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A Little input please.............Newbie assistance..............and input Options
The Observer
#1 Posted : 2/12/2012 7:27:08 AM
SWIM tried smoking DMT for the first time recently, and not having anyone of experience to assist, tried smoking with a regular glass shaped pipe and put the spice thru the hole in the bowl so it was sitting in the bottom of the glass pipe envelope.
Used a Bic lighter and initially heated the glass from the bottom until a wisp of smoke was visible coming out of the top of the pipe, at which point tried a direct flame into the bowl hole...............
didn't seem to end up with much visible smoke and didn't seem to get enuf to do the trick.

Trial #2
Got 3 short small cylindrical straight glass tube pipe and sandwiched some spice with herb and split the spice into 3 piles, each of which ended up in one of the 3 tubes. I did this thinking I could then hit each one hard and exhaust one and move to the next.
didn't end up with enuf to breakthru

Used a standard cheap regular shaped metal pipe and sandwiched what I thought was a full dose in that pipe.
I seemed to get the best hit and definately got further than previous times. Made it to the tube, or the gateway, but was able to find an equilibrium which kept me from being pulled in, as I wanted to take in what I was seeing at the time on this side of hyperspace...........
My quarter ran out before i ended up getting past there.........

Ordered a GVG since I couldn't find one locally, but also purchased a wood VG to use until GVG shows up.
This for sure allowed for the hugest volume of visible smoke, and definately the smoothest, almost tasteless inhalation. It was so easy on the lungs, I had to exhale slightly after taking the hits to make sure I got something to hold in.
I got so much smoke on the first hit, i think it almost scared me that I shouldn't take more hits because of the huge volume I got initially.
Bad call...........never made it as far as the last time.

Once again with the VG woodman, this time loaded it up with what I thought would be sufficient for hyperspace, which was probably double what I had previously used.
Upon taking the first huge hit or two, I experienced something very similar to what I've seen in some movies, such as Inception, I think with Leo DeCaprio. My whole visible world with a second vibrated at such a fast speed, it felt like I was about to vibrate all the molecules so quick that I would instantly be transformed to another dimension.........
By far the strongest and most intense experience so far, even though I didn't end up with the geometric visuals, colors, etc. that I had encountered in trial#3
It feels like if this trial had been a bit larger dose, I would have vibrated into hyperspace...........
I never made it there...............

Any input or thoughts............I think I'm almost there, but feel I need substantially larger amounts than I have seen people claim to need for hyperspace..................My understanding is that you really shouldn't have to worry about taking too large of a dose, because you will supposedly not be able to inhale too much before you jump to warp speed..........

When the hold world vibrated violently and so quickly, I am pretty sure I was critically close to making it across.

Was also wondering if peoples experiences seem to level out as dose increases, or does the experience continue to escalate as the dosage is increased.

From reading many accounts, it sounds like most people don't mention degrees of intensely, or levels of dimensional travel. I only see references to breakthru or not...........with not degree of worlds, dimensions, or realities other than that specific difference.

thanks in advance for any and all insight, suggestions, or otherwise you can share with me..............

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
Electric Kool-Aid
#2 Posted : 2/12/2012 7:37:13 AM
Hello and welcome. I can not be of hellp. But someone will come help you I am sure! Sounds like you are on the right track. Do you have a scale for measuring your doses? This might help more, guessing itsnt always the best.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
The Observer
#3 Posted : 2/12/2012 7:45:21 AM
I procured a cheap mg scale that at small amounts is plus or minus up to 20mg. I measured what was supposed to be about 50 to 60 mg.....however went up to about 100mg so i think at most so far............DARN..............

best I can do. However, after using that initially I have probably doubled what I am trying, and feel I am very close, perhaps so close a few more seconds of holding it may do it...................

Strassman spoke of 100mg as a max dose he was giving, and some forum folk are saying they get to hyperspace using GVG with 25mg...........

I think I need more or something!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
#4 Posted : 2/12/2012 7:53:36 AM
If you require a excessively larger dose i'd look at vaporizing technique.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#5 Posted : 2/12/2012 8:05:24 AM
i have read stories of people who have said they can not break through when under the effects of thc,

have you tried a good dose with a "clean" body?

also i read someplace talking of how quickly your body builds an immunity to dmt (not permanent immunity) and that you needed to deliver enough spice to break through in the course of 30 sec. or your tolerance would build up and you would have to wait an hour for your body to process any remaining dmt before you could make a successful attempt.

this is not first hand only some reading i recall hope it helps at all.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#6 Posted : 2/12/2012 1:37:40 PM
NEO2012 wrote:

Any input or thoughts............I think I'm almost there, but feel I need substantially larger amounts than I have seen people claim to need for hyperspace..................My understanding is that you really shouldn't have to worry about taking too large of a dose, because you will supposedly not be able to inhale too much before you jump to warp speed..........

When the hold world vibrated violently and so quickly, I am pretty sure I was critically close to making it across.

Was also wondering if peoples experiences seem to level out as dose increases, or does the experience continue to escalate as the dosage is increased.

From reading many accounts, it sounds like most people don't mention degrees of intensely, or levels of dimensional travel. I only see references to breakthru or not...........with not degree of worlds, dimensions, or realities other than that specific difference.

Those vibrations you experienced are part and parcel of hyperspace. They're not necessarily indicative of going somewhere. Hyperspace acts and communicates through frequencies whether they be audio, visual (buzzing and colors?) or tactile. I enjoy these buzzing sensations very much so.

