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Injected or IV DMT Options
#1 Posted : 2/15/2012 6:01:57 AM
I have a few questions my fellew nexus community.
Don't worry your giving information to a very responsible person.

1. How safe would it be to inject DMT compared to smoking it?
2. If I were to follow through with this, would you recomend acacia confusa (taking NNT in regard) or Mimosa or any otheers?
3. Where would I get syringes? And would I need to do a salt water flush afterwards?
4. I love you. Lol wasn't expecting that were you?
5. I only want to do this because it seems that it will last longer and be able to learn more without having to spend 4 hours in an ayuasca adventure. I want the pure stuff.
6. oh and how would i need to extract it to make the salt form (I'vE been reading dmt-the spirit molecule) any suggestions for an extraction would be awsome. Thank you in advance...
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#2 Posted : 2/15/2012 6:09:47 AM
if you have to ask this here you should probably not be doing this. No offence but you should not be thinking about DMT IV at this point IMO. For you to even ask about where to get syringes, what plant source to extract from etc is a clear indication that you do not have the knowledge required to go about IV DMT in a safe way. You dont even know how to precip DMT fumerates at this point and for anyone here to encourage you to try to IV something you extract yourself would be reckless. You do NOT want to put that stuff in your arm you do not have enough experience with purification etc..too many variables here that make this sooooo unsafe.

You can take DMT sublingually with harmalas if you like for a shorter experience than orally, or you can snuff it. Both are longer than vaped DMT and shorter than oral DMT.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 2/15/2012 6:13:12 AM
Yea your probably right I bought mimosa once and used the poor mans food grade tek to no avail. I kinda like the whole Idea of it though. I appreciate your honesty jamie.
#4 Posted : 2/15/2012 6:39:57 AM
You don't want naptha or a sandwich crumb running up your veins. Not a good idea at all, think about it. Sublingual harmalas, as jamie said, would be a much better idea for a home experiment Pleased
The truth...lies within.
#5 Posted : 2/15/2012 6:43:49 AM
Your gonna get alot of people saying don't do it. I actually agree if you're asking those kinda questions. I do it, but I have 14+ years experience mainlining drugs. I sometimes get asthma attacks after smoking, don't have any maoi's for oral, don't like snorting, and refuse to IM (it hurts, and can cause absesses).

So anyway, to me, it feels alot cleaner. I always refused to shoot dmt at first because I'm a recovering H addict and the whole ritual I thought would bring bad vibes into the trip. But thinking about it while in hyperspace, I feel I was told to go this route and I would be rewarded.

Because of my experience I have a technique. First!!! Make sure you have super clean DMT fumarate. My IV batch is perfect. Re x'ed several times ect. ect. Always use a new clean needle! They are free at needle exchanges or super cheap at pharmacys. That's why I'm still alive, don't have any diseases, or track mark/collapsed veins after all my years of abuse.

I weigh my dose and consider you need slightly more with fumarate (don't even know the percentage) but I did 40 mgs. last time. I use distilled h2o, boil it, and use the least amount of water I can to make for a quick shot. I put a bandage halfway on with an alchohol swab on it, and inject it as far from my brain as I can (my hand). I push it in quick, put the needle in a preplanned container next to me, slap the bandage on all in about 3 seconds. Then I have 7 seconds approximately to lay down or whatever.

I have to admit, smoking it is a little more intense. And the duration is the same.

I am going to repeat that I'm not recommending this, just answering a question for educational purposes. I am very responsible with IV use. I had a babysitter and a small dose on my first experiment, but don't like people in the room with me when I voyage. So I had to be able to do it myself.

I'd just suggest stick to smoking, or oral. Needles are usually the best way to administer drugs if done correctly, but it's just a bad scene to get into if you've never done it.
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
#6 Posted : 2/15/2012 9:08:35 AM
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