I've experimented with DMT 4 times now, all smoked via pipe (I would prefer a vape but none were available at any time, I might have to get a cheap one to breakthrough)
I don't know if I've ever broke through, but I have left my body once. I was exhaling my hit when my vision melted away into a bright light and I was ejected from my body and thrown into a desert in front of a great pyramid. This lasted only a few seconds before I lost control of the vision and returned to my body, but what I saw was unbelievable. Cryptic runes, maybe hieroglyphs, lined the walls of the room I was in. They glowed this bright orange color and I could never describe them in detail. They were beautiful and filled with wisdom to say the least.
The time after that, I found myself in a very dark space. Everyone around me disappeared and I found myself floating with innumerable fractals and numbers all around me. Thousands upon thousands of shifting shapes, runes, and numbers. These two gear like shapes with runes all over them were spinning so fast, and they brought me closer to this black cube that was spinning on one of it's points. On the cube were some matrix looking stuff lining the cube and moving in parallel to each other. I could tell this cube was full of information, and I wasn't really understanding what I saw so much as I was feeling it inside of me and just knowing. I cannot recall the experience fully anymore.
Then, the next time I did it I almost threw up from smoking (The trip came on extremely hard, I was practically crippled as a circular black orb with those same cryptic runes "hit" me in my solar plexus. I closed my eyes because I could not handle reality and after a few minutes the nausea subsided. I have never felt more purified, more unified, than that moment. I felt one with the entire universe, I felt at peace and like I just knew something.
These trips are not the main topic of my discussion though, I am curious after reading up on the Lemurians and Atlantis about Thoth and his emerald tablets (Are the emerald tablets real?) I wish to know more about Hyperspace and the Flower of Life.
Are any of my experiences close to breakthrough? I've only ever smoked maybe .3-.5 max, and that was always split between 3-4 people on every trip. Should I try tripping alone? What kind of auditory/meditation help should I be trying? Should it be silent? Close my eyes? Etc?
I want to become enlightened, not on DMT but in this realm of reality. I'm guessing this is impossible? If so, becoming a hyperspace traveller and training my mind to understand the information I see better is fine.
I would love to hear some input about this, I created my account here specifically to get involved with this community. I want to get educated on everything there is to know about DMT, Aya, and optimizing my trips.
spicemeister wrote:You say ...I want to become enlightened, not on DMT but in this realm of reality. I'm guessing this is impossible? If so, becoming a hyperspace traveller and training my mind to understand the information I see better is fine. Just keep smoking brother... dont ever let your mind forget the magick.. it will come.. dont be afraid to go balls out and load that bowl with more than can be smoked in one sitting.. dont listen to that garbage about burning your spice either.. load it up .. blaze the hell out of it and hit it hard.. hold until your lungs are gonna burst.. if you do this and practice .. you can master the art of the one hit breakthrough... or order some rue seeds do a simple ammonia extraction on them and pour the goop on a pile of spice.. let it dry together and blaze it, but ever so gently.. you must be careful with maoi's but they are the key to the dmt door .... peace and godspeed. by the way... some will undoubtedly call me irresponsible for the above mentioned post but i swear you cant die from a huge hit of dmt ... it just wont happen.. or else im either immortal or dead and just dont know it  I think I've got a little bit of training before I just decide to go all out. I don't doubt 1 hit breakthroughs are possible, through my biggest hits I only need 2 or 3 before I'm unwilling to smoke anymore. I need to get better at handling the trip, eliminating the fear and anxiety of the onset, and better at focusing and meditating while tripping before I pull a stunt like that. Are rue seeds an MAOI inhibitor? I'm guessing if it is, the trip would last hours? I would like to try that.
XavonNG wrote:I was exhaling my hit when my vision melted away into a bright light...
I want to become enlightened, not on DMT but in this realm of reality. Well, you just wrote you became enlightened. There it is! Poof! You see the Light and there is your enlightenment. What else did you expect? Superpowers? No, You just realize that you're the light and that's it, man! Peace ;]
I do not agree on the superpowers part
You still expect them? 
That balls to the wall approach will bite you in the ass. Not recommended. I suggest adding Ayahuasca vine into the mix In some form. Work in gradually , the vine increases Enlightenment potential ten fold. It's a true teacher. Work on the lessons in this reality. Daily practice of love And gratitude creates the environment of potential enlightenment Whatever that word means . No expectation, no judgement The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208
I expect nothing, they come as a "by product"
Nothing special though, we all have them I guess, you just need to remember.
Oh, and I have not done DMT yet, but I share experiences familiar like the DMT experience, that's what got me interested. Some days I wake up 'tripping' so hard the only thing in my mind is "act normal" "act normal" when I go outside to act out my 'normal' life.
Cheers, Sim.
I am experience the same feelings of anxiety before take-off. It takes courage to load and smoke enough spice to breakthrough. Until just recently I had not smoked spice and was extremely anxious before even trying it out. But as I exhaled the first hit I was welcomed back to the vibrating realm of light. I've begun ritualizing my smoking place by playing soft ambient music, lighting incense, low light, and geometric tapestries on the walls. Prepare the sacrament before hand, gathering the smoking device and charging the bowl. I measure out both a half a cone first and a full cone for breakthrough. Get totally comfortable, making sure to have a place to lay down if you need to. Then rip it slowly but light the entire bowl keeping the flame from touching the herb. Keep pulling as long as possible and hold it in until you cant any longer. If that does not work hit it again or load more if its spent. Changa or enhanced leaf is easy to dose and handle while in an altered state. All posts from the avatar FancyThat are purely fictional in nature and should be treated as such.
Felnik wrote:That balls to the wall approach will bite you in the ass. Not recommended. I suggest adding Ayahuasca vine into the mix In some form. Work in gradually , the vine increases Enlightenment potential ten fold. It's a true teacher.
Work on the lessons in this reality. Daily practice of love And gratitude creates the environment of potential enlightenment Whatever that word means .
No expectation, no judgement I definitely want to try the straight ayahuasca tea/whatever it is blend one day but I need to prepare my mind for such an intense and long trip like that. So weening myself onto like that would probably be a good idea. On topic, any other opinions on what I've seen and experienced? What the fuck am I seeing when I trip, I can't even put how perfect the fractals are into words. They're always so cryptic, like I'm supposed to understand but I can't.
spicemeister wrote:Just keep smoking brother... dont ever let your mind forget the magick.. it will come.. dont be afraid to go balls out and load that bowl with more than can be smoked in one sitting.. dont listen to that garbage about burning your spice either.. load it up .. blaze the hell out of it and hit it hard.. hold until your lungs are gonna burst.. if you do this and practice .. you can master the art of the one hit breakthrough... by the way... some will undoubtedly call me irresponsible for the above mentioned post but i swear you cant die from a huge hit of dmt ... it just wont happen.. or else im either immortal or dead and just dont know it  Alrighty then... This is uproariously stupid bullshit advice that no one here should listen to. Spicemeister is undoubtedly the Dumbass Formerly Known as The Spiceman, who can be found in this redonkulous thread claiming to have broken through over 50,000 times. He goes on to say that he posts so seldom because he rarely comes out of hyperspace: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=18540Please, people, do not be cavalier with DMT. Too large a dose WILL put a hurting on you. Cross that threshold (whatever it is) and you will damn well wish that you hadn't. Liars aside, be careful out there. There's no room for bravado with this.
koldj wrote:You still expect them?  It's not whether you know the light, it's what you do with that knowledge ; ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
Spilling coffee trough my nostrils mostly...