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Theory of Everything... what ya think? (warning: looong) Options
Xavi Li
#1 Posted : 2/16/2012 5:11:59 PM
I'd like to present a theory for thought, one in which I've come up with since an amazing trip I've had. I'd like hear whatever anyone has to say on the matter, and have also come along way from this, but would like to give a precursor to my thoughts so, Here it goes:

So say the probability of life besides life on earth exists. Let's also say that it's more advanced than us. So theoretically it has surpassed the it's own singularity and is beyond what we can conceive.

Now lets go to the first life form that was able to do this. Let's just call them the Progenitor Race. Now this Progenitor Race surpasses singularity and can essentially pool all the info and consciousness of all the "life forms" to create a collective consciousness of information.

If we were on earth and humans were the progenitor race, essentially it would be similar I guess to everyone "linking up" to something similar to the internet. This would theoretically mean all of the progenitor race were "linked up" to each other sharing ever bit of info and what not with every"one".

Now this is similar IMO to something like a crown chakra or Undus Mundus. So now we have this crown chakra of collective conciousness. The ability to "do" anything essentially. Now what happens next? The Progenitor race achieved the ultimate reality, what then? After billions of years of creating galaxies and what not, I imagine it would be "boring" or something to that effect.

Now what would we miss more than anything? What would we "want" more than anything? We are immortal. We are together. We are all powerful, all knowing. Sure it would be "fun" but then the "boring" would set in.

Essentially, I think we would miss the time before singularity. The time before omniscience, before immortality. But we have the power to do anything. Anything. So I presume that what the progenitor race would do is recreate the experience they went through to get there. The "human experience" or the "life experience". This way they could experience all the wonderment all over again.

They could be alone with their own thoughts with their own "self". This has several implications then. They would have to develop someway of not understanding this such as development of an "ego" or whatever, for example to "get in the way" of discoveries at least for as long as possible. Because essentially they know that whatever they created would inevitably be headed toward their own singularity point.

Now a couple things to think about. What would it be that they took for granted the most before they reached their singularity? I can think of a couple things. One of the most important IMO would be the fact that we wouldn't be "connected" to "everyone". This has implications: Now that theyre no longer "connected" they can experience the "experience" to the fullest. This means everything about the experience including learning new things, creativity, ideas, etc.

Ultimately what do you get to do when your not "connected" to "everyone"? You get to start "connecting" to "everyone" Now at the beginning of humanity (still correlating humanity and the progenitor race) we had no internet or anything but we still could "connect" to one another, through "relationships". Think of the feeling of friendship, or the feeling of a relationship between you and a significant other. They would not (speculating here) be able to experience this with their connectiveness in the crown chakra (maybe they could but definitely in a different way)

So what I'm getting at is that they would ultimately miss "Love" or the idea of it anyway. Think about the feelings of this complex emotional response. It picks us way up, it connects us so deeply. Similar to just a portion of the crown chakra (speculating). But the discovery of love, "butterflies in stomach etc) is so wonderful, as well as the love of a friend, and the bond that is created between the two entities, or just the realization and experience of Love.

After all that it seems similar again to McKenna and some of the stuff he says. But after thinking about it, I realized that in my search for something "more" maybe the "human experience" is what I should be focusing on more than the "more". Because if we inevitably become the crown chakra only to try to recreate what I already have, then I'm missing out on so much while I'm "looking" for the crown chakra. This thought brought me to literal tears. I thought about all whom I love in this life and how much they mean to me and how I've taken for granted the bond I've created with these dear ones. It also puts a dramatic effect on this reality, and my ability to make the best out of it.

I continued thinking about this and trying to relate it to my life as much as possible, as I am at a crossroads being 22 and having no idea what to do with my life, and learning all these things and coming up with all of these theories on existence and whatnot. What I came up with is that: If ultimately "I" am going to want to be here and "experience" it all, then I shouldn't take advantage of these things such as "love". My goal has now become to do the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people, no matter what it has to do with (career, conversations, helping others, friendships, relationship etc.) essentially spreading Love to all while doing so. I've only been at it for a day now, but I can tell this realization has had such a dramatic effect on me. My appreciation for all this life is and has to offer has skyrocketed.

Okay so that's "part 1" or "the cycle path" as I'd like to call it. So we can split this up because I'd like to know YOUR THOUGHTS so far?

.. Okay so let's suppose that the singularity is about to occur. So essentially we are going to be at a point where so much information is going to be available in our "dimension" or "frame of mind" or "perception" or "world" or whatnot. This is going to eventually (speculating) get to a point where this information cannot be contained in the "system" we're (humanity) are apart of.

I think this is similar to something dealing with "entropy" or some idea of it anyways. So theoretically this would be a massive amount of information, right? I mean essentially "all" information, would be discovered.

Let's theoretically consider that information has mass (I've had it explained to me and will cite the info if anyone is interested in this "theory of info mass), so essentially this place (earth) would be a considerably dense place then because of all the "matter" or "info-matter" or whatever you wanna call it.

Now what phenomenon exists where there is so much density we can't even conceive of it? A black hole. Now the point in which we can't see past in a black hole is dubbed a "singularity point" exactly what the one we've been referencing is named after. This is a bizarre coincidence that I'm going to elaborate on for us. Back to earth.. So essentially we approach the technological singularity point and as it comes my theory would be that at that point, we would initiate the production of an actual black hole.

Now let's speculate this event and coincide it with the things I've previously talked about. First about black holes: We've seen several or at least know that several have existed for many years located in different spots throughout the so far observable universe, and we can conclude that there is a good possibility more exist.