As you increase dosage, the experience most certainly continues to escalate the more you increase dosage. The higher your dosage, the more it seems to be completely other drugs because its activity and character can be so radically altered. I think the reason people don't tend to speak of degrees of intensity or levels of dimension is because these are objective qualities for which we're not really in a place to make judgment. After all, how can you tell if you're in the sixth dimension or the seventh? Is this really important anyway? The DMT experience has about as much variation as you can get, but categorizing them seems a bit useless and unnecessary to me. The term breakthrough is a very arbitrary one, and I'm sure if a bunch of us could go back in time, we'd prevent it from ever being applied to the experience. Worry not about breakingthrough or what level you'll attain. All the experiences you have whether intense or not, visual or not, all serve at least several purposes. One main purpose being that you can increase the dosage all you want, but if you haven't accustomed yourself with a variety of effects at some of the lower-medium ranges, when the big train comes rolling through, you'll get scared, lock up, resist, and you'll be deprived of the real magic of high dose hyperspace if you'd manage to let go, and go with whatever the molecule tosses your way.

NEO2012 wrote:

Strassman spoke of 100mg as a max dose he was giving, and some forum folk are saying they get to hyperspace using GVG with 25mg...........

I don't recall Strassman giving 100mg (was this maybe in the initial trials when he was trying to figure out dosage?), but in either case you're talking about different routes of administration. Although I would expect intravenous DMT of such purity to be more effective, nevertheless, 25mg is all I need for a reality shattering contact with the godhead. Here's a couple things to consider. You're using the wooden VG for the moment, so you can't see your vapor filling, so you're not getting the most out of your doses. When you get your GVG, this process should become much easier. Also whenever you use either the VG or the GVG, you'll want to use a torch lighter and not a bic. The reason for this is twofold: You want to apply the heat as fast as you can so the DMT vaporizes quickly and you fill, clear, and absorb the maximum amount. The bic will also leave soot in your ceramic filter and will start to create blockages in airflow making both vaporization and pulling of DMT vapor all the more difficult. Look into getting yourself an Arc Torch lighter. I went through 3 butane lighters myself that were all more expensive than the Arc that were all terrible because most butanes aren't designed to be lit upside down which is necessary for using the VG/GVG and the Arc is designed to be used at any angle and has never given me any of the frustration the others did with their frequent malfunctioning. Make sure you're holding your hits in for like 15-20 seconds. If you exhale and you can still see vapor, you can still hold it in for longer. When you exhale, you should see nothing. Also, when you clear the VG/GVG, make sure to take a quick inhalation of air in at the end which will both cool off the lungs a bit as well as making sure that all the DMT makes it down into your lungs and doesn't get stuck in your mouth/throat where it won't take much effect.

Also, I'm not sure how you have your VG set up, and this applies to the GVG as well, but if you just put DMT in there without using screens and a mesh or screens and an ash or herb bed, then when the DMT turns to liquid (which is pretty much instantaneous as you'll be able to see for yourself when the GVG arrives), it will just leak straight through, and the further away it gets from the ceramic filter, the more likely that it won't be vaporized, or it will certainly require more prolonged heat to vaporize it. In any case, you shouldn't be smoking 100mg DMT, and you most definitely should not be smoking 200mg. If you think you need these large doses, it's most likely cause your smoking technique is off in one way or another. As you continue to refine your smoking technique, point by point, the experience should become exponentially easier to get exponentially deeper with much smaller doses. Also, you most definitely should have to worry about taking too large a dose. You may not have to fear that you will die from an overdose, but it's certainly far from pleasant, and if vaporized right could potentially be traumatic. If you look around the Nexus, there are plenty of disaster stories and my guess is that 90% of them are primarily from too large a dose. In any case, good luck, keep us posted, and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
The Observer
#7 Posted : 2/12/2012 4:06:35 PM

What great comprehensive replies.................

Special thanks to Global..................

I really appreciate your input.

such an incredible "thing"...........(don't know how to put into words....I have no words that are worthy!)

will keep you all informed of my progress..............

Come on...........GVG..............

I lucked out..............where I ordered mine on Friday, they had just started carrying the GVG, and didn't know what price for sure, so they sent me my brand new GVG for $60 including shipping...........brand new..........

I think I got a slamming deal...........

More to come.............

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
The Observer
#8 Posted : 2/12/2012 4:10:05 PM
This may be a common feeling for some, but I keep getting the feeling that I am going "home" when I have these experiences.................

I know many people get a Deja Vu type of feeling, however, mine is very strong as if I belong and came from another dimension...............


I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
Herba Luisa
#9 Posted : 2/13/2012 11:55:08 AM
With the right smoking technique: 25-30mg in the GVG in 1-2 Hits is enough to breakthrough.
It is essential to hold the vapor for at least 20-30sec (or longer).

I vape 25mg in one hit - hold the it as long as possible - close my eyes - let myself go - and welcome the Tryptamin Trance!
#10 Posted : 2/13/2012 12:41:04 PM
Just keep experimenting, maybe up your dosage a little bit, etc. It can take a little while to get the hang of, I know it took me more than a few tries to really get the hang of vaping DMT. You'll get there!


The Observer
#11 Posted : 2/14/2012 12:54:26 PM
As a very brief update.........

Holy shit.............

Not quite sure what happened last night.........

But needless to say, I disappeared........

It felt like I melted completely...............

Not even sure that my conscious mind was aware of anything that could be verbalized...........

Maybe I was toooooooo astonished to take in what was laid before me................

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
Senior Member
#12 Posted : 2/14/2012 9:05:24 PM
Hey Neo,
Just a hint, you will probably be promoted faster if you lay off the swear words and excessive periods Pleased
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