I'm looking for music along the lines of pink floyd's intro to the song, time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V71MQEUJKYthe drum beat and guitar was great for my first trip, but the vocals kinda threw me off and made me wander off, open my eyes, and cause me to not breakthrough leaving me with an experience of only being dragged by a mysterious lady wearing lime green and white... dragging me somewhere, through rooms.... who knows where  SWIM is hoping to break through tomorrow with another 50mg dose, should SWIM play music while being with a friend of his or complete silence, and if so what music ? links please.
I'm pretty sure you wont find any other band in the world that goes along the lines of pink floyd. Set the bar kinda high there 
DeMenTed wrote:I'm pretty sure you wont find any other band in the world that goes along the lines of pink floyd. Set the bar kinda high there  haha mmkay well what I was thinking of is some GOA ambient music that has the kind of beat with little drum tapping and guitar in there... just can't find any song  or just silence 
Pete Namlook and Klaus Schulze did a series called "the dark side of the Moog", all Moog synthesizer music inspired by Floyd (one of them is called "Obscured By Klaus", for example). All great material, I shroomed to one of them a few years back and it was electrifying, incredible visuals. No vocals- vocals on trip music have to be just right in order to not break the spell.
That ambient-ish intro by Pink Floyd is quite nice, didn't realise those guys did that kind of music. Closest from my collection I can recall right away is couple of songs from Klaus Hoffmann-Hook & Bernd Wosteinrich collaboration "Conundrum". Especially tracks Bowed Visions, Conundrum, Swarmandel. Its all about these kind of beats + classical ambient elements in the background, although take a while to kick its usually in the 2nd half of the song. No lyrics ofcourse. Its not on youtube but available electronically otherwise. Also "Journey of One" by Steve Roach has tribal drum + ambient there as well. edit(track#13 stands out especially) INFORMATION No input signal
Grails is one of my favorite bands! Om is good, too. Check out this website, although not all of it is chill, a lot of it is. tripjam.blogspot.com You can download albums by clicking on the album names, find some stuff you like! ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
I just heard this album "metallic spheres" by The Orb, freaturing Floyd's David Gilmour- possibly his final foray into the studio. It's 3 long songs, mostly The Orb's brand of trippy ambient, with plenty of Floydian guitar layered over it- good stuff, could be in the neighborhood of what you're looking for.
Ever listen to any tribal drumming? Check out drums of passion by Babatunde Olatunji. Not sure if its exactly what youre looking for, but I certainly like to listen to it while I trip! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gSBOy50dbwEdit: Just re-read your post. For dmt, I like stuff like shpongle and ozric tentacles, with the volume VERY low. I dont like to go to hyperspace in silence, but if the music is loud its too much. Some on here say they like silence, but for some reason for me it almost seems to be too overwhelming to go in complete silence. I would recommend playing something like shpongle, but keeping the volume very low, then experimenting to see what you like. I like the tribal drumming while on shrooms. Nice and loud so I can dance around to it
Interstellar Overdrive is an outstanding Pink Floyd tune for entheogenic experiences (and "normal" experiences!). I am also a big fan of tribal drumming for a variety of reasons. The first time I experienced ayahuasca I remember listening to Glitch by Blind Melon & really getting into the drums. In my opinion though, as far as tribal/primal sounds (particularly drumming (and everything else actually)) TOOL is an incredible experience. I recently had an extremely interesting experience, and was listening to Reflection by tool. It was honestly the most incredibly profound experience of my entire life. I could hear every resonance in every note (don't know if that makes sense, but "they" told me to not even bother trying to describe things in our insufficient language), and hear/see it splinter off into infinite audio-fractals. I soon realized that many of these fractal audio offshoots (that until now I just thought were intriguing background sounds for enhancing an entheogenic experience) were not even music at all, so much as a constant streaming of communication with these (and various other) entities. I was honestly walking around speechless and with a shit-eating (apologize for the language, but felt it necessary to illustrate in this circumstance) grin for an entire day.
My most recent experience was to Sigur Ros's "Untitled 8" it was beautiful. I'd also recommend the band Quest for Fire... very PF esque. Hope you like 'em “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
I can't give you anything similar to that but i can give you some bands that are good
raised by swans- very mellow and nice Sphongle space buddha bizzare contact
Kike May wrote:I'm looking for music along the lines of pink floyd's intro to the song, time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V71MQEUJKYthe drum beat and guitar was great for my first trip, but the vocals kinda threw me off and made me wander off, open my eyes, and cause me to not breakthrough leaving me with an experience of only being dragged by a mysterious lady wearing lime green and white... dragging me somewhere, through rooms.... who knows where  I had a similar experience when setting Tool's 'Eulogy' intro for one of my journeys. All was going great until the lyrics kicked in, and then the journey became very distorted an hard to follow. Another comment was dead on with saying that matching Pink Floyd's ambiance is setting a high bar, but that particular Tool song has always been divine in altered states for me  Did another journey with a couple of Fatboy Slim remixes, and was surprised that the vocals had a very different effect - they incorporated into the journey rather than distracting from it or causing excessive tangents. "Get Up! Go Insane!" and "Magic Carpet Ride" were the two I picked for a setting, with the result being a very jovial, bright experience that I literally laughed out loud several times during. The first track has a very dramatic segue from a harsh/thrashy tone to a rich bass melody about 3min in, and the timing worked out well. The fading away of the harshness lifted me in mid-journey creating an OBE feeling, with the whole room almost seeming to twist and bend along with the bass melody. Volume also has played a huge role in the effect of having music playing during my journeys. As another has touched on, too high a volume can be too distracting. Using era-bud type headphones has never worked out well for me either. Only my full-range floor-speakers w/ subwoofer has a positive effect as opposed to silence.
I don't know if anyone has heard Ozric Tentacles, but I haven't seen them mentioned yet. Probably my favorite trip music, as they've been with me since before my first trip. Overtly psychedelic, jammy-rock with a LOT of synths. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJJd32AwZUo
Anything mellow and cool is the best IMO.
Definitely check out Karmic Society. Very Floyd-esque.
Just had my first Serious experience. I used the wonderful DMT Diagram of droplets to give me some invaluable pointers for settings, moods, music, lighting, etc. I also used a track I got off youtube of meditation stuff that was all instrumental with sitar, ocean waves, etc. It swept me away and then some. Was very curious as to the role music/audio is playing in other explorers journey's with the Spirit Molecule. I have the 10 minute audio file that I just looped while meditating, running up to the spice vapor ingest. I had it rolling thruout my experience and for the reentry phase. It was incredible, and I believe, helped to facilitate my 1st "breakthru" Let me know if I can help!! NEO2012 I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........
The above refers to the fictitious 'I'