Now assume this collection of massive amounts of information does cause this black hole. What then? We know hardly a thing about black holes and can only speculate at this point, so here I go. Given the fact that many black holes are around the galaxy, what if those are just civilizations of life that are reaching their singularity points causing black holes that are enveloping everything around them. Where would they then go?

Suppose this was their "transcendence". They theoretically would "return" to the crown chakra, which is where they "came" from before they got to "experience" "life". Now apply that to us, we will then, after the singularity, transcend and join "ourselves" in the "crown chakra". This place would then have to be outside our "dimension" or reality.

Which brings me into string theory. Or better yet "m-theory" because this is the one that I feel has it most understood to this point in time.
I'm a little rusty on this, lets face it it's a lot to grasp so feel, free to help me out with my translation of the theory.

So essentially if what is mathematically proven is true then our world perception right now as a human being is that of 4 dimensions: 1. Up and Down 2. Left and Right 3. Forward and Backward 4. Time Now the for the theory to be correct that means that their are actually 7 more dimensions than these 4 bringing our total to 11.

It also theorizes that along with these 11 dimensions there are basic "building blocks" of all that exists of everything in the universe.
I heard a good analogy to describe how small of a measurement of these "building blocks" were and it goes a little something like this:

Suppose you were to supersize an atom to the size of our galaxy the milky way, the size we're talking about is the size of a tree on earth, so thats pretty small.
But at this level there are things that are string-like, so they just went with a simple name and named em strings. These strings vibrate and essentially are responsible for the creation or existence rather of everything. Your house, the chair your sitting on, monkeys, tigers, rabbits, protozoa, amoebas, everything...

Now that's a little of the basics, but essentially everything we need to continue..
So now we look at this and can deduce that these "strings" are responsible from everything from a car battery to a solar system. So what are these things? Well I speculate that they are "us" or "we" are "them". Let me explain. We achieve this singularity point, create a black hole, and warp out of our 11 dimensions back to the crown chakra, and you can see now that the process can repeat itself, I guess, for infinity...

When the process is repeated however (this part I'm still putting together) or the black hole is created, on the other side it may be something similar to the big bang. This would explain the amount of energy needed to create a universe, because essentially you would have every single bit of information that could possibly exist in one location causing not only the black hole but the bang itself.

This could in turn project consciousness back throughout the universe again and we could "start over" or re-experience everything again, including love and everything else I said previously.
Now its got a little bit of holes i know, but I've just been putting it together over the last couple of days, and boy is Mckenna really freaking me out. I watched his DMT trip and essentially (warning: this is pretty weird) it sounded like to me that after he hit it like 3 times and broke through the crysanthimum and was greeted by the "beings" or "entities" I began relating everything to string theory. He spoke of them as "jewelled self-dribbling basketballs" or "strings" IMHO.

Let's look at their similarities. Mckenna states that they can "sing" and vibrate things into existence. Things that aren't improbable but impossible. An example that comes to my mind that he might of seen is them creating a galaxy or something to that effect.

The "strings" of string theory can essentially do the same thing. Their vibrations give specific attributes to things and can essentially be seen as creating objects, because after all they are apart of every atom that we can conceive of.

I'm thinking that the crown chakra may be like the 'hive' for these strings or whatever you wanna call it. But these infinite processes we go through (building of civilization and reaching singularities) just repeat and we can see evidence in our universe of this happening (black holes)
So when Mckenna broke through the crysanthimum, he transported his consciousness into their "realm" or "hive" or whatever. And they seemed so happy of his arrival hinting that few of "him" ever arrive there and they do it so seldom.

This had me thinking about other forms of counscious exploring activities, for example meditiation. In deep meditation theoretically then you could transcend yourself into the crown chakra, or "astral project" yourself into it or what not.

So this has been going on forever in the history of humanity. I mean isn't hinduism and tibetan buddhism and shamanism all things that have to do with stuff like "astral projection"?
I'm merely connecting some dots that are already there and it just seems now that the universe is speaking to me!! My friend and I laughed about how giddy they must be if "they're" looking down on us now and seeing that we're figuring all this out. Then I realized "we" technically are "them" so we're essentially talking/laughing to/about OURSELVES Pleased

How does all that sound?
#2 Posted : 2/16/2012 7:05:33 PM

If I had one question it would be "why" are you thinking about this?
What is it that you want to know?
Xavi Li
#3 Posted : 2/16/2012 8:37:33 PM
Well let's see, those we're just some thoughts I've been having and was wondering if anyone wanted to comment on them. I feel like I've been "growing" exponentially, and these thoughts don't really "matter" per-say anymore; on the level that I'm not really "searching" or wanting to "know" anything, anymore. Since the beginning of these thoughts, I've been on an incredible journey that's led to my acceptance of myself in this universe, and I guess the "discovery" of my "true self". I'm not really sure how to put it, but I think the buddhists, and followers of tao know a couple ways to put it. As for the theories, their just some thoughts I'd like to talk about with others, If anyone had anything to share back, I guess? I really hope I answered your question, I'm not really sure of any other way to put it.
#4 Posted : 2/16/2012 9:21:17 PM
Hey Xavi Li!

I have read your theory of everything. Let me start by complementing you for consciously thinking about this kind of stuff – it makes you wonder and grow.

However, I would like to help you think further by giving the following reflection:

It seems as if you don’t fully grasp the concept of 11 dimensions (nobody does Smile). I would kindly suggest you to watch this guy explaining the concept and see for yourself either it will give you new insights:




Good luck with your theories and keep us informed if you get new ideas!
I took the red pill.
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