would give it more surface area and be more likely to go all in one go. I will rig this up, give this a try soon (ok maybe not that "soon" but ya) and report back
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny"

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